1. To establish the financial management regulations, Establishment of internal accounting control system, supervision and inspection of financial operations and capital expenditures at various levels
2. Reviewing the financial statements, and verify the authenticity, accuracy after reporting the parent company and other related units;
3. Implementation and enforcement of requirements from Group corporation
4. Be responsible for daily financial income & expense management, reviewing and sign the all contracts.
5. Be responsible for organizing financial planning and budgeting, formation of settlement and supervision and implementation thereafter;
负责组织财务计划和预算, 结算的编制与监督执行情况;
6. Be responsible for monthly reports on financial analysis and departmental summary, including financial operation analysis, cost analysis;
负责公司财务分析的月度报告和部门小结, 包括财务经营分析报告、成本费用分析报告;
关于辉盛国际酒店管理集团About Frasers Hospitality Group为星狮地产有限公司的分支机构,辉盛国际公寓是一家全球服务公寓运营商,其拥有的金质服务公寓遍布欧洲、北亚、东南亚、中东以及澳洲。自 1998 年成立以来,辉盛国际已经由最初在新加坡的 412 间客房发展至今-全球80个城市,140间服务式公寓,公寓房间数量超过23400套。我们在创新和改变上不断挑战自我,致力于为顾客打造超越期望的住宿体验,在业界树立全新的行业标准。辉盛在取得巨大成就的同时,更获殊荣无数。得益于其强势的发展愿景与出众的服务水平,辉盛不断在全球酒店图景中书写出浓墨重彩的一笔。更多详情请登陆:http://www.fraserchina.comFrasers Hospitality, the hospitality arm ofFrasers Centrepoint Limited, is a global hospitality operator withGold-Standard serviced, hotel residences and boutique lifestyle hotels acrossEurope, Middle East, Africa, North Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia.Since our inception in 1998, we have grownfrom an initial 412 residences in Singapore to more than 23400 keys worldwide.We aim to anticipate and exceed customers’ evolving expectations throughcontinuous innovation and intuitive service to deliver memorable experiences.With numerous award adding to its achievements, Frasers continues to make itsmark on the international hospitality scene with its strong vision for growthand exceptional service offerings.More information, please visit: http://www.frasershospitality.com