Job Responsibilities岗位职责
Serve guests at the Front Desk while providing the highest lever of service possible in an efficient, courteous and professional manner by following Marriott standards of aggressive hospitality and adhering to guidelines and procedures.确保在总是遵守万豪的殷勤待客标准及坚持公司方针和程序的基础上,通过高效、礼貌和专业的方式为前台的客人提供最高级的服务。
1.Report to work on time, in proper and clean uniform, including name tag. Personal appearance and grooming must conform to standard.准时到岗工作,穿着清洁得体的制服,包括佩戴名牌。个人仪容仪表必须符合标准。
2.Handle all duties according to hotel policies, procedures, internal rules and standards. Conform to cash handling procedures at all times.根据酒店政策、程序、内部条例和标准处理所有事务。
3.Be knowledgeable about daily hotel operations, check daily event sheet, bulletin boards and be up to date with all changes, new procedures and events.知道每天酒店运营状况,查阅每日酒店活动表,在布告栏上更新所有的变化、新程序和活动。
4.Have knowledge about room rates, packages, discounts and promotions and know how to handle each.了解酒店房价、包价、折扣和推广,并知道如何处理。
5.Have knowledge about guest rooms, locations, amenities, features and all other services offered by the hotel.了解酒店的客房、地理位置、设施、特色和其他各种提供的服务。
6.Check in all guests according to the First Ten Program.根据First Ten Program为所有客人办理登记入住手续。
7.Follow all cash handling and banking procedures to check out all customers efficiently.遵照所有的现金和银行付款程序以高效地为客人办理结帐离店手续。
8.Operate MARSHA and PMS, take same day reservations and know how to enter a reservation in MARSHA.操作MARSHA和PMS系统,并且知道如何在MARSHA系统中进入一个预定中。
9.Perform guest registration and room assignment and accommodate special requests of all customers.为客人登记和安排客房,为有特殊要求的客人提供入住。
10.Be knowledgeable about Marriott Bonvoy and other frequent traveler programs.知晓万豪旅享家和其他常客奖励项目。
11.Ensure the cleanliness of the front desk and back office area at all times. Utilize spare time for cleaning. Keep computer equipment clean at all times.确保前台总是处于清洁状态。利用闲暇时间清扫。保持电脑和设备清洁。
12.Assist all guests in problems and questions as required. Ensure that all guest problems are resolved by using the “Guest Response Program” procedures.协助遇到问题和有疑问的客人。确保使用“客人回应程序”来解决客人的问题。
13.Have knowledge about the city, the local area and attractions to provide the guests with all requested information.了解这个城市、酒店附近的区域和其他吸引人的事物,以便为客人提供需要的信息。
14.Be familiar with the AM, PM and night daily checklist to ensure smoothly daily operations.熟悉上午、下午和夜晚的每日检查表以确保部门的每日流畅运作。
15.Ability to handle conflict situation in professional manner.能以专业的方式处理冲突
16.Be highly familiar with all emergency procedures, bomb threat, fire alarm, death and evacuation plans.高度熟悉所有的应急处理程序、炸弹威胁、火警和疏散预案。
Job Requirement岗位要求
1.At least 1 year experience of Front Desk.至少一年的前台工作经验
2.Demonstrated good communication and hospitality skills.良好的沟通和待客技巧
3.Demonstrated good communication skills in English. Mandarin preferred.良好的英语和普通话能力
4.Minimum graduated from College.大专以上
2018年7月1日开业的苏州太湖万豪酒店和苏州太湖万丽酒店位于“人间天堂”苏州太湖之滨,信步可揽憩静恬美的太湖山色;酒店临近沪宁、苏嘉杭高速,距苏州绕城高速太湖西山(金庭)出口仅5分钟车程,距离苏南机场30分钟车程、上海虹桥枢纽50分钟车程30分钟即可直达市区,是长三角商务会议好去处,休闲度假首选地。 酒店地理位置优越,壁邻度假区高尔夫球场, “太湖湿地公园”、“蒯祥纪念园”、“渔洋山景区”、“海洋馆”等自然景观景点左右相依,石公山、林屋洞、飘渺峰、明月湾古村落等太湖西山与东山景点均在酒店20分钟交通圈内。 苏州太湖万豪酒店和太湖万丽酒店,是苏州太湖旅游度假区首家万豪国际品牌酒店。2家酒店坐拥116,000平方米,别具匠心的设计给您带来前所未有的舒适体验,一切尽显万豪集团高端酒店卓尔不凡的尊贵品质。周边秀山丽水,举目如画。湖生态环境富饶,盛产 “太湖三白”、 碧螺春茶、枇杷、杨梅等名特产品,这里“月月有花,季季有果,天天有鱼虾”,宛若室外桃源般令人神往。