工作概述﹣(职位概述) Job Summary – (Role Summary)
•制作并装饰各种满足客人期望的蛋糕、面点、甜品、法式小点心。 Prepares and presents a broad array of cakes, pastries, desserts, cakes, petits fours which meet customer expectations.
•遵守当地的卫生和安全法规,或其它适用的规定,以及品牌规范和当地的规章制度。 Adhere to local regulations concerning health, safety, or other compliance requirements, as well as brand standards and local policies and procedures.
主要职责﹣(职务的主要工作) Essential Duties and Responsibilities – (Key Activities of the role)
•制作提供烘烤面点,包括以下食品的制作: Prepares and present baked pastries including the preparation of:
o烤面点 Baked pastries
o处理和存储商品 Handling and storage of commodities
o卷心菜面点 Chou pastry dishes
o杏仁酱馅松饼 Gateau pithiviers
o烘烤并填充甜馅 Bake and fill a variety of sweet pate dishes
o卷心菜和泡夫类可口食品 Savoury products from chou short and puff
•制作和装饰发酵面点,包括以下食品的制作: Prepares and present yeast raised pastries including the preparation of:
o牛角包 Croissants
o法式牛油面包 Brioche
o德式面包 Kuchen
o丹麦式酥皮饼 Danish pastries
o萨伐仑松饼和兰姆糕 Savarins and babas
•制作和装饰下午茶食品,包括: Prepare and present afternoon tea items including:
o适合用作酒店下午茶的食品 Those suitable to be served for afternoon tea in a hotel
o果馅饼和派 Flans and pies
•制作和装饰甜点,包括: Prepare and present desserts including:
o冻甜点 Frozen desserts
o热甜点 Hot desserts
o冷甜点 Cold desserts
o特色甜点 Specialty desserts
•制作和装饰嘎萄蛋糕、葡特蛋糕和普通蛋糕,包括 Prepare and present gateaux, tortes and cakes including:
o传统嘎萄蛋糕、葡特蛋糕和普通蛋糕 Traditional gateaux, torten and cakes
o将其制作完毕后进行装饰 Finish and decorate them
o进行准备后将其送给客人 Prepare for service and serve them to guests
o为节日蛋糕进行设计、制作、表面处理 Design, prepare, cover and decorate cakes for festive occasions
o制作各种奶酪蛋糕 Prepare a range of cheesecakes
•制作杏仁蛋白软糖 Prepare marzipan work
o制作杏仁蛋白软糖模型 Prepare modeling marzipan
o制作各种花和人物模型 Prepare a range of molded flowers and figures
o制作蛋糕表面上的杏仁蛋白软糖 Manipulate marzipan to cover cakes
•制作法式点心 Prepare Petits Fours
o制作各种花色小蛋糕 Prepare a range of petits fours secs
o制作各种冰花小蛋糕 Prepare a range of petits fours glaces
•保持卫生标准和规则 Maintain hygienic standards and practices
•保持厨房的卫生 Maintain a hygienic kitchen
•清洁并整理工作区域 Clean the kitchen and equipment
•保持个人卫生 Maintain personal hygiene
•和行政总厨一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 Works with Executive Chef in manpower planning and management needs
•和行政总厨一起编制和管理部门预算。 Works with Executive Chef in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget
全新的国家会展中心上海洲际酒店坐落于亚洲最大、全球第二大的会展综合体——国家会展中心(上海)内,是中心内唯一一家奢华品牌酒店。酒店已成为蓬勃发展的上海虹桥商务区奢华体验新标杆。作为上海全新地标之一,酒店紧邻全球最大的虹桥交通枢纽,距离虹桥国际机场和虹桥火车站仅5公里, 从酒店步行3分钟即达轨道交通二号线, 便捷连通上海各大核心商圈。富有前瞻性的选址让酒店成为连接虹桥商务区和长三角地区的纽带,促进整体经济和谐发展。客人还可轻松前往七宝古镇、江南古镇朱家角、虹桥天地及青浦奥特莱斯广场等,探索本地文化。齐备的会议会务设施使国家会展中心上海洲际酒店成为举行各类宴会及会议的理想选择,无柱式大宴会厅面积达900平方米,9米挑高的大堂气派非凡,最多可容纳800名宾客。除此之外,酒店还配备10间中小型的多功能会议室,均配备国际顶级视听设备。酒店拥有536间豪华舒适的客房与套房,4间别具一格的餐厅与酒廊,奢华的水疗中心和室内泳池。国家会展中心上海洲际酒店还发扬洲际独有的“深入洞悉式”服务,集结深谙当地风情的热情员工,帮助每一位宾客亲身体验原汁原味、丰富精彩的纯正沪上生活,尽享洲际人生。