Key Responsibilities 主要职责:
1. Fill in all kinds of operation and repair records,after the completion of the work shall promptly report to the foreman and the duty engineer feedback.
2. According to the regulations and plans to finish of equipment maintenance, maintenance, cleaning on time . Ensure equipment is in safe and normal operation state, guarantee rate of equipment in good condition.
3. Seriously implement the shift system, secure operating system, security system and health system of engine room fire.认真执行交接班制度,安全操作制度,消防安全制度和机房卫生制度。
4. Familiar with hotel policies and procedures, and ensure all the procedures are safe and orderly conduct.
5. According to the requirements of the handbook, maintain a good appearance and behavior,courtesy, enthusiasm service.
北京长峰假日酒店,由洲际酒店集团管理,位于西长安街与永定路交汇处,既是繁华都市的一道亮丽风景线,亦是置身于喧闹都市的悠然国度。不论商务出行还是休闲度假,我们都为您提供无以伦比的超凡体验,助您尽情探索原汁原味的北京城。我们酒店正在寻找真挚友善、热情友好、充满活力的员工加入我们的团队。面试须知:招聘邮箱 面试时间:周一至周五10:00-16:00面试地点:酒店人力资源部面试需带资料:身份证原件、二张一寸彩照乘车路线:1. 337.370.334.701至永定路口(武警总医院斜对面)。2. 地铁1号线五棵松站A出口,沿复兴路向西走10分钟,至永定路口北即到。