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CHAOCreate the Good Life Together品质生活发生地Through all that we do, we want to attract and connect like-minded people to join our community, to discover, share and create a meaningful life and create the good life together.We’ve created a series of venues and services to support every context of living the Good Life: work and leisure, recreation and socializing, travel and living, art and cultural discovery.CHAO,一个关于品质生活各种可能性的发生地。拥有酒店、会员及会员俱乐部、艺术中心,并通过独立媒体平台创造和分享优质的生活体验,同时推出品位卓越的生活方式产品。我们希望聚集趣味相投的高知人群,与CHAO共创品质生活。 CHAO SANLITUN三里屯新地标Launched at the end of 2016, our flagship property in the Sanlitun district of Beijing features a 180-room hotel, a 15,000m2 Clubhouse space with 2 F&B outlets as well as a 3000m2 Art Center featuring the city's most exciting exhibitions and events.CHAO was created to be a nesting place for our community of members and guests, providing them the opportunity to come together and share ideas, to build things together, to help each other development, to contribute to meaningful social causes and to enjoy life.CHAO旗舰店位于北京三里屯中心地段,于2016年底正式营业。三里屯CHAO拥有180间酒店客房,包含两个餐饮区域、15000m2会所空间和3000m2大型艺术中心。位于CHAO三里屯一层的Living Room提供创新融合美食,适于朋友、家人的亲密聚会,每周二至周日晚均有来自世界各国的优秀音乐家在这里现场演奏精彩音乐。每天下午,二层的Drawing Room供应道地、精致的传统英式下午茶。CHAO餐饮及酒店团队竭诚为宾客提供卓越周到的服务。旨在联结高知、高感的个体与群体,CHAO Clubhouse不断吸纳具有国际影响力的人士及行业领袖成为会员。从艺术家、设计师、电影人、 企业精英到创意领袖、顶尖行业学者,CHAO Clubhouse会员均可在此与志趣相投者、同行业者联结,分享创意、相互凝结、彼此帮助和成长、合力创造有意义的事业, 共创品质生活。CHAO ART CENTERCovering an area of more than 3000m2, the Art Center spans 2 floors with 4 exhibition spaces, an amphitheater, private screening room, a recording studio as well as a series of multi-function event spaces and state-of-the-art AV facilities. The Art Center also features a print-making studio that hosts a residency program and publishes the works of renowned artists in China and around the world.CHAO Art Center艺术中心占地3000余平米,包含四个艺术展览空间,以及Amphitheatre回声剧场、CHAO Cinema Club、版画工作室等丰富的创作和互动空间,这些空间均配备先进的音频、视频和制作设备。CHAO Art Center旨在通过完备的硬件设施和立体的创意资源,引入不同艺术领域的灵感与作品,将其与CHAO的创意背景杂糅一体,使得科学技术、艺术文化、设计时尚、音乐戏剧碰撞交融,CHAO Art Center在将中国当代艺术带入新境界的同时,也将带领公众走入精彩纷呈的艺术体验之中。CONTENT & CURATED EXPERIENCESCultural content & event experiences prepared and produced by our in-house team, making use of our unique venues. Experiences focus on creating positive social experiences and promoting personal and professional growth, including forums, salons, workshops, performances and masters’ classes.为创造不同凡响的卓越体验,CHAO的品牌创意团队和特邀国际创意人及合作伙伴不断策划丰富的文化活动。与此同时,编辑团队也将通过线上媒体平台推送精彩的原创文章、视频和广播内容。此外,为打造富有生机与活力的持续性活动体验平台,CHAO精心策划,在每月的三个周末开放贯穿全天的活动——周六Mini Festivals和周日Fun Day,从力求塑造身心健康的Wellness Day、体验美食美酒文化的Tasting Day、提升艺术灵感及创作参与感的Art Day,到主题轻松的PM Workshop、Movie Spot、Jazz Brunch、Afternoon Tea Time,CHAO 旨在为城市生活提供更多探索新奇与未知的可能。