发布于 10-23
宁波 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 招1人

·         Manages and monitors the operation of all computer hardware, ensures all systems are working and installed properly, and serves as the primary contact for servicing the computer hardware

·         监督和管理酒店的所有计算机硬件设施的运行,确保所有系统的正确安装和使用,是酒店电脑硬件设施的主要联系人。

·         Ensures that all systems are covered by the proper maintenance contracts and that preventive maintenance is performed as required

·         确保所有系统均具备维修保养合同,并按照要求进行日常的预防性维护工作。

·         Continually keeps informed of IHG-approved systems and technology that may contribute to improve hotel efficiency, including, but not limited to

·         应不断了解洲际酒店集团批准认可的那些能夠提高酒店的运营效率的信息系统及技术, 包括但不限于:

o    Computer Hardware systems and devices including PC LAN technology.

o    计算机硬件系统及设施,包括计算机局域网技术

o    Software operating and utility systems.

o    计算机软件应用系统

o    Front Office and Accounts Receivable Property Management Systems.

o    前厅部和应收账款酒店管理系统

o    Interfaces to and from Front Office Property Management Systems and other Systems.

o    与前厅部管理系统和其他系统的接口技术

o    Back Office Accounting Systems.

o    办公区的财务管理系统

o    PC and LAN based Office Automation products.

o    与计算机和局域网技术有关的的办公自动化产品

o    Internal and External Electronic Mail / Facsimile / Scanner software and communication tools.

o    内外部电子邮件、传真、扫描软件及其它通讯工具

o    Holidex Plus / Priority Club / Six Continents Club / Frequent Flyer Corporate databases.

o    Holidex Puls 预订系统,优悦会奖励计划,六洲俱乐部和常飞计划的公司数据库

o    Point Of Sale Systems.

o    售货点销售系统

o    Guest and Administration Voicemail.

o    客人和行政管理的语音留言系统

o    Call Accounting.

o    电话计费系统

o    PABX systems.

o    内部电话机交换系统

o    Cabling.

o    布线技术

o    Hub / Switch Management Systems.

o    集线器和交换机管理系统

o    Electronic Door Locking Computer System.

o    电子门禁系统

o    Computer Virus protection.

o    计算机病毒防护

o    Hotel IT Security and Firewalls

o    酒店信息技术的安全和防火墙技术

·         Provide a monthly written progress report to the Director/Manager of Finance and Business Support, with copies to department heads

·         每月向财务及业务支持总监或经理及其它相关部门主管领导提供书面工作进展报告

·         Maintain an up-to-date list of all computer hardware

·         保持最新的计算机硬件产品清单

·         Manages the configuration reports, job control languages, program files and data files on the computer system(s) to ensure maximum operating efficiency

·         管理计算机系统配置报告、程序控制语言、程序文件及数据文件,确保系统最高效地运行

·         Monitors the performance of the software and maintains a log book of performance report eg; through systems measurement facility/utility, error and integrity check reports, system malfunction and solutions

·         监督软件的运行状态,通过系统测评技术,记录系统故障及错误,形成系统运行报告,并解决相应问题

·         Installs and tests corporate approved program changes to the hotel computer system(s)

·         将公司批准的软件安装到酒店计算机系统上并予以测试

·         Investigates and reports software problems to the vendor, or to the Regional, Area or Corporate Office

·         调查并向供应商,集团区域或地区办公室汇报所有的计算机软件的问题

·         Understand all standard and IHG customized features and functions of the Hotel front office system, point of sale system, and call accounting system, including, but not limited to system security, system reports, manager functions, system utilities and user functions

·         了解以下洲际酒店集团系统所有的标准和特色功能:酒店前台系统,售货点销售系统,电话计费系统,包括但不限于系统安全、系统报告、管理功能和用戶功能。

·         Responsible for designating selected individuals for each IHG approved system that he/she will train so that these individual can train the users

·         负责指派专人员参加洲际酒店集团批准使用的系统的培训,该批人员将对系统的具体使用者进行培训

·         Trains the selected hotel staff to take on the major responsibilities during his/her absence

·         培训选定的酒店员工在本人缺勤的情况下可履行主要工作职责

·         Establishes documents, test and communicates appropriate disaster recovery emergency procedures to follow when the hotel computer system(s) are inoperable

·         制定、测试并传播酒店计算机系统瘫痪状态下的应急补救措施。

·         Ensures that all computer media saves and back-ups are completed, documented and stored per IHG specifications

·         确保按照洲际酒店集团的要求记录、保管、备份所有系统信息

·         Maintains uncompromising data and physical security standards

·         坚决执行信息数据的安全标准

·         Controls the key/lock for computer room and ensures that the computer room fire protection, temperature control, and power requirements meet the IHG security specification as described in the IHG security system

·         按照洲际酒店集团的安全标准,控制机房钥匙,机房温度,确保电力供应并作好消防安全工作

·         Administer all user ID’s, passwords, and the most sensitive system utilities, secures all

·         touchy resources and critical libraries

·         管理所有的用户名、密码和保证敏感系统和机要信息资源的安全

·         Under the direction of the Director/Manager of Finance and Business Support, administer all back office user ID’s, passwords, security parameters and the most sensitive utility

·         在财务及业务支持总监或经理的指导下,管理所有办公区的用户名、密码、安全参数和敏感机要的资源

·         Maintains technical and user documentation, systems reports, newsletters and announcements in a neat, orderly and secure fashion

·         整齐有续且安全的保管技术及用户资料文件、系统报告、新闻简报及通知

·         Completes and distributes activity reports, program trouble reports, and enhancement list

·         完成并分发系统工作报告、错误程序报告及系统升级列表

·         Keeps informed of the latest, updated, changes, enhancement, and development in the hotel computer field by subscribing to periodicals and attending seminars, workshops or conferences held by IHG, computer companies or vendors

·         通过订阅期刊,参加供应商,电脑公司或洲际酒店集团举办的研讨会或技术交流会,获取酒店计算机系统领域最新的发展信息

·         Performs special project/other duties as assigned by the Management, include but not limited to serve as a back-up in performing Financial Reporting to corporate office during the absence of Director/Manager of Finance and Business Support

·         完成管理层指派的其它特殊工作,包括但不限于在财务及业务支持经理缺勤时履行财务报告的职能

·         Performs basic changes to programs control languages using screen edit utilities, operating control languages statements and screen design aids

·         运用计算机屏幕编辑工具、运行控制语言及屏幕设计辅助工具对程序控制语言进行基本的更改

·         Conduct “Self-Audit” of systems, security and emergency procedures according to the Hotel and Financial System Security Manuals and materials supplied by the Regional Manager of IT.

·         按照酒店的财务系统安全管理手册要求对系统、安全性及应急措施进行自我审查

·         Follows-up on all outstanding points from the latest EDP audit of his/her hotel

·         根据最新酒店审计检查报告,跟进所有未尽事宜

·         Serves as the primary associate with all computer-related outside vendors

·         负责与系统外部供应商接洽

·         Informs department heads when new features or changes to the system affect their department

·         通知相关部门主管领导关于其部门信息系统的变化或新的功能特征

·         Notifies department heads on current computer related issues, new releases, MIS trends, viruses etc.

·         告知相关部门主管领导最新的计算机相关事宜,如信息发布、信息管理系统发展趋势、计算机病毒等

·         Coordinates purchase of program applications or enhancements to meet specific hotel needs only if these applications are not covered by existing standards prescribed by the corporate office

·         在系统应用程序不能满足酒店现行标准的情况下,协调采购应用程序软件或对其进行升级以满足酒店运营需求

·         Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs

·         与上级一起制定人力资源规划和管理需求。

·         Works with Superior in the preparation and management of department’s budget


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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)