As soon as a guest enters the swimming pool / open water, the life guard must stand by at the pool / beach watch tower at all times. The main duty is to observe the water surface and all guests inside the water consistently. Lifeguard should NEVER leave their post unattended at any time. In the event the lifeguard is required to take up another task or services a guest or meals / toilet breaks, the lifeguard must seek a qualified replacement seamlessly with the approval of the Supervisor.
The lifeguard is equipped with tools to execute all requirements such as a whistle, megaphone, walkie-talkie, telephone, first aid kit, AED device and water test kits.
The lifeguard is familiar with all emergency buttons, life-saving equipment and technical functionalities along the wet areas / beach front and is confident to coordinate all tasks related to all emergency handling procedures.
Is confident to understand Hyatt’s Guest Experience Guide.
Understands the Terms & Conditions of the Risk Management signs exhibited at the entrance of the Swimming area.
Able to implement swimming regulations. Politely discourage swimmers from diving, running, pushing Non-swimmers into the swimming areas.
Able to clarify deep and shallow swimming areas of the pool or open waters.
According to the local regulation requirement, if two or more lifeguards are on duty at the same time, they shall have a clear division of workplace, clear responsibilities and help each other. Those found to have drowned should be rescued immediately from the water without delay.
Clear explanation to comply with the requirements of the safety and health and ensure that the guest and the use of related equipment, including First Aid, AED and pool and beach cleaning tools and its machinery.
Responds to the results of the Coyle and or LRA Audit as well as to daily Medallia feedback and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented.
To provide a courteous, professional, efficient and flexible service at all times, following Hyatt’s Standards.
To perform all duties and tasks in the assigned Place of Work to the standard set. Please note that Master Task Lists are reviewed and changed on a regular bases reflecting change in trends, guest expectations and operating philosophies.
To be entirely flexible and adapt to rotate within the different sub departments of the Spa or any other Department of the hotel as assigned.
To perform opening and closing procedures.
To ensure that the Place of Work and surrounding area is kept clean and organized.
Must upkeep all pool equipment in line of operational requirements.
能够通过Hot SOS报告维护要求或立即向主管报告。
Able to report maintenance requirements via Hot SOS or report to the supervisor immediately.
Makes optimum use of the pool equipment.
Performs any job related duties and functions as directed.
酒店简介:横琴凯悦酒店由香港丽新集团投资兴建,美国凯悦集团管理,两大集团强强联合,共同打造横琴粤澳深度合作区标杆性国际五星品牌酒店。横琴凯悦酒店位于大湾区珠海横琴,酒店拥有493间客房、6家餐厅及酒吧、室内外双泳池及衍水疗服务,3,757平米的互动社交会议场地,旨在将凯悦品牌的特色服务与活力体验带给商务和休闲旅客。地理位置优越:1.横琴口岸实现一卡通过关,24小时通关澳门;2.港珠澳大桥连接香港、广东珠海和澳门,珠海40分钟可达香港;3.横琴粤澳一小时生活圈,实现工作与生活双平衡;横琴专享政策:横琴为高端紧缺及特殊人才提供人才补贴及税收优惠政策。薪资福利:1、 极具市场竞争力的薪酬待遇;2、 免费提供食宿,宿舍2-4人间,配有全套床上用品、空调、洗衣机、热水器及无线网络等,上下班员工巴士接送;3、 每周工作5天,休息2天,每天工作8小时;4、 入职即购买五险一金,经理级别额外享有商业保险福利;5、 工作满1年可享有10-20天带薪年假;6、 入职即可享受凯悦集团全球酒店员工折扣价,工作满90天即可享有集团酒店12个免费房晚的入住权限;7、 带薪假期及法定节假日;8、 节日福利、年终福利及奖金;9、 完善的岗前、岗中培训,酒店跨部门交叉培训机会;10、凯悦集团全球酒店间的交流学习及内部调转机会;11、丰富多彩的员工活动。联系电话:0756-2991234 / 186 6696 5711(微信同号)面试时间:周一至周五 9:00 - 18:00面试地点:珠海市横琴新区七色彩虹路1295号横琴凯悦酒店人力资源部乘车路线:市内可乘坐62路或Z53到创新方下车,步行三分钟即可到达酒店