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- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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站在如此的高度俯视青岛,你很难不会在瞬间升腾起征服一切的壮志雄心。古典的法兰西陈设、淡淡的雪茄香气、瑰丽的红酒漩涡……都将东海路一带的城市喧嚣,不动声色地拒之门外。对于生活的固执的享受,正是12th Estate Avenue的主调!从定位,组织到设计都是为高层商界人士服务的声明卓著的私人会所。
To experience Qingdao from such an exquisite vantage point will surely create a feeling of supreme confidence. Classical French-style furniture, the light fragrance of aromatic cigars, and magnificent wine parties all provide you with a superb peaceful haven sheltered from the hustle and bustle of city life. This is the 12th Estate Avenue, where enjoyment of life is the unrelenting theme! It is a fantastic place for high-level business elites!
The club provides luxury VIP meeting rooms and tailored services for the guests.
12th Estate Avenue致力于建立国际化企业和国内大企业之间交流的平台。注重政府、民间和国际之间的融合与交流。
The 12th Estate Avenue is committed itself to building a communication platform for Chinese and international businesses, and to promoting exchanges between government departments and enterprises on an international basis.
12th Estate Avenue倡导积极,健康的生活方式和投资理念。努力营造一个真诚、友好、温暖的交流空间和精神家园,为此会所定期或不定期邀请会员参加一些活动。如:顶尖奢侈品发布、拍卖晚会、化妆舞会、葡萄酒鉴赏晚会、自驾游、滑雪、高尔夫球锦标赛、自驾帆船游等……
The 12th Estate Avenue advocates an active and healthy life style and investment concept and spares no effort to build a communication platform for the members. Regular and irregular activities of the Club include product release, auction, masquerade, wine tasting party, self-drive tour, skiing, golf contests and boat excursions.