职位说明 Job Description:
1. 按照规定的程序,迅速解决客人投诉问题,并跟进及时了解客人的要求,以保证客人最大的满意度。
Resolve guest complaints swiftly and follow-up guest requests promptly according to established standards to ensure maximum guest satisfaction.
2. 检查贵宾房,迎接并陪伴贵宾,为贵宾送行,保证贵宾舒适和满意。
Check VIP rooms, meet and escort VIP guests and see off VIP guests to ensure total comfort and enjoyment.
3. 与所有客人保持专业水平的关系,保证客人得到悉心照顾,收集客人的反馈以改进迎送服务。
Develop and maintain a professional relationship with all guests to ensure that they are well taken care of and obtain feedback from guests necessary to improve the delivery services.
4. 每日巡查酒店,检查酒店设备、工作区和客人活动区域的工作状态,报告异常情况,使客人达到最大的满意度。
Conduct daily hotel inspection rounds; check working condition of hotel equipment, work areas and guest areas and report any irregularities to maximize enjoy ability of guest services.
5. 监督前厅员工分配客房、办理客人登记入住和结账离店、处理行李、留言和传真, 处理客人要求,打印报告等活动,保证酒店高效运转,欠款 回收顺利。
Oversee the activities of Front Office associates in allocating rooms, in checking-in and out of guests, in handling of luggage, in handling messages and faxes, in handling requests, in printing reports to ensure smooth operations and in checking company account bills to ensure collectability of accounts.
6. 立即解决出错问题,检查高额账单客户以避免账单欠付。
Resolve discrepant rooms immediately and check accounts with high balances to prevent outstanding bills from being unpaid.
7. 保存记事本,记载上班期间发生的有关与重要的事件,形成一个完整的记录,以供将来参考。
Maintain an incident logbook of all pertinent and important events throughout the entire shift to keep a permanent record of all incidents for future reference and for handover to the next shift.
8. 通过有效沟通和自觉应用酒店的人事规定,与所有同事保持良好的关系,保证客人得到悉心照顾, 收集客人的反馈以改进客人迎送服务。
Develop and maintain good associate relations through effective communication and conscientious application of hotel personnel policies to ensure harmonious working relationship with all associates.
济南融创文旅城酒店群坐落于济南市历城区,毗邻融创文旅城,与融创茂、融创乐园、滨河酒吧街等休闲娱乐业态隔街相望。酒店群连结经十路与旅游路两大城市主干道,距离高速口10分钟车程,25分钟可达济南遥墙国际机场。酒店群由永乐华住旗下高端品牌——济南融创施柏阁及凤鸣宋品酒店,以及融创国际会议中心组成;极具东方特色的建筑绿荫环绕,以独特的坡式结构建筑群和曲径流水相接,共同形成了兼具商务与城市微度假功能的雅致酒店群落。 酒店群依山而建,共设有318间温馨雅致的客房和套房,其中包含60间极具本地特色的中式院墅套房,以及7间主题亲子家庭房。整体将徽派建筑、山、泉、书画等本地特色元素巧妙融入设计中,为宾客提供融合东方神韵与本地风情的品质酒店服务。6间中、西餐厅和酒廊致力于为往来宾客提供汇集国际美食与传统口味的高品质餐饮体验。 总面积16500平方米的国际会议中心,拥有多达18间会议及宴会厅房和两处近千平米室外婚礼草坪。其中最大的1800平方米无柱式大宴会厅,挑高10米,可灵活分隔为3间会议宴会场地。优质的试听设备、灵活全面的场地设施、专业高效的专属会议服务团队,为每一场活动的理想呈现提供更多可能。酒店群坐拥精致园林景观,闲暇时漫步室外花园,赏细水蜿蜒,品鸟语花香。自2021年5月29日开业以来,已成为济南全新地标性的一站式商旅休闲目的地。