Job Responsibilities岗位职责
Ensure hotel guest rooms, corridors and public areas are in cleanness situation.Ensure provide guests comfortable and satisfied service.保证客房、通道及公共区域处于清洁状态;保证提供给客人舒适,满意的服务。
1.Arrange associates’ daily tasks reasonably and fairly.负责合理、公平的安排每日员工工作
2.Conduct daily floor briefing.召开每日楼层员工简会
3.Inspect assigned guestrooms. Strictly according to hotel standard and ensure all the guestrooms are clean with all facilities properly operating.负责检查所负责的客房,严格按照酒店的标准,保证房间清洁,设备设施良好
4.Inspect all check out guestrooms and update room status timely for selling.及时检查所有退客房,更改房态,以保证前台及时出租
5.Be in charge of associates’ training and coaching.负责员工的培训及工作指导
6.Inspect and ensure all associates make guestrooms according to procedures.检查保证员工按照程序进行客房操作
7.Report all maintenance needs to Engineering timely and follow up the outcome.发现维修项目及时报修,并跟进维修结果
8.Weekly and monthly check of guest amenities and store the guest amenities in order.负责每周每月客用品盘点及申领,保证客用品存放整齐
9.Ensure all the Lost and Found extending to housekeeping office in the day. Any deferred extending is strictly forbidden.保证拾获的客人遗留物品必须在当日交到管家部办公室,禁止任何遗留物品放在楼层隔夜上交
10.Handle guest complaint. It is essential to achieve guest satisfaction. Meanwhile, the floor supervisor shall inspect and give instant feedback to quest request.处理客人投诉,让客人满意是首要选择,同时要及时检查,回应客人的要求
11.Coordinate with Engineering Department and arrange guestrooms maintenance and MRT.和工程部协调,安排房间的维修及大保养
12.Record daily special issues on the office log book and prepare the following up list for the next shift.将每日特殊事情纪录在办公室log book 上,为完成的事项交接给下一个班次
13.Evaluate associates’ performance.评估员工工作表现
14.Other assignments direct by the superiors.完成上级安排的一些其它工作。
Job Requirement岗位要求
1.Four years above relative working experience with one year above supervisor position.四年以上工作经验,一年以上主管工作经验。
2.Good communication skills.有良好的沟通能力。
2018年7月1日开业的苏州太湖万豪酒店和苏州太湖万丽酒店位于“人间天堂”苏州太湖之滨,信步可揽憩静恬美的太湖山色;酒店临近沪宁、苏嘉杭高速,距苏州绕城高速太湖西山(金庭)出口仅5分钟车程,距离苏南机场30分钟车程、上海虹桥枢纽50分钟车程30分钟即可直达市区,是长三角商务会议好去处,休闲度假首选地。 酒店地理位置优越,壁邻度假区高尔夫球场, “太湖湿地公园”、“蒯祥纪念园”、“渔洋山景区”、“海洋馆”等自然景观景点左右相依,石公山、林屋洞、飘渺峰、明月湾古村落等太湖西山与东山景点均在酒店20分钟交通圈内。 苏州太湖万豪酒店和太湖万丽酒店,是苏州太湖旅游度假区首家万豪国际品牌酒店。2家酒店坐拥116,000平方米,别具匠心的设计给您带来前所未有的舒适体验,一切尽显万豪集团高端酒店卓尔不凡的尊贵品质。周边秀山丽水,举目如画。湖生态环境富饶,盛产 “太湖三白”、 碧螺春茶、枇杷、杨梅等名特产品,这里“月月有花,季季有果,天天有鱼虾”,宛若室外桃源般令人神往。