1. 主要责任在确保餐饮部的正常运作,员工遵守规则,保证客人满意,给业主带来更好的效益,达到预算。
2. 在餐饮总监不在时担当起餐饮总监的职责。
3. 协助餐厅经理与员工沟通。
4. 为了增加回头客人及建立良好的关系,同餐厅客人进行交流。
5. 根据生意需求及淡、旺季情况决定运作设备。
6. 负责促销餐饮部食品节,得到客人反馈意见,并分析客人反馈根据客人意见做出相应策略。至少两周作一次与竞争对手的收入分析,找出细微的差别,增加我们市场的占有率。
7. 收集及分析财务报告并协助做出有关决定。
8. 给餐饮总监及餐厅经理提供有创议性的意见。
9. 在用餐高峰期协助各餐厅的运作。
1. 良好的英语表达及书写能力
2. 熟悉计算机系统包括格式及软件
3. 4-5年五星酒店的餐厅经理经验
4. 2年以上同职位五星酒店管理经验
5. 领导技能及培训技巧
酒店:目的地释义长沙梅溪湖金茂豪华精选(The Luxury Collection)酒店于2016年9月盛大开业。酒店是由万豪国际酒店集团管理,由中国金茂集团投资的国际五星级奢华酒店。酒店坐落于长沙国家级湘江新区核心地带梅溪湖国际新城,地理位置优越,比邻传奇大师扎哈.哈迪德的绝世之作-梅溪湖国际文化艺术中心。万豪国际酒店集团旗下拥有30个酒店品牌,而诞生于亚平宁半岛-意大利的豪华精选品牌历史可追溯于1906年,它是万豪集团旗下八大奢华品牌之一(丽思卡尔顿、瑞吉、JW万豪、豪华精选、W、宝格丽、艾迪逊、丽思卡尔顿隐世精品度假)。如今豪华精选将其欧洲血统融入具有三千多年历史文化沉淀、全国三大文化流派之一的湖湘文化所在地-长沙,将品牌三大核心价值:地道风情、独一无二、独特体验与长沙深厚的历史文化底蕴结合并发挥到极致。酒店总建筑面积56,000余平方米,共设304间客房/套房。酒店建筑由凯里森建筑设计院操刀,室内设计则由国际顶级设计公司HBA及ROCKWELL团队倾心打造,奢华摩登的风格彰显豪华精选品牌的定位。长沙梅溪湖金茂豪华精选酒店诚邀您的加入,让我们一同开启卓越至拥精华,荟萃百年经典,传递今时非凡,为环球旅行家提供难忘的旅行体验。HOTELS THAT DEFINETHE DESTINATIONMeixi Lake Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Changsha, has its grand opened in Sep. 2016. It is an international 5-Star luxury hotel managed by Marriott International, Inc. and owned by Jin Mao GroupChina. Located in the Center of National Xiangjiang New Development District in Meixi Lake new town Changsha, the hotel occupies the highly desirable address which is next door to the notable MeiXi Lake International Culture & Artistic Center designed by legendary Zaha Hadid.Marriott International, Inc. manages 30 hotel brands . The Luxury Collection Hotels &Resorts fromApennine Peninsula - Italy traces its heritage to 1906. It is one of the hotelbrands under Marriott’s Luxury Category (Ritz-Carlton,St. Regis,JW Marriott, The Luxury Collection,W,Bvlgari,Edition,Ritz-Carlton Reserve). Now, the brand embraces its European lineage into Changsha, the original city of Hu Xiang culture with over 3000 years history. “Indigenous, Rare ,Experience”, the 3 core values of Luxury Collection will be well delivered together with the profound historic culture of Changsha.There are 304 spacious guest rooms and suites in the hotel with construction space totaling 56,000 square meters. The luxury and modern architectural and inner space is designed by HBA and ROCKWELL,the world’s top tier companies which manifests the positioning of Luxury Collection brand.We sincerely invite you to join our Meixi Lake Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Changsha Family. Let us together access the portal toexcellence and guide those global explorers to experience over possessions.