每日工作細則 Daily Scope of Work
每月工作細則 Monthly Scope of Work
每年工作細則 Yearly Scope of Work
1.建立人才储备库并进行维护, 招聘渠道拓展与维护
3. .负责建立、完善各部门职位相应的中英文职位说明书
公司福利 BENIFITS:1. 公司缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险及公积金,并根据正常工资基数缴纳(不是按最低基数)Company will pay social insurances and accumulated funds according to the national and municipal regulations. 2. 公司提供工作餐/餐贴,做六休一包住宿(就近安排宿舍) Company will provide free lunch include meal patch, working six days a week for free dormitory. 3. 综合工时制,加班时间按照劳动法规定支付加班工资,国定假日上班支付三薪 Working time of company is 48 hours per week. Company will provide Overtime pay, holiday overtime treble pay.4. 公司提供夜班津贴,高温费,献血补助Company will provide Night-shift allowance, High Temperature Allowance, Blood Donation Allowance.5. 公司提供零食/点心Company will provide dessert.6. 定期组织员工活动/聚餐等Company will organize activities/dine together routinely.7. 公司发放节日福利Company will provide festival benefits. 8. 员工均享有带薪年假,外地员工每年另享有返乡假Annual leave pay, Return false.9. 公司配备国际化专业培训团队,定期组织培训Company will provide professional training in free. 10. 公司配备完善的绩效考评体系,公平公正的奖金发放制度,合理的调薪/晋升机制Company will provide broad space for development.11. 推荐员工伯乐奖Company will provide Recommended award.集团简介 GROUP INTRODUCTION:贸御企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司 Visual Orient Limited (VOL)于2002上半年成立于外滩这个历史性的中心地区。它拥有强大的专业团队和良好的经营理念,VOL为高端服务管理行业提供卓越的专业性意见,以及针对上海市场进行高端的市场研究分析和品牌营销推广。基于这些优势,VOL坚信能为客户提供最好的服务,创造最高的品牌价值。 2002年9月,贸御获得了对公司发展极其重要的机遇,也就是位于外滩的殖民时代古老建筑之一 -- 外滩18号的 6, 7 楼的经营权。这对这个有多年五星级酒店管理经验的团队来说是千载难逢的显示我们真正实力的良机。贸御公司以极大的热情和决心投入工作,致力于在外滩创造一处无与伦比的餐饮娱乐场所。 Mr&Mrs Bund Modern Eatery By Paul Pairet诞生于2009年4月的现代法式餐厅,轻松优雅的氛围,独具历史感的外滩位置。Mr&Mrs Bund是一家法式餐厅,风格如同主厨Paul Pairet一样:生在法国,游历天下,身上带着国际化印记。当代气息浓厚,但绝不沉闷。轻松,但丝毫不失优雅。我们提供大众流行的法国招牌菜式,但经由Pairet重新演绎。家庭式的服务与现代化的用餐环境相得益彰,同时提供32种可按不同分量单杯点用的葡萄酒。擅长经典料理,提供温馨菜式,Mr&Mrs Bund的上菜方式和您周日晚上的家庭餐如出一辙 -- 分享,分量充裕到足够来上第二轮。 UltraViolet By Paul Pairet历经超过15年的构思筹备,名厨 Paul Pairet 创作的UltraViolet 餐厅,在 VOL 贸御集团的支持下,于2012 年现世。她是全球第一家自成一格,无法被归类多器官感官的餐厅,是在将美食于多重感知科技相结合,营造出令人完全沉浸其中的用餐体验。一张仅有十个位子的餐桌,一份20道菜组成的“前卫 ” 套餐。所有客人围坐在一起,这场非同一般的旅程就由此展开,由美食主导。每一道菜式搭配了依其味觉而量身定制的情景氛围,组合元素包含了灯光,音效,乐曲,香氛,流动舒心的空气。令人沉浸的视觉投影,影像和想象力...当然还有美食。UltraViolet 于2012年5月18日开幕,位于上海某处。 INTRODUCTION…For more than 10 years VOL Group is a leading actor of the food and beverage industry in Shanghai, successfully bringing to the city amazing venues such as Bar Rouge, Mr&Mrs Bund, and Ultraviolet. Rich of a multi-cultural management team experienced in entertainment and F&B, VOL Group creates high profile venues with international quality standardsVOL office provides a consolidated administrative support to its F&B venues with department such as Finance, Purchasing, Human Resources and Marketing & Sales (including an in-house creative agency, Artbeat Studio). Each of these departments support on a daily basis Mr&Mrs Bund, Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet , From A Chinese Cook Book operation.The group thrives to develop new projects working closely with its in-house creative agency Artbeat Studio. These projects are either in house (from existing outlets or new venues) or the result of new ventures with a business partnerSince 2011 VOL group has diversified its activity, by creating a joint venture called Jian Mao. Co with a State owned Company BeiJianHuaQing.ltd. Together we have taken over a high-end building located on Bund 5 and we are managing this propertyIn 2014 in order to seek new opportunities, VOL Group has developed a new F&B concept adapted to venues located within high end malls: THE CUT: Steak & Fries. The concept is characterized by its simplicity, its “affordable luxury” price point differentiating it from the group other high profile restaurants and Bars