Lifeguard 救生员
发布于 2021-01-04
Lifeguard 救生员
北京 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 招2人
  • 1、Provide prompt, efficient and courteous services to guests, members and visitors

  • 向客人、会员和来访者提供及时、高效和礼貌的服务。

  • 2、Maintain Health Club facilities according to set standards of order and cleanliness

  • 按照既定次序和清洁标准来维护健身俱乐部设施。

  • 3、Report repairs and maintenance problems to supervisor

  • 向主管汇报维修和保养问题。

  • 4、Familiarize yourself with facilities, activities, equipment, services and other pertinent information in order to provide guest with accurate information

  • 熟悉酒店的设施、活动、设备、服务和其它相关情况,以便向客人提供准确信息。

  • 5、Be knowledgeable about all hotel facilities in order to promote and sell them to guests

  • 熟知酒店所有设施,以便向客人进行推销。

  • 6、Ensure guests amenities, towels, linen and other guests needs have ample supply

  • 确保充分供应客人的用品、毛巾、布草等。

  • 7、Follow hotel procedures in relation to pool towel issue and retrieval

  • 遵守酒店关于泳池毛巾的发放和回收的工作程序。

  • 8、Liaise with inter-facing departments such as Laundry, Housekeeping and Engineering to provide great service

  • 与关联部门,如洗衣房、客房部和工程部进行沟通,以向客人提供上乘服务。

  • 9、Conduct activities and services for guest, members and registered children while giving proper instruction and safety reminders

  • 为客人、会员和已登记的儿童开展活动与服务,对其做相关说明并提醒其注意安全。

  • 10、Abide by rules and regulations and policies and procedures of hotel

  • 遵守酒店的各项规章制度、政策和工作程序。

  • 11、Conduct regular inspections of pool grounds to ensure cleanliness standards are maintained

  • 对游泳池进行定期视察,以确保其达到清洁标准。

  • 12、Apply correct charges to guests and visitors where applicable for use of pool, spa and gym, and post to room bill in accordance with procedure 

  • 就游泳池、Spa和体育馆的使用向客人和来访者正确收费,并按照工作程序将费用计入房间帐单。

  • 13、Attend scheduled training

  • 参加排定的培训活动。

  • 14、Participate actively in employee activities

  • 积极参加员工活动。

  • 15、Adhere to specified hygiene and personal appearance standards

  • 遵守规定的卫生和个人仪容标准。

  • 16、Participate in activities concerning protection of environment

  • 参加与环保相关的活动 。

  • 17、Ensure only qualified persons such as in-house guests, members and guests who paid the entrance fee are allowed to use

  • 确保只允许符合资格的人员使用相关设施,如住店客人、会员和交付入场费的客人。

  • 18、Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the general principles of fitness and training, concepts of health and the effects of exercise on the human body

  • 表现出对健身和训练的一般性原则、健康观念以及锻炼对人体影响的深入了解。

  • 19、Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the general principles of nutrition and influence on the performance of exercise activities

  • 表现出对人体营养的一般性原则及其对体育锻炼的效能影响的深入了解。

  • 20、Trace relevant statistic about innovative fitness, sport and recreation activities with a view to implement

  • 跟踪研究关于新型健身、运动和康乐活动的统计数字,以期采用此类活动。

  • 21、Assist departments in developing attitudes of health and well-being of staff through fitness, sport and recreation programs

  • 通过健身、运动和康乐活动协助各部门形成增进员工健康和福利的观念。

  • 22、Select and maintain a range of fitness activities and equipment

  • 挑选并保持一系列健身活动项目和设备。

  • 23、Teach a multitude of exercise techniques from a variety of fitness scenarios

  • 教授选自各种健身方式的大量锻炼技巧。

  • 24、Program exercises for individual guests as requested

  • 按要求为每位客人制定锻炼计划。

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  • 酒店业--国内高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 国有企业
北京世园璞燊酒店位于北京延庆区世界园艺博览会公园内,素有北京“夏都”之称的延庆区,山水环绕,拥有丰富的历史文化底蕴,20分钟车程到八达岭长城及延庆主要景点,是一个新休闲和会展目的地。 Located in the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural Expo Park of Beijing Yanqing district. Yanqing is known as the “summer capital” of Beijing, surrounded by mountains and rivers, which filled with cultural significance. The hotel is next to 2019 World Horticultural Expo, 20 mins to Badalin Great Wall, which is also a new leisure and MICE destination. 北京世园璞燊酒店是北京世园资产运营管理有限责任公司在园区内的唯一一家古建式园林酒店,由国宝级古建筑匠人精心还原。酒店以江南第一官厅“五凤楼”为核心,旨在为客人提供别具一格的绝妙体验。 Beijing Shiyuan Pusen hotel is the only ancient garden hotel in Beijing shiyuan asset management co., LTD. With the "five phoenixes building" as the core, the hotel aims to provide unique and wonderful experience for guests. 在酒店大堂品味张岱所钟爱之繁华;在客房体验文震亨清居之风雅,赏味文征明书法之劲秀;在荟萃餐厅品鉴徐渭画风之洒脱,在棠棣茶室领悟朱权悉心茶道之率性自然……处处传递古代文人随性、闲适、高雅的生活情致与韵味,从物质享受到精神享受的升华,通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉的五感,细味有无之间的静谧,呈现 “奢华” 的本质:高雅的生活方式;高尚的生活追求。 In the lobby of the hotel to taste zhang dai's favorite bustling; Experience the elegance of wen zhenheng's residence in the guest room, and appreciate the elegance of the calligraphy. Enjoy the free and easy style of xu wei's painting in the hui cui restaurant, and understand the natural spontaneity of zhu quan's tea ceremony in the crabapple tang di tea house... The ancient literati's casual, leisurely and elegant life style and charm are conveyed everywhere. The sublimation from material enjoyment to spiritual enjoyment presents the essence of "luxury" through the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The pursuit of a noble life. 78间宽敞舒适的客房分布于江南古代建筑群中,蜿蜒的连廊将建筑连为一体,置身其中,移步异景,让您远离城市喧嚣。置身于令人心旷神怡的世园公园内,旨在为客人提供别具一格的绝妙体验。客房设计灵感亦来自明代文人居所的典雅精致。正如明代文士文震亨所著《长物志》中提倡“制具尚用”的功能性设计理念,布局力求取得平衡与对称,维持了纯朴的舒适感。 The 78 spacious and comfortable guest rooms are located in the ancient buildings of jiangnan. The winding corridor connects the building into an organic whole, placing and moving step in different scene, make you feel free from the hustle and bustle city. We aimto provide our guests the unique and wonderful experience while staying in the breathtaking world park.Guestrooms are inspired by the elegance of the Ming dynasty. As wen zhenheng, a scholar of the Ming dynasty, advocated the functional design concept of "making tools to be functional" in his book changwu zhi, the layout strives to achieve balance and symmetry, maintaining a simple and comfortable feeling. 酒店建筑风格、室内设计到专业艺术品收藏,处处都彰显着人文的文化底蕴与现代艺术的完美融合;从食物的取材、用心诚意的烹制、专业的服务理念,每处细节都展现着璞燊“始终如一的中华待客之道”。 The hotel's architectural style, interior design and professional art collection reveal the perfect combination of humanistic culture and modern art everywhere. Every detail shows pushen's "consistent Chinese hospitality" from food materials, sincere cooking and professional service concept.    面试须知: 1、因酒店在世园会园区内,暂时没法提供面试者进园区,所以面试请提前电话确认; 2、因园区服务的独特性,政审不合格者请勿投简历; 3、咨询电话:010-56057766     
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
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