1. 工资面议,具备市场销售或者运营工作背景;
2. 代表业主公司对酒店管理团队的决策及其实施过程进行有效监督、检查,全面负责协调和沟通日常管理工作;
3. 加强与酒店的交流和沟通,灵活组合各方面的可用资源,凝聚各部门的功能,使之互补合作,提高酒店运营效率,提高酒店服务质量,最大化业主的经济回报;
4. 与酒店总经理建立定期例会制度(如每月一次),共同商讨酒店经营策略,并不时对其作出必要调整。
5. 提供咨询意见和信息,帮助酒店了解市场情况、最新的法律法规及规范;
6. 针对酒店员工的实际情况,督促酒店加强对员工的管理和技术培训,提高管理效益和服务质量。
7. 负责重要客人的接待工作,保持与社会各界的广泛联系,塑造企业良好的内、外部形象;
8. 营造企业文化氛围,塑造和强化酒店文化价值观;
9. 监督酒店员工队伍建设,培养、选拔中高层管理人员和优秀员工;
10. 按时完成业主公司交办的其它工作。
万豪国际集团自1927年创立以来在酒店业享誉盛名。我们一直沿用由万豪先生所订下的简单商业哲学, 此商业哲学的重点就是视我们的同事为最有价值资产, 如我们能善待所有同事, 令他们开心地工作, 这样, 客人亦能得到同事们的悉心照顾。再者,酒店时常保持一个信念,就是令每一位客人离开时均感称心如意。通过大家的通力合作,我们定能保证客人得到物有所值的服务,而我们努力不懈、竭尽所能的服务方式亦希望令所有客人继续支持我们的酒店。MI Inc. has enjoyed great reputation in hospitality industry since its foundation in 1927. We have always been preceding the philosophy made by Mr. Marriott, of which is to regard associates as greatest assets. If we shall be kind to every associate and create a pleasant working atmosphere, then our guests can enjoy contented services from our associates. Moreover, there is a faith in our hotel to ensure each guest leaving with satisfaction. We are confident to guarantee worthy services to our guests with concerted efforts and expecting further support from all the guests through our unremitting endeavors.烟台鑫广万豪酒店是由上海鑫广集团投资打造的五星级全面服务型高端国际品牌酒店, 极具现代感的亮丽外形, 精致典雅的内装设计, 高品质的硬件设备设施, 每一帧独出心裁的设计,每一处别具匠心的细节都将把烟台鑫广万豪酒店打造为一间备受推崇的酒店, 成为烟台乃至山东省首屈一指的品牌高端酒店代表之作。Marriott Yantai is a 5-star full-service luxury international brand hotel invested by Shanghai Xinguang Group Ltd. With the modern outfit design, exquisite and elegant decoration, top-quality facilities, manifesting our hotel is built with every concerted detail, which no doubt will make this empire the outstanding masterpiece in Shandong Province.以人为本,让员工快乐幸福,是万豪集团的核心价值观之一,因此,善待我们的同仁等于善待我们的客户,我们已准备就绪,期待您在烟台万豪酒店绽放属于自己的光彩。We live up to the idea that ‘Put People First’ and treat our associates decently to make them feel pleasant and sense of belonging which eventually will lead to good result of high guest satisfaction and good profit. We are ready to guide you a successful career in Marriott Yantai.