Job Responsibilities
•Direct everyday financial activity, plan and assign work ensuring you always have the right staffing numbers
•Develop your team and improve their performance through coaching and feedback, and create performance and development goals for colleagues
Guest Experience
•Help guests - you’ll be happy to help if someone needs assistance with a request or complaint
Responsible Business
•Ensure financial control procedures and systems are ethical and legal
•Distribute outlook and forecast information for departments to identify cost savings
•Minimise waste and reduce slow-moving items.
•Prepare financial analysis of hotel operations including variance explanation and make recommendations to ensure the achievement of business goals
•Prepare hotel and department budgets and financial forecasts and reporting •Ensure all accounts are reconciled on a monthly basis and oversee the process of credit extension and collection of overdue accounts .
Job Requirements
•Prepare financial analysis of hotel operations including variance explanation and make recommendations to ensure the achievement of business goals.
•Prepare hotel and department budgets and financial forecasts and reporting. •Ensure all accounts are reconciled on a monthly basis and oversee the process of credit extension and collection of overdue accounts.
崇礼区位于河北省张家口市东北部,2022年北京冬奥会核心举办地,距离北京240公里。同时崇礼区是京津冀都市圈的知名旅游度假小镇,被称之为“北京的后花园”,为北京的绿色、生态、旅游发展做出了突出贡献。已经形成旅游、休闲产业集聚区。融入首都2小时经济圈范畴。崇礼以其洁净的空气、宜人的气温以及背靠北京的区位优势, 着力打造京郊滑雪旅游休闲基地,山地温泉休闲基地。洲际酒店集团(IHG)1984年进入中国,集团在大中华区拥有528家开业酒店,另外有460家在建酒店。崇礼洲际酒店及崇礼逸衡酒店是洲际酒店集团旗下两种不同风格与定位的品牌。洲际酒店及度假村是洲际酒店集团旗下奢华品牌,70多年来不断开拓全新旅行目的地,足迹遍布寰宇。从传奇的历史经典酒店,地变形的城市酒店,到为宾客奉上奢华的全球旅行体验,洲际品牌将世界各地的文化习俗与当地知识相融合。逸衡酒店为满足宾客健康出行的生活方式而打造,让宾客在离家旅行时,仍能拥有充满乐趣和元气满满的入职体验。逸衡酒店为宾客提供一流的健身器材和运动体验,健康的用餐先择,安心舒适的休憩空间,更有深谙健康之道的员工随时提供贴心服务,确保宾客在商务旅行与健康生活中实现平衡。酒店位于2022年北京冬奥会张家口承办地的核心举办区域,即崇礼太子城小镇中,酒店紧邻冬奥会颁奖广场,并毗邻太子城高铁站,乘坐高铁直达北京40分钟。