Operations Manager
发布于 2022-02-28
Operations Manager
苏州 | 8年以上 | 本科



Value Retail is the creator and operator of The Bicester Village Shopping Collection – with 11 luxury shopping destinations in Europe and China, home to more than 1,200 boutiques of the world's leading luxury fashion and lifestyle brands, offering exceptional savings all year round.


In 2014, Value Retail China, an affiliate of Value Retail, opened Suzhou Village, spectacularly located on the western shore of Yangcheng Lake Peninsula, in historic Suzhou.  In 2016, Shanghai Village opened, beautifully located adjacent to Shanghai Disney Resort at the heart of the Shanghai International Resort (SHIR).


The Collection, since its beginning with Bicester Village in 1995, has delivered double digit growth in gross sales each year and in 2017 welcomed almost 40 million guests.  


What sets us apart: A Distinctive Fashion Experience.  If you have what it takes to create something extraordinary every day, then look no further – this is where you need to be!  At Value Retail China, we all share the same ambition: to create extraordinary experiences for our guests, brand partners and colleagues.  We are entrepreneurs at heart, passionate about what we do, and we never take no for an answer.




The Village Operations and Services Manager supports the Village Operations and Services Director providing expertise to maintain the highest standards in Village operational and hospitality services, including maintenance, lifecycle, Capital Improvement projects supporting the development team. Other responsibilities include security, cleaning, parking and Landscaping.  Responsible for managing a team of Value Retail staff and subcontracted services; highly organised with a sharp eye for detail, providing excellent hospitality to guests and clients.





Renovations, Upgrades, and New Installations

  • Liaise and support the Development/Project Team on upgrade / lifecycle issues ensuring project works are clearly defined and executed.
  • Create a Village condition survey database and identify the work to be carried out.
  • Identify alternative solutions to provide extension of lifecycle through break even analysis
  • Prepare quotes for proposed capital works and agree final costs with development team. 
  • Appoint and supervise contracted services to meet method of works and cost.
  • Track contracted works to ensure that specified quality is achieved and that works run to schedule without affecting the normal operation of the Village.


Building and Plant Maintenance

  • Initiate interventions to solve problems in the Village as early as possible to reduce reactive activity.
  • Produce annual maintenance plans, prepare and oversee budget for necessary works.
  • Inspect and supervise work of current condition of electrical, mechanical and building maintenance.
  • Plan and prepare necessary facilities management programmes based on key documents such as structural condition surveys, ongoing maintenance programme progress, and agreed key remedial priorities.
  • Prepare specifications for works and tender documents for Contractors costing.
  • Develop policies and procedures to monitor contractors SLA’s and KPI’s including planned, preventative maintenance completion.
  • Review suppliers contract agreements and commercial terms and conditions.
  • Ensure compliance with Health & Safety legislation
  • Manage inventory of regulated equipment, installations, and maintenance instructions.
  • Produce and manage schedule of works for handymen with weekly tracking of performance.
  • Produce accurate reports on the condition of buildings on the basis of visual checks and professional contractor services.
  • Understand the origin of technical plant and structural problems and determine the works that need to be assigned to specialised external companies.
  • Monitor works carried out by external companies and ensure the technical repair needs are correctly addressed as required against an established method statement.
  • Oversee equipment (electrical and telephone networks, lighting materials, kitchen equipment, plumbing, furniture, play areas etc.) tests to ascertain that they are in good condition and working order.
  • Manage maintenance files to track all works, hold regular contractor reviews and update performance meetings.


Corporate Governance

  • Legislation requirements are never compromised around maintenance tasks.
  • Notify and submit detail to Corporate, Legal & Finance (CLF - internal) of all risk assessments conducted for third parties on-site for insurance.
  • Notify Corporate Legal Finance (CLF) of any accidents or incidents that take place in the Village; provide detailed factual evidence in support.
  • Attend loss adjustor meetings together with CLF representative; provide assistance or information to support them to defend a claim against Value Retail.
  • Accompany Insurance Surveyors during on-site surveys & Engineering Surveyors conducting 6 monthly plant and machinery equipment surveys; follow up on recommendations made following the survey and report theme to CLF



  • Work with the Village Operations and Services team in managing the other following operational areas of the Village ensuring high standards are met:  Security, Cleaning, Car Parking, Fire Safety, and Gardening/Landscaping.
  • Manage and control contracted services such as waste disposal, pest control, air fresheners, diaper and sanitary napkin dispensers, public telephones, etc.
  • Control energy/water consumption and develop green initiatives.
  • Ensure Brands comply with Village rules and regulations specifically with regards to site rules for contractors and staff, waste disposal, use of common installations, operating hours, noise, disturbances, and car parking.
  • Prepare and monitor budgets to improve the efficiency of the Village.
  • Manage procurement process for necessary equipment needs.
  • Be present at the Village, on a rota basis including early mornings and late finishes as required from Monday through to Sunday (hours to be determined), including public holidays.
  • Be on call 24 hours a day not withstanding leave and day off periods.
  • Support Retail and Marketing Teams by ensuring that all events run smoothly.
  • Execute the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and train Teams on emergency procedures.





  • At least 5  years’ working experience in facilities management or operations.
  • Strong organisational and leadership management skills.
  • Customer service oriented around hospitality.
  • Ability to work individually and as part of a team.
  • Fluent in English.  Other European languages beneficial.
  • Sharp eye for detail.
  • Able to work along all levels of our business needs.
  • Strong experience working in a fast moving environment advantageous.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills
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比斯特上海购物村与比斯特苏州购物村比斯特上海购物村与比斯特苏州购物村隶属于 “比斯特购物村系列”,与著名的伦敦比斯特购物村、巴黎河谷购物村一脉相承,汇聚逾百家时尚及生活时尚品牌精品店,拥有精致的购物环境,至尊的礼宾服务,带来无与伦比的欧式购物体验。比斯特上海购物村比斯特上海购物村位于上海国际旅游度假区,毗邻上海迪士尼度假区。作为唯泰集团创立的“比斯特购物村系列”的一员,其最大的特色是将旅游与购物的体验相结合,让宾客们享受到无与伦比的精致体验式购物。2019年5月,凭借优美的欧式购物环境、至尊的礼宾服务、优越的地理位置,比斯特上海购物村正式获颁为“国家AAAA级旅游景区”。 == 犹如置身欧洲的精致体验式购物 == 比斯特上海购物村拥有国际高端品牌精选商品、美轮美奂的建筑风格、五星级的优质服务、欧洲与本土风味美食以及贯穿全年的时尚艺术活动,将艺术人文气息融入度假和购物体验之中,打造出全方位沉浸式的卓越购物体验,让宾客们不仅购物袋里满载而归,更可以收获满满的愉悦感。 目前,已有超过180间精品店铺入驻比斯特上海购物村,汇聚了本土设计师品牌及国际精品大牌,并全年提供低至2折起的诱人折扣。这里融合了各种文化背景及设计风格的品牌,呈现出比斯特上海购物村结合艺术文化与时尚零售的多元化创意与领先的潮流理念。 比斯特上海购物村是任何年龄段都适宜的旅游购物目的地,不仅配备家庭友好型的洗手间、母婴室、免费的儿童推车租借,还有免费租借的宠物推车,使爱宠人士可以享受携带宠物购物的乐趣。时尚爱好者可以在这里寻找到时髦有型单品,情侣们可以在购物村中尽享一整天的浪漫外出,在此感受购物和艺术文化的融合带来的绝佳体验,带小朋友的家庭可以在儿童乐园“翱星公园”里度过一段亲密的时光。 除了完善的设施,这里宛如欧洲般的购物环境同样让人赏心悦目。比斯特上海购物村由四栋面湖而立的新月型建筑群构成,穿越林荫道和喷泉,人们就能够欣赏到源于上世纪二十年代遍布于纽约、巴黎、米兰、维也纳及上海的装饰艺术风格建筑。更有充满了设计巧思的艺术休息厅,为宾客们带来惬意舒适的感受、焕然一新的购物体验,被誉为“最美旅游厕所”。 当然在品味欧式精致环境的同时,这里提供的至尊、人性化的服务更是让宾客流连的一大魅力。比斯特上海购物村旨在以“金钥匙服务”的质量与标准让宾客们享受到五星级服务,包括免提购物、代客泊车、VIP贵宾休息厅、导购大使等。比斯特上海购物村是一个适合携同亲朋好友一同前往的旅游购物目的地,在这里可以享受美好的一日游体验,购物之余可以在月牙畔的餐厅和咖啡馆里休憩放松,一边欣赏湖区风景,一边享受欧洲及本土风味美食,全方位感受到来自欧洲的非凡购物体验。比斯特苏州购物村 作为“比斯特购物村系列”在中国的第一位成员,比斯特苏州购物村坐落于诗意盎然、历史悠久的苏州阳澄湖畔。承袭了“比斯特购物村系列”正统欧洲精致购物体验,比斯特苏州购物村的一砖一瓦都注入了欧陆风情的精细、融汇了时尚艺术人文气息,漫步其中,犹如世外桃源般,是一个可以短暂逃离城市喧嚣的旅游购物目的地。  == 犹如置身绿洲的精致体验式购物 == 依托阳澄湖半岛旅游度假区的地理位置优势,比斯特苏州购物村置身于旖旎风光之中。在这里不仅能感受无与伦比的精致体验式购物,还可以享受自然亲水景观,感知丰富深厚的本地文化,沉浸在宁静纯美的静谧森林。无论是亲子出行,亦或是闺蜜同游,宜观宜赏、宜游宜玩的比斯特苏州购物村能够让宾客们感受到与众不同的非凡体验。 目前,比斯特苏州购物村汇聚了超过150家品牌入驻,部分产品折扣全年低至2折起。大牌云集、品牌组合多元化的比斯特苏州购物村能够满足各类时尚需求,无论是年轻潮人一族、时髦闺蜜或情侣、还是温馨家庭,都可以找到心仪的有型单品。 比斯特苏州购物村不仅拥有令人心旷神怡的自然环境和文化氛围,本身建筑更是值得细细品味。设计灵感源自13世纪从威尼斯远道而来的传奇旅行家马可波罗,意在向促进东西文化交流的丝绸之路遥相致敬。整体融合了苏州本地的建筑风格和工艺,精心设计并营造出悠然自得且精致的氛围。 此外,这里拥有丰富的美食和贯穿全年的创新文化艺术活动,还提供五星级酒店般的至尊服务,包括免提购物、代客泊车、VIP贵宾休息厅、导购大使等。更有亲子休息室、儿童乐园和宠物推车等人性化服务, 为各个年龄段的宾客打造出流连忘返的完美体验。  得天独厚的地理位置是比斯特苏州购物村的一大优势,从上海、南京等地出发,经沪宁高速,从阳澄湖服务区的出口下即可抵达。另外,连接阳澄湖半岛到上海、南京、杭州等地的高铁路线也为周边的宾客们提供了更加便利的交通,名副其实地成为出游华东的不二之选。 为进一步满足宾客的需求,比斯特苏州购物村二期已正式开业,目前已有超60家品牌入驻,未来将新增至85家店铺,停车位也增加至近2,000个。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
  • 联系我们



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