Event Service Manager 会议服务经理
发布于 2021-08-02
Event Service Manager 会议服务经理
上海 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 招1人

Check storage areas for proper supplies, organization and cleanliness. Instruct designated personnel to rectify any cleanliness/organization deficiencies.

Establish par levels for supplies and equipment. Complete requisitions to replenish shortages or additional items needed for the anticipated business.

The next day, check the previous day revenue report and inform Assistant F&B manager and or F&B manager to resolve any difference from Accounting. Analyze revenue and expense same as director / Manager.

Check and organize Banquet Event Orders in accordance with department standards. Enter any changes to charts or necessary areas

Make weekly schedule in accordance with staff assignment guidelines and business forecast. Adjust schedule to comply with any needs.

Ensure all employees are working as scheduled.

Coordinate breaks for staff. 

Check function areas and rooms for cleanliness, proper furnishings and equipments. Instruct and rectify deficiencies with respective personnel.

After the meeting with the Chef and Chief Steward, review the menu for the group and necessary equipments. Ensure that delivery time, quantity, special requests are arranged as ordered.

Assign staff to stations according to group requirements and departmental standards.

Assign work and side duties to staff in accordance with department procedures.

Communicate additions or changes as they arise throughout the shift. Identify

situations which compromise the department standard and rectify those.

Prepare station assignments according to department standard. Hold a line-up with service staff to share and review the Commitment to quality package, day’s work, set-up。

Inspect grooming and attire of staff. rectify any deficiencies.

Check, plan and ensure all equipments, wares, and service carts are ready for service. Rectify any deficiencies with respective personnel.

Check table set-up. Make sure of its cleanliness and neatness meet group requirements and department standard. Rectify any deficiencies with respective personnel.

Check bar set-up for cleanliness, organization and agreement with group requirements and department standard; resolve any problems.

Check buffet tables/ registration table/ coffee breaks for cleanliness, attractiveness, and layout. Ensure agreement with function order and department standard; resolve any problems. Ensure replenishment of items as specified on event orders or requested by group organizers.

Organize main table assembly. Assist and escort to the assigned function area.

Meet group coordinator/organizer prior to function and confirm all arrangements are agreeable.

Greet guests upon arrival and assist in seating as required by group organizer in accordance with department standard.

Direct servers on timing of service throughout function.

Communicate additional meal requirements and special request to the kitchen.

Superintendent in all service areas and function ensures that department standards are met consistently. Resolve any problems with respective personnel.

Assist staff with their job to ensure optimum service to guests.

Observe guest reactions and confer frequently with service staff to ensure guest satisfaction.

Anticipate guests’ needs respond promptly and acknowledge all guests under any situations. Work to build positive relationship with guest.

Be familiar with all hotel service/features and local attractions/activities to respond accurately to any guest inquiry.

Monitor and handle guest complaints by following the instant pacification procedures and ensuring guest satisfaction. Ability to solve guests dissatisfaction (Mr. Biv) and answer all guests correspondence by mail, email and telephone or facsimile to ensure guests satisfaction.(within 24 hours at the latest for written document)

Ensure unused food and condiments (butter, cream, etc.) are returned to the kitchen. All banquet supplies are returned to designated storage areas.

Direct to put back and clean up function room. Ensure all department standards are met.

Maintain cleanliness of equipment, supplies, working areas and condition.

In accordance with department standard, when catering sales department staff are not present, taking a record and confirm banquet reservation/ cancellation,and inform them of the change.

Ensure all duties are completed before staff sign out.

Carry out formal training program once a week to meet job standard.  Hold department orientation for new employees. Continue training for existing employees.

Give feedbacks to employees on their duty. In accordance with hotel standard, manage problems against the rules or hold counseling with employees.

Work to create better a working environment and raise motivation and productivity of staff to maximum level.

Answer all telephone/PHS calls.

Submit repair orders to Engineer when necessary.

Record pertinent information in log book.

Complete all paperwork and closing duties in accordance with department standard.

Complete training and certification check list.

Ensure proper storage of items to be kept accordingly to security and safety procedures.

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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业
 关于养云安缦 About Amanyangyun养云安缦缘起于2002年江西廖坊水库修建。 抚州,旧称临川,江西东部文脉所在,本世纪初廖坊水库的修建让当地村落饱经风霜的明清古宅和大批量的香樟树面临困境。为了避免大树古宅被水淹没,抚州籍企业家马达东先生组织了一场声势浩大的迁徙之旅。一万多棵大树被运往上海重新栽种,其中包括一棵重达80 吨的老樟树。伴随着大树,数十幢老宅被小心翼翼逐一拆分运往上海重新搭建。2009年安缦集团的加入,最终促成了大树古宅以养云安缦的形式重获新生。至此,树宅相守、天地人和。养云安缦毗邻申城繁华腹地,距离上海市中心仅45分钟车程,是一处远离喧嚣的养心之所。13栋复建的明清古宅和24间新建套房坐落于宁静的香樟树林间,为客人提供安缦式的居停下榻体验。除此之外,酒店内还有享誉盛名的安缦水疗、5个餐厅酒吧设施及独特的文化中心“楠书房”Amanyangyun’s story began 700 kilometres away in rural Fuzhou – a cultural heartland in China’s Jiangxi Province, characterised by camphor forests and historic villages. When plans for a much-needed reservoir were approved in 2002, the fate of these remnants of Old China appeared to be sealed, but Fuzhou native and philanthropist, Ma Dadong, was determined to prevent their destruction. He conceived a bold plan to relocate to Shanghai as many Ming and Qing Dynasty villas as possible, as well as 10,000 camphor trees. Aman joined the restoration project in 2009, and today, the completed Amanyangyun includes a comprehensive Aman Spa, a wide variety of restaurants and the cultural centre Nan Shufang. The ethereal camphor forest sets the tone for a peaceful, introspective retreat, where old and new, natural and man-made, coexist in perfect harmony. 关于安缦集团 About Aman安缦集团成立于1988年,致力于打造亲切谦逊,温和好客的私人居所系列。第一处安缦度假村位于泰国普吉岛的Amanpuri成功地介绍了此概念,自此之后,安缦集团不断成长并在全球建立了34处度假村:包括不丹、柬埔寨、中国、多米尼加共和国、法国、希腊、印尼、印度、意大利、日本、老挝、墨西哥、黑山、摩洛哥、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、泰国、土耳其、特克斯和凯科斯群岛、美国、越南。Aman was founded in 1988 with the vision of building a collection of intimate retreats with the unassuming, warm hospitality of a gracious private home. The first, Amanpuri in Phuket, Thailand, introduced the concept, and since then, Aman has grown to encompass 34 hotels and resorts located in Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Dominican Republic, France, Greece, Indonesia, India, Italy, Japan, Laos, Mexico,Montenegro, Morocco, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, the Turks & Caicos Islands, the USA (New York 2020) and Vietnam.我们的荣誉 Our Honor1.   2018Shanghai Wow沃画报-最佳酒店餐厅-辣竹2.   2018Shanghai Wow沃画报-最佳奢华酒店3.   2018Voyage新旅行酒店-最佳50家酒店Top 504.   2018城市旅游杂志-最佳新开业酒店5.   2018酒店婚礼杂志-婚宴场地最佳设计6.   2018璞缇客-最受欢迎酒店7.   2018时尚先生杂志-最佳酒店设计8.   2018中国酒店大奖-最佳新开业酒店9.   2019AHEAD亚洲酒店设计大奖10. 2019Conde Nast Traveler悦游-最佳景观酒店11. 2019KOL公信力金榜-最佳城市周边度假酒店12. 2019尚流Tatler-北京上海最佳餐厅-辣竹13. 2019设计选集大奖14. 最佳度假酒店-界面指南202015. Shanghai Daily-最受瞩目新开业16. 年度健身与水疗大奖-2020年中国养生与水疗颁奖礼17. 漫旅Travel + Leisure-2018漫旅中国·旅行奖18. 澳大利亚建筑师协会-商业建筑大奖19.东方卫视-年度餐厅大奖-辣竹20. 凡尔赛国际建筑大奖21. 凡尔赛国际建筑大奖222. 胡润百富-最受瞩目新开业23.时尚旅游-金选度假酒店24.中国珍贵名木保护示范基地25. 2020年Tripadvisor猫途鹰 旅行者之选奖
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
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