To connect, differentiate and elevate the guest experience with extraordinary experience perks. To create an Insider Culture at the hotel - with guests, the team and the community. To anticipate and uncover what will WOW the guest. To use networks, relationships and access to connect the latest, most fashion and coolest to the W brand and the W guest.
To bring to life the W core value of ‘Insider’ for the W guest and allow W Hotels Worldwide to activate this key brand differentiator in a way that creates both valuable and memorable experiences for our guests, ultimately driving loyalty to the W brand and providing hotels a way to differentiate themselves in the ever-growing lifestyle hotel marketplace. To ensure that there is someone available at key times to focus entirely on providing guests insider tips and information on the city they are in as well as creating WOW moments (both big and small) that come to life during the guest’s experience at W.
厦门W酒店 - 流光溢彩的音乐花园W酒店作为万豪国际集团旗下备受瞩目的特色酒店品牌之一,型格登鹭。厦门又名为鹭岛,是中国东南沿海福建省一个重要的港口城市,温和的海洋性气候及海上花园城市的美誉让厦门成为备受游客喜爱的目的地之一。厦门W酒店位于厦门岛繁华的东部商圈宝龙一城大型购物中心旁。酒店拥有286间现代时尚的客房和套房以及新潮灵动的会议活动空间,以闽南传统文化元素及鹭岛自然色彩为设计灵感,点燃城市活力。诱人美食与特色鸡尾酒文化让宾客的旅途充满无限可能性。在三来闽滟中餐厅品尝粤菜及地道闽南菜式,或到别具一格的五魁九里全日餐厅体验中西混搭风味。夜幕降临,在潮堂悦境酒吧微醺,或加入酒店顶层的HEAT特色酒吧纵情狂欢,享受当下,沉浸其中。宾客们亦可在AWAY®水疗中心、FIT有型健身中心和WET碧波泳池时刻焕醒活力,努力工作之余尽情玩乐、永不疲倦,在厦门W酒店纵享海上花园城市精彩生活。