Assist the front office manager to handle daily affairs staff, plan and assign work, set performance targets for each employee. Provide employees with teaching, coaching and giving feedback on a regular basis, to help to solve the contradictory between various employees, improve the performance of the team members.
Assist the front office manager to implement education and training for all staff, to ensure that all work conform to the state, provinces, and local laws and safety regulations. To ensure that employees receive the appropriate training to ensure for their equipped with a variety of tools and equipment needed to complete the work.
To ensure that employees with the operating system, security and cash handling process, service and standard about the proper training.
确保员工获得与操作系统、安全、现金处理流程、服务和标准有关的恰当培训。Hotel staff will be trained as IHG Rewards club related knowledge and the latest promotions.
Ensure that the front desk staff for guests to provide quick, professional and personalized service.
To ensure that guests arrived at the hotel welcome and greetings, grasp the time to communicate with guests. Be back in the right way for guests' complaint should be, by establishing good relationship with guests and get feedback, improve customer satisfaction.
确保宾客抵达酒店时受到欢迎和问候,把握时间和宾客进行交流。以恰当的方式对宾客的投诉予以回 应,通过与宾客建立良好的关系并获取反馈,不断提升宾客满意度。
南京喜玛拉雅假日酒店是由洲际集团管理的一家国际连锁酒店!酒店位于高铁南京南站的商业核心区,地理位置便捷优越。酒店项目整体设计由全球知名MAD建筑事务所负责,在第十四届威尼斯建筑双年展上大获赞誉。其在设计上融合了‘山水城市’的传统哲学理念,在满足现代生活需求的基础上营造了人和自然共生的空间,外观设计独树一帜,采用高山流水等元素,与周边的建筑风格相得益彰,让人耳目一新,开业后将成为南京的又一特色城市地标。 酒店拥有266间温馨舒适的客房,全日餐厅及多功能宴会厅,可以承办不同类型的会议及宴会。是商务差旅、欢乐假日的不二选择! 作为努力工作的回报,您将享受优渥的薪酬和福利。此外,由于您的职业生涯将与您自身一样独一无二,我们将根据您的需求有针对性地提供各种支持,为您的入职缔造一个良好的开端,让您融入团队并获得成长的空间。 何不选择加入我们,我们同洲,共无际!