· You will be responsible to assist with the efficient running of the department in line with Hyatt International's Corporate Strategies and brand standards, whilst meeting employee, guest and owner expectations.
· The Corporate Training Programme has been designed for those graduates with the greatest potential to become part of our top management team of tomorrow and provides them with the additional training necessary to take on the responsibilities of a management position and to progress rapidly within our company.
· The programme is customised to each individual's training needs, previous work experience and personal objectives, and is designed to accommodate the Trainee's own career aspirations and the company's professional standards of performance.
· The pace of the programme, which sets a challenging schedule for each Trainee, is based on two phases:
- Exposure in various departments of the hotel
- An intensive period of training focusing on the Trainee's agreed area of interest.
深圳湾安达仕酒店是由华润集团投资,与凯悦酒店集团强强联手携手打造。酒店由享誉世界的设计师全球知名室内设计师季裕棠先生(Tony Chi)设计, 继东京安达仕酒店和纽约安达仕酒店之后的全球第三间安达仕酒店。深圳湾安达仕是一个充满活力的“精英会所”, 志趣相投的人汇聚于此,用邻里间的文化和创新精神激发对深圳未来的想像。深圳湾安达仕将栅栏式玻璃、水鸭蓝色皮革镶板、手绘中式壁纸、金箔、拥有独特花纹的大理石结合在一起,创造出独特的、优雅又时髦的美感。 受20世纪早期现代中国的作家、诗人、艺术家、音乐家、经济学家和科学家资料的启发。季先生将深圳湾安达仕公共空间设计成城市精英和世界顶级人才的私享空间,彰显身份。位置卓越:屹立于深圳湾核心地带,地理位置卓越。后海金融总部基地的核心地块,邻里是世界领先的科技公司、跨国公司以及引人注目 的地标建筑 - 华润大厦。酒店周边环境优美,举步可至深圳湾万象城购物中心、深圳人才园、深圳湾公园和红树林自然保护区等。 酒店坐拥令人惊叹的深圳湾迷人景色。 交通便利: 距离深圳宝安国际机场约35分钟车程,距离蛇口客运码头(7.8公里)、深圳湾口岸(2.7公里)、罗湖火车站(22.4公里) 和世界最大的地下高铁福田站(15公里)车程用时均较少。步行至后海地铁站只需约8分钟,市内各个区域均可迅捷到达。酒店楼层位于25楼以下,共220间客房,以及5间风格各异的餐厅。Andaz是一个印地语单词,意思是“个人风格”。我们的名称不仅在颂扬每一位客人的独特个性,同时也说明我们各个酒店的独特性,每一家酒店都在通过无可匹敌的纯正体验展现出了各自的独特风格。欢迎加入深圳湾安达仕酒店。