卫生安全经理 Hygiene & Safety Manager
发布于 2019-10-28
卫生安全经理 Hygiene & Safety Manager
全国 | 5年以上 | 本科

Main Task 

1. Design and deploy the HACCP plan established under European regulations and local standards and adapted to products and processes used in the village (management teams and concerned   services are involved)

2. Follow and Control the regulatory functional or operational compliance of products, processes, facilities and equipment   related to food, water, and housekeeping department.

3. Remind the team of the good practices of hygiene in their workplace and check that they are applied.

4. Identify and analyse the failures and non-conformities, diagnose the causes and identify corrective actions in collaboration with stakeholders.

5. Depending on the severity and frequency of non-compliance, alert the department heads, pole heads and / or Chief   of Village /General Manager and Hygiene and Food Safety Expert APAC

6. Control the receiving of raw foods and advise the corrections and corrective actions to be taken in case of non-conformities.

7. Control the compliance of hygiene and food safety requirements from the purchase of raw materials to the service of meals in restaurant and drinks at the bar, rooms if applicable

8. Check temperature control throughout the hot and cold transfer.

9. Regularly perform audits in the F&B areas (stores/receiving areas/kitchen/restaurant/bar) to monitor the implementation and compliance with the HACCP plan requirements

- Regularly perform Room and public area cleaning audit

- Regularly perform audits on our Aqua management procedure in all areas related with water usage in village/resort (ex: swimming pools, spa, guest and staff rooms…etc.)   

10.Ensure the follow up of the Pest Control Management Plan by the Technical manager, according to the HACCP Plan requirements.

11.Ensure certificate management system is applied. License and permitting requirements of the village/resort are met to local regulations and corporate standard.    

Reporting line: Based in APAC village/resort, and able to move to other resort for specific mission and for opening and closing of seasonal village if applicable; under the responsibility of the Chief of Village/General Manager, with functional report to Hygiene and Food Safety Expert APAC  


  • - Ensure hygiene and food safety of the village in a complex environment.

  • - Provide internal expertise to any problem related to hygiene and food safety

  • - Accompany the team for the control of hygiene and food safety.



  • - Implement the hygiene and food safety policy and monitor it, according to standards and regulations in force (Support of the country legal service for the regulation and local standards).

  • - Train and raise awareness amongst the team.

  • - Accompany and follow the laboratories controls in the village.

  • - Accompany and follow the health bureau/FDA and CDC visit.

  • - Improve continuously the hygiene level of the village.

  • - Prevent the risks to the community and individuals.

  • - Be involved in the management of a health crisis in the village.


Improve continuously hygiene and food safety in the village. Depending on the needs 

  • - Propose material purchases.

  • - Propose equipment or structural modifications.

  • - Create / modify the procedures.

  • - Propose the purchase, substitution or removal of food, drinks or cleaning products.



  • - In connection with the other actors for training (UDT, VTM, FTG, external corporate audit company etc.), raise awareness and train the team on  food safety and hygiene apply in hotel departments.

  • - Create a training plan in collaboration with the team in place.

  • - Record the training performed.

  • - Control the acquisition of knowledge.


Accompany and follow the laboratories audit in the villages 

  • - Accompany the auditor during the visit and report any non-compliance.

  • - Identify and propose food samples and swabs to be taken.

  • - Following the audit report, make an action plan defining the proper corrective actions and responsibilities.


Risks Prevention to the community and individuals 

  • - Investigate and inform of the potential food risks to the health of the customers and employees in an anticipatory perspective (e.g. risks related to raw materials used, environment, staff ...).

  • - Follow closely with the nurse the diarrhea statistics of the village and be informed of reported cases of food-born illness and / or transmissible through food.

  • - Monitor and check the implementation of medical monitoring and health certificate of employees in the village in collaboration with the HR manager.


Objectives and evaluation criteria  

  • - Decrease the number of gastroenteritis in the village.

  • - Cost control of litigation files of GM after departure.

  • - Increase satisfaction of the microbiological results achieved on food.

  • - Decrease the non-conformities observed during external audits on Food, Aqua and Guest rooms.

  • - Guarantee of a high level of health.


The know-how 

  • - Background (food engineer degree, veterinary, Master, etc…) and/or the required experience for the job.

  • - Good knowledge about regulations, hygiene and food safety standards (e.g. hygiene package,  ISO 22000 and 22001-FDA regulation). Diploma or certificate of food safety (ex: HACCP certification)  

  • - Good knowledge about the good practices in the hotel/tourism industry.



  • - For China villages/resorts Mandarin is mandatory, English is plus  
  • - English (both speaking and Writing)


Required qualifications for the job 

  • - Adaptability.

  • - Precision.

  • - Organisation.

  • Confidentiality.

  • Autonomy.

  • Interpersonal skill.

目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 500-999人
  • 外商独资.外企办事处
       来自法国Club Med是目前全球最大的度假连锁集团之一,成立于1950年,第一个度假村位于瑞士, 大受欧洲客人的喜爱,并在之后陆续成立海滩度假村,在1979年于马来西亚成立第一家亚洲度假村,目前已有约80家度假村分布于世界各地。作为高端度假休闲品牌,Club Med不仅给客人安心舒适的假期,也是我们客人身份的彰显—尊贵体面。绝美精致、无忧无虑的自由空间、应有尽有的假日享受、友好而舒适的氛围、有趣的多种活动项目……所有的这些都将留给我们的客人一段最美好的假日回忆。   Club Med度假村以阳光沙滩、高山滑雪闻名,遍及全球30多个国家的80个Club Med度假村总是座落于世界上最为浪漫魅力、宁静安详的地方,每一处都是适合放松身心的度假天堂。Club Med不断发展着多元文化交融的和谐氛围。Club Med所提供的世外桃源、应有尽有、多元文化、活力无限和极品休闲五大主题假期,让尊贵的客人可以自由选择能够充分满足个性化需求的度假胜地。   2010年开始 , 复星集团开始入股, 并协助Club Med在中国的发展。在其大力支持之下 ,在中国的第一座冰雪度假村已于2010年底在中国黑龙江亚布力隆重开业,诚邀更多的中外游客一起来体验全新的奢华冰雪假期;第二座度假村位于桂林也于2013年投入运营;位于珠海东澳岛的度假村是Club Med在国内的第三座度假村,也是国内的首座海滨度假村,于2014年揭幕。现在与三亚海宇旅业投资有限公司合作共同开发位于三亚湾的度假村项目,为地中海俱乐部在国内成立的第四间高端度假村。   2015年复星集团正式成功收购Club Med , 并开始积极协助Club Med在中国的产业发展。计划在中国每年以2家度假村的速度积极发展。Club Med十分重视中国市场的发展,致力于将欢乐带给更多的中国及外国消费者。我们在全球均设有销售办事处,随着中国度假村数量的增加,越来越多的外国游客来到中国、认识中国、了解中国,因为我们相信中国是一个潜力巨大的市场。无论是对中国游客还是外国游客都充满了无限的吸引力。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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