1、 熟知当天订餐情况,注意记录宾客的特别活动(如生日庆祝会),应及时向主管汇报。
2、 替宾客存取保管衣物,并询问有无贵重物品,贵重物品提醒宾客自行保管。
3、 迎接宾客,引导宾客到预订台位或宾客满意的台位。
4、 客满时,负责安排好后到的宾客,使宾客乐于等位。
5、 随时注意听取宾客的意见,及时向上级反映。
6、 随时注意在接待工作中的各种问题,及时向上级反映和协助处理。
7、 掌握和运用礼貌语言,负责接听电话,宾客电话订餐应问清楚基本信息。
8、 向客人介绍餐厅各式菜点、各种饮品和特式菜点,吸引宾客来餐厅就餐。
连云港海州诺富特酒店坐落于连云港市海州区秦东门大街,与孔望山风景区远眺相望毗邻市中心和商业区。酒店设有212间现代简约客房,含设计新颖的豪华客房、山景亲子主题房及各类套房。酒店汇聚中西饮食文化精髓,配备的多间会议室,是中小型会议与家庭聚会的理想之选。在诺富特,享受时光之美,体验现代轻松生活。The hotel is located on Qindongmen Street, Haizhou District, Lianyungang City,facingthe KongwangshanScenic Area fromadistance, adjacent to the city centerand commercial district. The hotel has 212 modern and minimalist guest rooms,including uniquely designed luxury rooms, mountain view children's room, and suites. The hotel gathers the essence of Chinese and Western culinary culture, equipped with multiple meeting rooms, suitable for small and medium-sized meetings and family gatherings. At Novotel, enjoy the beauty of time and experience a relaxed life.