领班/服务员-客房部/公共区域/洗衣房 Team Leader-Housekeeping/PA/Laundry
发布于 2023-02-07
领班/服务员-客房部/公共区域/洗衣房 Team Leader-Housekeeping/PA/Laundry
苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 招10人


Main Duties






§  遇到投诉或问题,如果不能立即找到解决问题的方法时,则向副理汇报。

Reports complaints or problems to Assistant Manager if no immediate solution can be found.

§  确保具有营销员的态度并在酒店内随时发现销售的机会。

Ensures a sales attitude is adopted at all times and maintains an awareness of all sales opportunities within the Hotel.

§  确保具有高水平的酒店产品知识,以便在机会出现时,宣传/销售餐厅产品及其它设施/活动。

Ensures a high level of product knowledge of hotel in order to promote/ upselling F&B outlets and other facilities/ programmes whenever opportunities arise.

§  确保持续高水平的宾客服务。

Ensures a high level of customer service is consistently maintained.

§  将来自任何客人和其他部门的反馈与领班和副理进行沟通。

Ensures the Assistant Manager is kept fully aware of any relevant feedback from either customers or other departments.

§  遵守酒店有关客房部的政策及程序。

Complies with the Hotel’s Policies & Procedures relating to Housekeeping.

§  遵守房务部定立的系统及程序。

Complies with all systems and procedures as laid down by Rooms Division.

§  确保客房的清洁和服务达到凯悦品牌的标准。

Ensures the cleaning and servicing of guest rooms meet Hyatt brand standards.

§  确保正确地储存及发出客用品。

Ensures proper storage and issues of guest supplies.

§  确保按设定的程序及标准处理客房的布草、客衣。

Ensures house linen and laundry as well as guest laundry being handled as per the set procedure and standards.

§  分配每日工作量并对工作质量和进度进行跟进。

Assign daily task reasonably and monitor the quality and process.

§  更新可以入住房间的房态。

Updates status of rooms ready for occupancy.

§  管理储存物品的盘点,确保准确的用品供应。

Manages inventory of stock to ensure adequate supplies.

§  检查客房、餐厅及大堂,以发现须要维修及更换的家具或设备,并向客房部经理提出建议。

Inspects rooms, restaurants and lobbies to determine need for repairs or replacement of furniture or equipment, and makes recommendations to Housekeeping Manager.

§  指引和协助负责清洁的员工的工作任务。

Directs and assists in assigning work to cleaning personnel.

§  检查客房、走廊、楼梯间、服务区域、大堂及其它公共区域,以保证这些地方的干净、整洁。

Inspects guest rooms, corridors, staircases, service areas, lobbies, and other public areas for cleanliness and orderliness.

§  报告给工程部所有要维修和维护的项目

Reports to Engineering Department all items and fixtures requiring maintenance or repair.

§  检查所有重要客人和长住客人的房间。

Inspects all VIP and long-stay guest rooms.

§  申领客房用品、家具及设备。

Submits requisitions for room supplies, furniture, and equipment.

§  处理客人关于客房部服务或设备的投诉。

Handles guest complaints regarding Housekeeping service or equipment.

§  对客房进行最后的检查并迅速、准确地向客房部文员及/或前台员工发出房态报告。

Inspects guest rooms and submits prompt and accurate room status reports to housekeeping coordinator and/ or Front Office employees.

§  发放、检查及控制所有清洁用品和设备。

Issues, inspects, and controls all cleaning products and equipment.

§  报告所有遗失及损坏的酒店财产。

Reports missing and damaged hotel property.

§  根据酒店“失物招领”制度,报告并处理所有失物招领事项。

Reports and handles all Lost & Found items as per Hotel “Lost and Found’ policy.

§  保持恰当的记录并控制客房部日常运营及报告

Maintains proper records and controls daily Housekeeping operations and reports.

§  确保所有供应品、设备及储藏室的整洁。

Ensures the cleanliness of all supplies, equipment and storage rooms.

§  根据酒店的政策和客房部的规定使用和控制钥匙。

Use and control hotel keys according to hotel policy and Housekeeping principle.



People Management



§  协助招募、选择、主动和发展职员,在能操作、财务、以及管理的哲学之后再工作且确定职员是多熟练的及工作任务

Assists with the recruitment, selection, motivation and development of Housekeeping employees to work following the operational, financial, administrative philosophies and ensuring employees are multi-skilled and perform multi tasks.

§  通过参与管理,对所有客房部服务员进行紧密督导,使他们的表现符合政策、程序及有关法律。

Through hands-on management, supervises closely all Housekeeping employees in the performance of their duties in accordance with Policies & Procedures and applicable laws.

§  适当地分配职责和责任,以使员工掌握技能并获得资源;在确保保持运营及安全标准的同时,关心并发展员工。

Delegates appropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourceful employees, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operations and safety are maintained.

§  和培训部经理发展一队活跃的部门培训师,密切地支持培训部的培训。

Instils and supports the Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with the Training Manager in developing a team of active Departmental Trainers.

§  参与培训角色并发展员工

Takes an active role in the training and development of employees.

§  发展和帮助培训并把重心集中在提高技能和专业知识

Develops and assists with training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge.

§  确保员工完全理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行

Ensures employees have a complete understanding of the Rules & Regulations, and that behaviour complies.

§  监控员工士气并对工作表现及发展提供反馈。

Monitors employee morale and provides mechanism for performance feedback and development. 进行年度表现评估,提供诚实及适合的反馈

Conducts annual Performance Development, providing honest and appropriate feedback.

§  将指导原则及核心价值高效沟通给所有层级的员工。

Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of employees.

§  每日给予职员简短的工作分配及告知每日特别的事件和指导。

Conducts short, daily briefings to hand out assign­ments and to keep employees informed of special events and instructions.

§  确保所有的职员掌握酒店产品知识、最新的晋级、政策变化和适当的内部沟通。

Ensures all employees maintain an up-to-date awareness of hotel product knowledge, current promotion, policy changes and appropriate internal communication.

§  确定所有的职员掌握客人的隐私并全力保护。








§  将指导原则及核心价值高效传达给所有层级的员工。

Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of employees.

§  参加所有有需要的会议

Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.

§  确保任何时间都提供礼貌且专业的服务

Ensures all employees provide courteous and professional service at all times.

§  以礼貌、高效的方式处理客人及员工的要求,遇到投诉或问题,如果不能马上找到解决办法,则进行汇报,并给予迅速追踪。

Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solutions can be found.

§  从在职员和劳资关系的法令立法中了解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度

Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in employee and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Employee Handbook and the hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety.

§  积极地参与福利、安全, 发展并提供忠告、商议及有效回应职员。

Is actively involved in the welfare, safety, development and well-being of employees providing advice, counselling, truthful and diplomatic feedback.

§  确保高水准的个人形象和仪容仪表

Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming.

§  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。

Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.

§  总是练习有责任的管理和行为且积极地表现酒店经营团队和 Hyatt 国际的精神。

Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the Hotel Management Team and Hyatt International.

§  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责

Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.

§  确保每日、每周、每月和特别的工作计划被准时地完成并追踪

Ensures that all daily, weekly, monthly and special project working schedules are completed punctually and followed up.

§  确定所有的职员掌握客人的隐私并全力保护。

Ensures all employees practice the utmost protection of guests’ privacy and confidentiality.

§  灵活并接受在房务部内的部门及其它部门的轮换工作。

Be flexible and adapt to rotate within the different sub departments of the Rooms Division or any other Department.


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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业
凯悦酒店集团的理念我们怀着喜悦的心情迎接八方来客,本着以人为本、以心换心的态度真诚待客,只为让您的旅程与众不同。我们全心全意关怀踏入酒店大门的每一个人,让他们能够达到自己的最佳状态。凯悦旗下的品牌各有千秋、各具特色,但我们所有的酒店都是以真诚的关怀服务宾客。这让我们在酒店行业独树一帜、尽显优势,朝实现理想迈进一大步——在我们进驻的所有市场上成为顾客的首选品牌。 我们的信念我们关爱每一个人,让他们尽善尽美显真我。关爱源于真诚的同理心和人际关系。我们通过真诚地看待他人并将其作为独特个体来加以了解从而做到关爱他人,正因如此,我们才可以量身定制并提供个性化的体验。我们时时秉持以人为本的宗旨对待员工、客人、业主、运营商、社区成员和股东。“尽善尽美显真我”就是每时每刻都要忠于自我,做最真实的自己——专注心神、充实自我,随时准备直面外界的挑战。 酒店介绍苏州柏悦酒店是由苏州金螳螂建筑装饰股份有限公司与凯悦酒店集团强强联合打造的顶级奢华国际品牌酒店。酒店坐落于苏州美丽的金鸡湖畔,其设计构想是打造一座湖畔豪宅,它的“主人”则设定为一位游历四方、独具慧眼的庄园主。这座建筑以优美细腻的现代之笔精妙演绎了传统苏式宅邸的形神,将古典建筑的美感、精巧绝伦的工艺、苏州城的雅韵与现代舒适奢华完美相融。由全球首屈一指的酒店设计公司赫希贝德纳联合设计顾问公司(HBA)完成室内设计,由打造了华盛顿特区世界银行总部、纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)扩建项目以及上海环球金融中心的美国KPF建筑事务所(Kohn Pedersen Fox)担纲外部建筑设计。柏悦 - Park Hyatt, 是凯悦旗下极致尊贵的精品型酒店,提供全面个人化服务和与众不同的私人氛围。柏悦针对追求高品位和奢华享受的客户,其设计典雅,装修有格调,给客户体验提供前所未有的现代豪华。在全球的柏悦酒店当中,没有两家柏悦酒店是一样的!每家酒店各自拥有其独特的外表及魅力,每家酒店均以制造难忘的体验为目标。而在苏州,随着柏悦酒店的到来,相信也会给苏城带来独一无二的奢华,苏州柏悦将用含蓄、现代却不失地方特色的风格,呼应这座拥有厚重历史和文化底蕴的城市。 我们热诚地欢迎各界酒店精英加入苏州柏悦酒店,积极向上并充满热忱的凯悦团队在苏州等您。这会是一个全方位、高品质的学习成长平台,让我们迎接您的到来,见证您的成长! 欢迎登录凯悦酒店集团招聘网站http://hyatt.jobs,建立个人帐户以获悉更多职位信息。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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