发布于 2023-04-17
苏州 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 招1人



This is a senior role, which supervises the daily operation of a customer facing information and retail services business, which benefits from 10% of the total footfall to Shanghai/Suzhou Village. The position holder will develop close relationships with Shanghai/Suzhou Village teams, with the purpose of growing sales, and maximizing the profitability of the Shanghai/Suzhou Village through the Retail offer and supporting services.


Key interaction will be required with the Retail, Marketing/Tourism Teams, as well as the Community Relations Director to gather background knowledge, support & develop new initiatives, whilst also actively influencing positive business decisions.


The successful role holder should model outstanding leadership, excellence in customer service, F&B services, exemplary Retail Store Standards, as well as high levels of team engagement & performance.




1.     Work closely with the GWC manager on all day to day activities;

2.     Oversee the day to day running of the GWC, supervising staff and ensure a VIP hospitality service is maintained at all times.

3.     Manage the staff role in partnership with the GWC Manager;

4.     To grow sales & profitability of Gift Card, Shopping Collection service Valet and B2B services;

5.     Analyze our customer competitor requirements and positioning, create services to be competitive;

6.     Interpret trends to facilitate planning a promotional calendar for all seasonal services;

7.     Oversee staffing on a daily basis in partnership with the GWC Manager;

8.     Consistent monitoring of competitors so that SHV/SZV become leader in the service offering;

9.     Effectively network in all departments across the business;

10.  Work alongside the team on the floor to understand back to floor basics and improve processes;

11.  Drive the retail product offer and KPI’s of all services;





1.    To provide effective and inspirational leadership for the Village Assistant Team, setting clear direction and providing feedback and support to enable great levels engagement, commitment & performance;

2.    Support and meet Value Retail’s Tourism and Marketing objectives as defined and agreed in the annual promotional calendar;

3.    Promote the Town center as a visitor destination and to enhance the local network by build relationships for the SHV/SZV with local businesses and stakeholders;

4.    Promote local events, attractions and businesses;

5.    Promote a Sustainable Tourism Program, including the widest possible use of public transport and other “green initiatives”;

6.    Work with other Value Retail visitor center in Europe to exchange best practice initiatives and tourism opportunities;

7.    Maintain a full and varied stock of Tourism and Marketing materials provided to visitors free of charge (leaflets and brochures)



1.    Ensure that the SHV/SZV Team offers standards of excellence in the welcome and customer care of all domestic and international visitors whilst complying with Value Retail and statutory training and support programs;

2.    Create clear development plans for the team that deliver world class service and Hospitality;

3.    Contribute in shaping and establishing critical Hospitality/Service/F&B service measures, ensuring that the team understands these standards and the part they play in delivering on these; Identify opportunities for the introduction of new services and communicate this through the appropriate channels.


Retail & Hospitality Services

1.    Work closely with the Retail and Marketing team to effectively plan for all key trading events and peak periods, including all key tourism and retail calendar events, such as National Holiday & Christmas, Chinese New Year etc.;

2.    Ensure that the store is fully compliant with all legal Trading Standards obligations and Health & Safety legislation;

3.    Monitor retail sales and profit targets, delivering action plans to maximize performance;

4.    Manage and monitor KPI performance of Gift card, SCS (Shopping Collection Service) and online promotions through close review, timely reporting and follow up;

5.    Support the operation of Valet parking and Valet carwash;

6.    Weekly communication to the team of sales and KPI’s, to ensure that all staff understands their role in delivering them;

7.    Maximize the margin performance through driving and making commercial decisions based on product knowledge, bestsellers performance and optimizing the Hospitality experience for all visitors to the SHV/SZV; supervise and drive the implementation of tourist services, such as hotel reservations;

8.    Ensure security standards are met and adhered to at all time;

9.    Ensure the department is fit to audit and provide an auditable trail facility.


Industry Insights

1.    Review competitor activity and provides regular feedback to the business;

2.    Build develop and maintain relationships with B2B partners and internal cross function departments (eg: Marketing, Operations, Community Relations and Tourism).


People Management

1.    Consistently manage and review the performance & development of the team with the SZGWC Manager;

2.    Actively promote, recognize and reward great performance



1.    Proven track record of operating as a successful Tourism / Hospitality Manager

2.    Strong hospitality/customer care skills

3.    Career defined by a Tourism & Hospitality background

4.    Strong F&B experience is a plus

5.    Strong commercial acumen and the ability to deliver at a strategic level, with sound analytical insights

6.    Transformational leader, fully conversant in the change process and an inspiring presence

7.    Experience of sales in a Tourism/Retail setting, with the ability to motivate and drive the sales team

8.    Tourism background particularly on the strategy and execution of the SZV operation

9.    Demonstrable track record of effective people management

10. Ability to plan, prioritize effectively

11. Able to work individually or as part of a team

12. Operates both operationally and strategically, as required

13. Excellent verbal, written, interpersonal & communication skills, delivering with impact & influence

14. Exemplary critical thinking skills and solution orientated

15. Demonstrates drive, resilience and flexibility when working in a dynamic a fast paced environment

16. Flexibility in terms of working hours & pattern (including weekends and Bank Holidays

17. Interest in and knowledge of the local area

18. Experience in a premium environment or market leading tourism destination

19. Intuitively understands the importance of excellence of customer experience/hospitality.

20. Easily collaborates across multi-functional teams, internally and externally

21. Manages effectively across primary internal linkages, such as, Community Relations Tourism Retail, Marketing

22. Act as an ambassador for Value Retail

23. Strong cultural awareness

24. Fluent in English and local Village language - other European languages advantageous

25. Computer literate and fully competent in preparing regular reporting (statistical & financial)

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  • 100-499人
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比斯特上海购物村与比斯特苏州购物村比斯特上海购物村与比斯特苏州购物村隶属于 “比斯特购物村系列”,与著名的伦敦比斯特购物村、巴黎河谷购物村一脉相承,汇聚逾百家时尚及生活时尚品牌精品店,拥有精致的购物环境,至尊的礼宾服务,带来无与伦比的欧式购物体验。比斯特上海购物村比斯特上海购物村位于上海国际旅游度假区,毗邻上海迪士尼度假区。作为唯泰集团创立的“比斯特购物村系列”的一员,其最大的特色是将旅游与购物的体验相结合,让宾客们享受到无与伦比的精致体验式购物。2019年5月,凭借优美的欧式购物环境、至尊的礼宾服务、优越的地理位置,比斯特上海购物村正式获颁为“国家AAAA级旅游景区”。 == 犹如置身欧洲的精致体验式购物 == 比斯特上海购物村拥有国际高端品牌精选商品、美轮美奂的建筑风格、五星级的优质服务、欧洲与本土风味美食以及贯穿全年的时尚艺术活动,将艺术人文气息融入度假和购物体验之中,打造出全方位沉浸式的卓越购物体验,让宾客们不仅购物袋里满载而归,更可以收获满满的愉悦感。 目前,已有超过180间精品店铺入驻比斯特上海购物村,汇聚了本土设计师品牌及国际精品大牌,并全年提供低至2折起的诱人折扣。这里融合了各种文化背景及设计风格的品牌,呈现出比斯特上海购物村结合艺术文化与时尚零售的多元化创意与领先的潮流理念。 比斯特上海购物村是任何年龄段都适宜的旅游购物目的地,不仅配备家庭友好型的洗手间、母婴室、免费的儿童推车租借,还有免费租借的宠物推车,使爱宠人士可以享受携带宠物购物的乐趣。时尚爱好者可以在这里寻找到时髦有型单品,情侣们可以在购物村中尽享一整天的浪漫外出,在此感受购物和艺术文化的融合带来的绝佳体验,带小朋友的家庭可以在儿童乐园“翱星公园”里度过一段亲密的时光。 除了完善的设施,这里宛如欧洲般的购物环境同样让人赏心悦目。比斯特上海购物村由四栋面湖而立的新月型建筑群构成,穿越林荫道和喷泉,人们就能够欣赏到源于上世纪二十年代遍布于纽约、巴黎、米兰、维也纳及上海的装饰艺术风格建筑。更有充满了设计巧思的艺术休息厅,为宾客们带来惬意舒适的感受、焕然一新的购物体验,被誉为“最美旅游厕所”。 当然在品味欧式精致环境的同时,这里提供的至尊、人性化的服务更是让宾客流连的一大魅力。比斯特上海购物村旨在以“金钥匙服务”的质量与标准让宾客们享受到五星级服务,包括免提购物、代客泊车、VIP贵宾休息厅、导购大使等。比斯特上海购物村是一个适合携同亲朋好友一同前往的旅游购物目的地,在这里可以享受美好的一日游体验,购物之余可以在月牙畔的餐厅和咖啡馆里休憩放松,一边欣赏湖区风景,一边享受欧洲及本土风味美食,全方位感受到来自欧洲的非凡购物体验。比斯特苏州购物村 作为“比斯特购物村系列”在中国的第一位成员,比斯特苏州购物村坐落于诗意盎然、历史悠久的苏州阳澄湖畔。承袭了“比斯特购物村系列”正统欧洲精致购物体验,比斯特苏州购物村的一砖一瓦都注入了欧陆风情的精细、融汇了时尚艺术人文气息,漫步其中,犹如世外桃源般,是一个可以短暂逃离城市喧嚣的旅游购物目的地。  == 犹如置身绿洲的精致体验式购物 == 依托阳澄湖半岛旅游度假区的地理位置优势,比斯特苏州购物村置身于旖旎风光之中。在这里不仅能感受无与伦比的精致体验式购物,还可以享受自然亲水景观,感知丰富深厚的本地文化,沉浸在宁静纯美的静谧森林。无论是亲子出行,亦或是闺蜜同游,宜观宜赏、宜游宜玩的比斯特苏州购物村能够让宾客们感受到与众不同的非凡体验。 目前,比斯特苏州购物村汇聚了超过150家品牌入驻,部分产品折扣全年低至2折起。大牌云集、品牌组合多元化的比斯特苏州购物村能够满足各类时尚需求,无论是年轻潮人一族、时髦闺蜜或情侣、还是温馨家庭,都可以找到心仪的有型单品。 比斯特苏州购物村不仅拥有令人心旷神怡的自然环境和文化氛围,本身建筑更是值得细细品味。设计灵感源自13世纪从威尼斯远道而来的传奇旅行家马可波罗,意在向促进东西文化交流的丝绸之路遥相致敬。整体融合了苏州本地的建筑风格和工艺,精心设计并营造出悠然自得且精致的氛围。 此外,这里拥有丰富的美食和贯穿全年的创新文化艺术活动,还提供五星级酒店般的至尊服务,包括免提购物、代客泊车、VIP贵宾休息厅、导购大使等。更有亲子休息室、儿童乐园和宠物推车等人性化服务, 为各个年龄段的宾客打造出流连忘返的完美体验。  得天独厚的地理位置是比斯特苏州购物村的一大优势,从上海、南京等地出发,经沪宁高速,从阳澄湖服务区的出口下即可抵达。另外,连接阳澄湖半岛到上海、南京、杭州等地的高铁路线也为周边的宾客们提供了更加便利的交通,名副其实地成为出游华东的不二之选。 为进一步满足宾客的需求,比斯特苏州购物村二期已正式开业,目前已有超60家品牌入驻,未来将新增至85家店铺,停车位也增加至近2,000个。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
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