Regent Beijing is seeking a highly qualified candidate with rich experience of F&B and be able to lead a team to create unforgettable dining experiences for guests through thoughtful, kind, and intuitive service. It is likely the successful candidate will already be in a luxury hotel, proficient in communication and possessing excellent skills in both Chinese and English and we will give priority to candidates with a background of food & beverage management experience.
加入北京丽晶酒店获得最具市场竞争力的薪资感受王府井核心商区的繁华享受零成本拎包入住的宿舍联系方式:010-85221888-5151/5161酒店地址:北京市东城区金宝街99号简历投递:hr@regent-beijing.com每周一至周五上午9:00 - 下午4:00期待与您开启“晶”彩的职业旅程我们的酒店At the Heart of Beijing, in WangfujingStrategically located in Wangfujing, steps away from the Forbidden City and adjacent to subway line 5. The central location of Regent Beijing is perfect for leisure or business surrounded by restaurants, bars and shops. Explore the bustling Wangfujing commercial circle and the labyrinthine alleyways of the neighboring hutongs.Experience Regent Beijing’s service with Acts of Thoughtful Kindness and Decadent Moments while savoring our Forbidden City Afternoon Tea in the stunning Lobby Lounge and Bar.故宫以东 京城腹地坐落于京城闻名遐迩的王府井核心地带,距紫禁城仅举步之遥,与地铁5号线近在咫尺。北京丽晶酒店以优越的地理位置、丰富多彩的餐饮选择及满目琳琅的购物氛围,一举成为休闲及商务客人的首善之选。亦是体验熙熙攘攘的王府井商圈和四通八达京味老胡同的绝佳之地。在意境开阔的大堂酒廊,边欣赏窗外赏心悦目的景色、边怡然自得的享用声名远扬的“故宫以东”下午茶,感受北京丽晶酒店为您带来的心旷神怡之魅力时刻。了解详情,请登上:https://www.ihg.com/regent/hotels/us/en/beijing/pekjb/hoteldetail