Operation Supervisor 运作主管
发布于 2021-01-04
Operation Supervisor 运作主管
北京 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 招1人
  • 1、Reports directly to and communicates with the Director of Finance and Business Support on all matters pertaining to credit and collection of guest and city ledger accounts

  • 直接向财务和业务支持总监汇报并沟通所有与客户帐户和挂账有关的收款和信贷事宜。

  • 2、Cooperates, coordinates and communicates with guests and other departments in matters concerning issuance of credit, follow up outstanding accounts and assisting with credit requirements

  • 与顾客和其它部门合作,协調和交流有关信贷发放的相关事宜,跟进欠款帐目并协助处理信贷申请

     3、Liaises closely with  reviewing and maintaining the Aged Trial Balance of Accounts Receivable

  • 负责检查和维护应收帐款的帐龄

  • 4、Monitors the special billing arrangements for groups and conventions as required to ensure that postings are in line with customer requirements

  • 监控团体和会议的特殊帐目安排要求,确定入帐符合顾客的需求

  • 5、Reviews city ledger daily for correct postings of charges and take corrective action where necessary

  • 每天检查挂帐记录的准确性,并进行必要的纠正

  • 6、Monitor and pursue collection of overdue accounts

  • 监控并跟进逾期未付账户的收款

  • 7、Review bad debts listing monthly to prepare collectability analysis for monthly provision for doubtful debts

  • 8、每月进行坏账清单审核,并为每月的坏账准备金准备坏账收回可能性分析

  • Respond to and resolve account queries in conjunction with accounts receivable

  • 联合应收账款对账目询问进行回应和解释

  • 9、Assists in control and collection of outstanding guest and city ledger accounts

  • 协助对欠款的客户账号和城市分类账进行控制和收取账款

  • 10、Prepare management reports for month end analysis and provide documentation for credit meeting

  • 为月末分析准备管理报告,并为信贷会议提供文件

  • 11、Review provision, write-offs and other adjustments immediately prior to month end

  • 月底前审核当月计提的坏帐准备,坏帐注销及其它调整

  • 12、Assists in maintaining and preparing accurate and timely financial and operating information with emphasis on the Aged Trial Balance of Accounts Receivable


  • 13、Assists in providing safe keeping, including proper storage and access, for all contracts, leases and other financial records

  • 协助安全存放所有合同,租约和其他财务记录,包括适当的存放和存取。

  • 14、Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs

  • 与上级一起制定人力资源规划和管理需求。

  • 15、Works with Superior in the preparation and management of the department’s budget

  • 16、To check all Daily Food & Bevage Revenue and front office revenue All revenue must be in accordance with Finance Policy

  • 审核每天的餐饮收入和前台收入,所有收入必须遵循财务制度

  • 17、Keys revenue journal and distributes to Outlet Mangers and management

  • 编制收入报告,然后分发给餐厅经理和管理层。

    18、Ensure promotion related system set up must be in accordance with Finance Policy

  • 确保酒店所有的促销时系统的设置符合财务制度

  • 19、To prepare monthly Duty Meal Report and ENT Report at end of month

  • 完成每月的餐费及招待费报表

  •  20、To prepare Monthly End Closing

  • 完成每月的月底结账

  • 21、Review all rebates and miscellaneous charges are supported by documentation detailing the charges.  All rebate credits must be in accordance with Finance Policy.  The rebate credits, miscellaneous charges and paid outs must be summarized and sent to the Finance Director and General Manager for review daily

  • 确保所有折扣和杂费项目均附有相关单据列明具体收费项目。所有折扣应遵循财务制度。折扣,杂费及垫付款项应备有总结清单,每天提交给财务总监和总经理审批

  • 22、Ensures that programs involving coupons, certificates, and vouchers are adequately controlled and safeguards are in place

  • 对所有涉及优惠券,证书和凭单的活动均应妥善管理,施行安全措施。

  • 23、Audits daily collection of the General Cashiers Summary against the bank in slip

  • 审核每日总出纳的汇总表与存款单是否一致。

  • 24、Audits and reconciles advance payments and ensures payments have been applied

  • 审查核对预付款项,确保付款到位。

  • 25、Reconciles revenues on a daily basis via back up page

  • 核對每日收入是否与备份相符。

  • 26、Performs various special projects as requested and assigned by management

  • 按管理层要求和安排执行各种特殊项目。

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  • 酒店业--国内高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 国有企业
北京世园璞燊酒店位于北京延庆区世界园艺博览会公园内,素有北京“夏都”之称的延庆区,山水环绕,拥有丰富的历史文化底蕴,20分钟车程到八达岭长城及延庆主要景点,是一个新休闲和会展目的地。 Located in the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural Expo Park of Beijing Yanqing district. Yanqing is known as the “summer capital” of Beijing, surrounded by mountains and rivers, which filled with cultural significance. The hotel is next to 2019 World Horticultural Expo, 20 mins to Badalin Great Wall, which is also a new leisure and MICE destination. 北京世园璞燊酒店是北京世园资产运营管理有限责任公司在园区内的唯一一家古建式园林酒店,由国宝级古建筑匠人精心还原。酒店以江南第一官厅“五凤楼”为核心,旨在为客人提供别具一格的绝妙体验。 Beijing Shiyuan Pusen hotel is the only ancient garden hotel in Beijing shiyuan asset management co., LTD. With the "five phoenixes building" as the core, the hotel aims to provide unique and wonderful experience for guests. 在酒店大堂品味张岱所钟爱之繁华;在客房体验文震亨清居之风雅,赏味文征明书法之劲秀;在荟萃餐厅品鉴徐渭画风之洒脱,在棠棣茶室领悟朱权悉心茶道之率性自然……处处传递古代文人随性、闲适、高雅的生活情致与韵味,从物质享受到精神享受的升华,通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉的五感,细味有无之间的静谧,呈现 “奢华” 的本质:高雅的生活方式;高尚的生活追求。 In the lobby of the hotel to taste zhang dai's favorite bustling; Experience the elegance of wen zhenheng's residence in the guest room, and appreciate the elegance of the calligraphy. Enjoy the free and easy style of xu wei's painting in the hui cui restaurant, and understand the natural spontaneity of zhu quan's tea ceremony in the crabapple tang di tea house... The ancient literati's casual, leisurely and elegant life style and charm are conveyed everywhere. The sublimation from material enjoyment to spiritual enjoyment presents the essence of "luxury" through the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The pursuit of a noble life. 78间宽敞舒适的客房分布于江南古代建筑群中,蜿蜒的连廊将建筑连为一体,置身其中,移步异景,让您远离城市喧嚣。置身于令人心旷神怡的世园公园内,旨在为客人提供别具一格的绝妙体验。客房设计灵感亦来自明代文人居所的典雅精致。正如明代文士文震亨所著《长物志》中提倡“制具尚用”的功能性设计理念,布局力求取得平衡与对称,维持了纯朴的舒适感。 The 78 spacious and comfortable guest rooms are located in the ancient buildings of jiangnan. The winding corridor connects the building into an organic whole, placing and moving step in different scene, make you feel free from the hustle and bustle city. We aimto provide our guests the unique and wonderful experience while staying in the breathtaking world park.Guestrooms are inspired by the elegance of the Ming dynasty. As wen zhenheng, a scholar of the Ming dynasty, advocated the functional design concept of "making tools to be functional" in his book changwu zhi, the layout strives to achieve balance and symmetry, maintaining a simple and comfortable feeling. 酒店建筑风格、室内设计到专业艺术品收藏,处处都彰显着人文的文化底蕴与现代艺术的完美融合;从食物的取材、用心诚意的烹制、专业的服务理念,每处细节都展现着璞燊“始终如一的中华待客之道”。 The hotel's architectural style, interior design and professional art collection reveal the perfect combination of humanistic culture and modern art everywhere. Every detail shows pushen's "consistent Chinese hospitality" from food materials, sincere cooking and professional service concept.    面试须知: 1、因酒店在世园会园区内,暂时没法提供面试者进园区,所以面试请提前电话确认; 2、因园区服务的独特性,政审不合格者请勿投简历; 3、咨询电话:010-56057766     
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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