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§ 经营所有酒店品牌销售,根据酒店的年度销售计划,执行和维持酒店品牌的定位和理念。
To manage all the hotel sales brand contacts, to enforce and maintain the hotel’s brand positioning and concept, agreed upon in the hotel’s Annual Business Plan.
§ 准备、使用和更新年度销售计划,细分到必要的部门。
To prepare, utilise and update an Annual Sales Plan, broken down as necessary by division and/or department.
§ 管理所有的销售战略、战术和行动的执行,依照销售锦囊的方法,建立一个能够完成销售指标的强大而训练有素的销售团队。
To manage all sales strategy, tactics, and action implementations, complying with the Smart Selling approach, in order to create a strong and disciplined sales team who achieve their sales goals.
§ 为了作出有效的销售决定,执行市场策略工序,最大化有效销售数据,包括酒店COGNOS、市场整合、竞争对手情报和DELPHI/FIDELIO宴会场地管理系统。
To implement the strategic marketing process, maximising the available sales data including hotel Cognos, Marketing Portal, Competitive Intelligence, and Delphi/Fidelio Events system in order to make sound decisions.
§ 为了确保酒店的市场销售保持竞争的优势,持续的监控和评估地方、国内和国际的市场趋势,以及酒店竞争对手的销售状况。
To constantly monitor and evaluate local, national and international market trends, and the competitor hotels’ sales initiatives, in order to make sure the hotel’s marketing and sales remain competitive and cutting edge.
§ 管理所有的重点客户和团队,通过市场策略经理所提供的销售客户分析评估,开发价格、客房数量、和销售人员资源分配的战略。
To manage all key sales accounts and groups, to evaluate them based on sales account analysis prepared by Marketing Manager – Strategy / Marketing Analyst, and to develop strategies for pricing, inventory, and sales resource allocation.
§ 积极的参加每周收益会议和月度战略计划会议,发展并调整销售价格策略。
To actively participate in weekly yield meetings and monthly strategic meetings, developing and adjusting sales and pricing strategy.
§ 了解由于政党、商业、政治和社会因素给酒店财务业绩上的带来的影响。
To be aware of community, business, political and social factors that may affect the hotel’s financial performance.
§ 确保技术系统的良好使用,包括Delphi或其他的销售和餐饮系统,并确保数据的准确。
To ensure the best use is made of technology including Delphi or other sales and Events systems, and the data is clean.
§ 直接协调所有的销售活动并在酒店各处联系传达这些活动。
To direct and coordinate all selling activities and to communicate these activities throughout the hotel.
§ 根据年度市场营销计划,检查并评估销售活动的效力,并作出必要的调整从而达到或超越目标。
To review and evaluate the effectiveness of selling activities and adjust as necessary to achieve or exceed the objectives as outlined in the Annual Marketing Plan.
§ 确保每周核对剩余房间数量和宴会空间数量信息,并制定低住房率期间的销售策略。
To ensure room and banquet space inventories are reviewed weekly and strategies are formulated to fill low occupancy periods.
§ 确保所有的销售报价、酒店资料、数码工具和其他的销售沟通信息与酒店及凯悦酒店集团的品牌标准一致,并及时更新信息。
To make sure all sales proposals, collateral, digital tools, and other sales communications are in line with the hotel’s and HI’s brand standards, and up to date in terms of information.
§ 确保所有合同按照酒店的规章制度以市场销售部的名义签署。
To ensure all contracts signed by or on behalf of the Marketing and Sales Department follow the established hotel policies and procedures.
§ 参加主要的出差旅行、商业活动和公司集会以推广酒店。
To attend major travel, trade and corporate functions to network and promote the hotel.
§ 根据工作的重要次序,计划并安排出差旅行。
To plan and execute sales trips based on business priorities.
§ 与集团销售办公室和姊妹酒店保持紧密的联系,定期更新主要的酒店销售信息。
To communicate closely with the WWSOs and key sister hotels, and update them regularly regarding key hotel sales information
§ 宴请现有的潜在客户,并且确保销售团队根据生意的优先顺序宴请客户。
To entertain existing and potential customers and ensure the Sales Team entertains customers based on business priorities.
§ 确保在销售工作中,通过销售拜访、电话和书面沟通体现酒店的高水准。
To ensure a high level of exposure for the hotel through direct sales solicitation, telephone contact and written communication.
§ 以相互支持与灵活的方式与其他行政委员会成员保持紧密合作关系,关注酒店的成功运营和客人满意度。
To work closely with other Executive Committee members in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
§ 确保所有销售部员工以互相支持和灵活的方式与其他部门合作,发扬团队合作精神。
To make sure Sales associates work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.
凯悦酒店集团的理念我们怀着喜悦的心情迎接八方来客,本着以人为本、以心换心的态度真诚待客,只为让您的旅程与众不同。我们全心全意关怀踏入酒店大门的每一个人,让他们能够达到自己的最佳状态。凯悦旗下的品牌各有千秋、各具特色,但我们所有的酒店都是以真诚的关怀服务宾客。这让我们在酒店行业独树一帜、尽显优势,朝实现理想迈进一大步——在我们进驻的所有市场上成为顾客的首选品牌。 我们的信念我们关爱每一个人,让他们尽善尽美显真我。关爱源于真诚的同理心和人际关系。我们通过真诚地看待他人并将其作为独特个体来加以了解从而做到关爱他人,正因如此,我们才可以量身定制并提供个性化的体验。我们时时秉持以人为本的宗旨对待员工、客人、业主、运营商、社区成员和股东。“尽善尽美显真我”就是每时每刻都要忠于自我,做最真实的自己——专注心神、充实自我,随时准备直面外界的挑战。 酒店介绍苏州柏悦酒店是由金螳螂企业(集团)有限公司与凯悦酒店集团强强联合打造的顶级奢华国际品牌酒店。酒店坐落于苏州美丽的金鸡湖畔,其设计构想是打造一座湖畔豪宅,它的“主人”则设定为一位游历四方、独具慧眼的庄园主。这座建筑以优美细腻的现代之笔精妙演绎了传统苏式宅邸的形神,将古典建筑的美感、精巧绝伦的工艺、苏州城的雅韵与现代舒适奢华完美相融。由全球首屈一指的酒店设计公司赫希贝德纳联合设计顾问公司(HBA)完成室内设计,由打造了华盛顿特区世界银行总部、纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)扩建项目以及上海环球金融中心的美国KPF建筑事务所(Kohn Pedersen Fox)担纲外部建筑设计。柏悦 - Park Hyatt, 是凯悦旗下极致尊贵的精品型酒店,提供全面个人化服务和与众不同的私人氛围。柏悦针对追求高品位和奢华享受的客户,其设计典雅,装修有格调,给客户体验提供前所未有的现代豪华。在全球的柏悦酒店当中,没有两家柏悦酒店是一样的!每家酒店各自拥有其独特的外表及魅力,每家酒店均以制造难忘的体验为目标。而在苏州,随着柏悦酒店的到来,相信也会给苏城带来独一无二的奢华,苏州柏悦将用含蓄、现代却不失地方特色的风格,呼应这座拥有厚重历史和文化底蕴的城市。 我们热诚地欢迎各界酒店精英加入苏州柏悦酒店,积极向上并充满热忱的凯悦团队在苏州等您。这会是一个全方位、高品质的学习成长平台,让我们迎接您的到来,见证您的成长! 欢迎登录凯悦酒店集团招聘网站http://hyatt.jobs,建立个人帐户以获悉更多职位信息。