1. 熟知当天订餐情况,注意记录宾客的特别活动(如生日庆祝会),应及时向主管汇报。
2. 替宾客存取保管衣物,并询问有无贵重物品,贵重物品提醒宾客自行保管。
3. 迎接宾客,引导宾客到预订台位或宾客满意的台位。
4. 客满时,负责安排好后到的宾客,使宾客乐于等位。
5. 随时注意听取宾客的意见,及时向上级反映。
6. 随时注意在接待工作中的各种问题,及时向上级反映和协助处理。
7. 掌握和运用礼貌语言,负责接听电话,宾客电话订餐应问清楚基本信息。
8. 向客人介绍餐厅各式菜点、各种饮品和特式菜点,吸引宾客来餐厅就餐。
雅高简介Accor Introduction 作为最早进入中国市场的国际酒店管理公司之一,雅高集团于1985年即签订了第一份管理合同。29年以来,雅高集团在中国市场快速发展并于众多国内业务伙伴建立了坚实的合作关系。截至目前,雅高集团在大中华区的52个城市中共经营141家酒店,客房33,917间。在大中华区,所有雅高集团运营的酒店均坐落于主要城市,门户城市以及度假胜地,同时也正在快速地向二线及三线城市扩张。目前雅高在中国经营一系列品牌,包括索菲特传奇,索菲特,铂尔曼,美爵,美憬阁(奢华及高端),美居,诺富特,宜必思尚品和宜必思,权限覆盖从经济型到奢华型酒店市场。 As one of the pioneering international hotel management companies that operate in China, Accor signed its first management agreement in1985. With 29 years of development experience in Greater China, Accor has established strong relations with its local partners.Today, Accor operates 144 hotels in 53 cities in Greater China representing 34,389 rooms.All Accor hotels in Greater China are situated in major metropolitan areas, gateway cities, popular resort destinations, and are developing fast into emerging and vibrant cities under a range of different brands: Sofitel Legend, Sofitel(Luxury); Pullman, Grand Mercure, Mgallery, Novotel, Mercure, ibis Styles and ibis (economy), covering a full spectrum of markets.酒店简介Novotel GuiYang PanJiang Introduction 贵阳盘江诺富特饭店是由贵州能源集团投资修建的商务会议型酒店,坐落于观山湖区商业核心地段,距贵阳国际会议中心5分钟车程,驾车15分钟可达贵阳高铁站,35分钟可至龙洞堡国际机场,交通十分便利,贵阳盘江诺富特饭店拥有475间简约商务风格的客房,公共区域实现全WIFI覆盖。酒店拥有近3500平方米不同类型的宴会厅及专业会议厅。酒店餐饮以新派黔菜、湘菜、川菜、粤菜系为主,为宾客提供丰盛的美酒佳肴。酒店还配备有棋牌室、室内恒温游泳池、网球场、篮球场等休闲娱乐设施。完备的酒店设施,人性化的专业服务,都能让您的旅行生活倍感开心与惬意。 Novotel Guiyang Panjiang is a business hotel invested by Guizhou Panjiang group. Located in the commercial area of Guanshan Lake district, 5 minutes' driving from Guiyang International Conference Center, 15 minutes' driving to Guiyang high-speed railway station and 35 minutes driving to Longdongbao international airport. Total 475 rooms with free WIFI covered, the function area covers nearly 2,000 square meters with multi-function ballroom and meeting rooms . The hotel offers various cuisine of Guizhou,Hunan, Sichuan and Guangdong. In-door swimming pool , outdoor tennis courts and basketball courts, chess and card rooms could meet recreational demand. 来源: