服务主管 - 中/西餐厅,虚位以待
作为服务主管 - 中/西餐厅,我们希望您承担以下职责:
长春香格里拉坐落于城市中心的重庆路繁华商圈,毗邻卓展购物中心,万达购物广场、人民广场、感受独具特色的魅力长春。酒店周围交通便利,临近地铁1号线,据长春火车站约3公里,距龙嘉机场约37公里。Changchun Shangri-La is located in the downtown chongqing Road business district, adjacent to Charter Shopping Center, Wanda Shopping Plaza, people's Square, feel the unique charm of Changchun. The hotel is close to metro Line 1, about 3 kilometers from Changchun Railway Station and 37 kilometers from Longjia Airport.