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NH 酒店集团 (诺翰酒店集团)创建于1978年,总部位于西班牙马德里,是欧洲第三大商务酒店集团,全球第24大连锁酒店集团,在30个国家和地区经营管理近400家酒店和60000间客房,拥有超过19000名员工,分布在欧洲、美洲、非洲及亚洲的主要目的地如阿姆斯特丹、巴塞罗那、柏林、波哥大、布鲁塞尔、 布宜诺斯艾利斯、杜塞尔多夫、法兰克福、伦敦、马德里、墨西哥城、米兰、慕尼黑、纽约、罗马、维也纳等。酒店品牌包括NH Hotels, NH Collection, nhow 及Hesperia.
NH中国将充分利用NH酒店集团的先进运营经验、管理系统及全球优质会员资源,并借助海航集团在旅游市场如航空、酒店、大型旅行社的相关优势资源,针对中国市场日益增长的对中端和中高端酒店的需求,致力于在未来5年在中国市场发展120到150家诺翰(NH Hotels)与诺翰精选(NH Collection)中高端品牌酒店。
The NH Hotel Group was established in 1978, a Spanish-based hotel chain headquartered in Madrid. The company occupies third place in the European business hotels rankings and one of the top 24 chains in the world. The company operates around 400 hotels with nearly 60,000 rooms in 30 countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia with 19,000 employees in destinations such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bogota, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Mexico FD, Milan, Munich, New York, Rome and Vienna. NH hotel brands are NH Hotels, NH Collection, now and Hesperia.
NH China, the joint venture between NH Hotel Group and HNA Hospitality, named Beijing NH Grand China Hotel Management Co., Ltd. starts operating in China. The JV will develop NH brand hotels in China.
NH China will leverage NH’s leading operation management, loyalty programs and booking systems, with travel and hospitality resources of HNA Group in China, to develop 150 NH Hotels and NH Collection hotels in next 5 years and meet market demand of midscale and upscale brands.
We are looking forward to having you to grow together.