(Corporate 公司协议 )
W不仅是工作之地W IS MORE THAN A PLACE TO WORK更是一种体验和生活方式IT IS AN EXPERIENCE AND A LIFESTYLE THAT 展现我们的个性和激情REFLECTS OUR PERSONALITIES AND PASSIONS核心理念 CORE VALUES新颖独创 ORIGINALITY好奇求知 CURIOSITY拼搏向前 MOMENTUM敢为人先 DARING品牌激情点 PASSION POINTS鲜明姿态 SOUND音乐文化 STANCE质感氛围 SCENE悦享滋味 TASTE充沛活力 BODY关于W酒店W酒店是万豪国际集团旗下备受瞩目的特色奢华酒店品牌之一,根植于纽约城大胆无畏的态度和每分每秒都涌动着的活力气息,以近20年的成功经验和特立独行的方式在酒店行业独树一帜。W酒店于全球不断地开拓版图,在每一个目的地颠覆固有认知、挑战传统奢华的定义,目前在全球最具活力的城市和度假胜地共有51家酒店。W酒店以向宾客恣享生活提供源源不断的活力为使命,点燃渴望,始终不渝,永不疲倦。W品牌突破传统的设计,标志性的“随时/随需服务”以及充满活力的W潮堂始终致力于为宾客打造一直被模仿、却从未被超越的独一无二的惊喜体验。创意无限、激动人心、非同凡响,W酒店非凡的活力能量激发宾客无尽渴望、深入探索每一个目的地的最新动态,引领宾客努力工作、尽情玩乐、永不疲倦。W酒店是屡获殊荣的常客计划SPG俱乐部的成员之一,SPG会员将在万豪礼赏和丽思卡尔顿礼赏中获得同等级别的会籍,亦可跨计划转移积分,详情请见members.marriott.com。如需了解更多信息,请访问http://www.whotels.com.cn。同时,请关注品牌官方微博 @W酒店。About W Hotels WorldwideBorn from the bold attitude and 24/7 culture of New York City, W Hotels, part of Marriott International, Inc., has disrupted and redefined the hospitality scene for nearly two decades. Trailblazing its way around the globe, with 50 hotels, W is defying expectations and breaking the norms of traditional luxury wherever the iconic W sign lands. With a mission to fuel guests’ lust for life, W ignites an obsessive desire to soak it in, live it up and hit repeat. The brand’s provocative design, iconic Whatever/Whenever service and buzzing Living Rooms create an experience that is often copied but never matched. Innovative, inspiring and infectious, the brand’s super-charged energy celebrates guests’ endless appetite to discover what’s new/next in each destination, to see more, feel more, go longer, stay later. W Hotels Worldwide is proud to participate in the industry’s award-winning loyalty program, Starwood Preferred Guest®. Members can now link accounts with Marriott Rewards®, which includes The Ritz-Carlton Rewards® at members.marriott.com for instant elite status matching and unlimited points transfer. For more information on W Hotels, visit whotels.com/theangle or follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.西安W酒店室内设计公司是香港的ABconcept, 预计2018年中正式营业,她的建成将是世界第33家,中国第五家,也是亚洲区体量最大的W酒店。酒店总建筑面积约8万㎡,酒店大堂面积1660㎡,层高17米, 走廊宽度2.4米,并且配有国际标准泳池,还有大型无柱宴会厅(宴会厅一层面积:1128㎡;宴会厅二层:2330㎡),可以满足不同企业做高规格新闻发布会、企业年会、企业客户答谢、婚宴等;酒店5~20层为客房,酒店屋顶设有贵宾观景平台。室内恒温国际标准泳池、健身中心、SPA会所W酒店特有的水疗等一应俱全的顶级配套功能设施。Designed by AB Concept from Hong Kong, W Xian is set to steal the scene in from mid of 2018. With the largest inventory in Asia Pacific, W Xian will be the fifth W hotel debut in mainland China.Hotel total construction area of 80,000-square-meter, with 1,660-square-meter hotel Living Room (lobby), 17 meters high and 2.4 meter width of the corridor. The sprawling 2,330-square-meter Great Room, 1,128-square-meter Junior Ball Room and Studios are versatile enough for official press conferences on grand scale, annual events, social occasions and personalized weddings. Guestrooms and Suites set between floors 5 and 20, with VIP sightseeing deck on the top floor. Take advantage of our inviting WET® - one of the 3 International standard pools in Xian, FIT gym, AWAY® SPA and more.地址:西安市曲江新区曲江池东路333号Address:,No.333 Qujiang Chi East Road, Qujiang New District Xi'an, Shaanxi Province