1. 协助财务总监与财务经理,参与制定、修订并完善酒店的成本控制制度。
2. 及时编制部门耗用成本费用汇总表,进行成本、费用的分析考核,向领导提供成本变动情况和提出控制成本、费用改进意见和建议。
3. 督导下属按成本控制制度流程和标准进行核算,随时为加强成本管理提供有关成本核算资料。
4. 根据收集整理的各种核算资料和厨房制作的投料标准单,提出售品的零售价建议,制定标准成本菜单和标准售价菜单。
5. 按照权责发生制原则,严格区分本期成本与下期成本界限。
6. 按照公司规定的核算办法核算各厨房、吧台的原材料、调料、燃料的进价成本。
7. 认真核对请购单与采购部提供的原始单据是否相符、多所购原材料超请购单部分,应责成采购员予以退货。
8. 指导库管员做好月末盘点工作。认真核对各种账簿,做到帐帐相符、账实相符、账卡相符。
9. 根据直拨厨房的原材料收货单填制记账凭证,并按实际进价计算营业成本。
10. 根据厨房、吧台领用的原材料和库存商品填制记账凭证,并按实际进价计算营业成本。
11. 月末根据相符后的营业成本和其他有关资料计算本期营业成本率和毛利率,并对成本和毛利变化情况分析提出改进措施。
12. 负责公司分配本岗位使用的固定资产和低值易耗品的管理,做到帐实相符。
13. 协助上级做好本岗位安全生产和卫生防疫工作。
辽宁大厦,为每一位宾客提供以“怡享城市静幽,自在此处繁华”为格调,以“Pleasant Journey is your best choice”为服务的五星级奢华酒店体验,带给流连于此处各界宾客超乎想象的旅行、餐饮与住宿的丰富且舒适的非凡体验。我们一直致力于为各方宾客提供至臻细致的服务,同时也诚邀工作经验的人士与初入职场的小白或者有意踏入行业的你,与我们的团队一起,追求职场的卓越,享受工作的快乐,以及探索生活的乐趣。Liaoning Mansion offers a five-star luxury experience of "Enjoy the tranquility of the city and the prosperity of this place", bringing an unimaginable, rich and comfortable special experience of travel, dining and accommodation to guests from all walks of life who linger here. We have always been committed to providing meticulous service to all guests. At the same time, we sincerely invite experienced professionals, fresh graduates or those who are interested in entering the industry to join our team, pursue career excellence, enjoy the happiness of work and explore the joy of life together.酒店坐落于中关村核心商务区域,能够提供众多特色美食与不同城景住宿体验,酒店主体达86000㎡,层高27层,拥有438间客房,15间多功能会议厅,特别是拥有千人规模无柱式宴会厅,规模在京北区域首屈一指。酒店毗邻北大、清华,距离“鸟巢”仅5分钟车程,地理位置得天独厚,交通十分便捷。项目同北京辽宁饭店(四星标准)同隶属于国资底蕴深厚的北京盛安酒店管理集团,集团目前处于高速成长期,能够提供专业稳定的发展机遇与职业平台。The hotel is located in the core business area of Zhongguancun. It can provide numerous special delicacies and different city-view accommodation experiences. The main body of the hotel covers an area of 86,000 square meters, with 27 floors and 438 guest rooms and 15 multi-functional conference rooms. Particularly, it has a pillarless banquet hall that can accommodate a thousand people, and its scale is second to none in the northern area of Beijing. The hotel is adjacent to Peking University and Tsinghua University and is only a 5-minute drive away from the "Bird's Nest". It enjoys a privileged geographical location and very convenient transportation. The project belongs to the Sheng'an Hotel Management Company with profound state-owned capital background. The company is currently in a period of rapid growth and can provide professional and stable development opportunities and career platforms.期待您的加入,您将获得:Looking forward to your joining, you will receive:丰富的平台与行业成长经验、多岗位方向的职级发展、充满友好激励的内部团队氛围、安全舒适,特别是超近上班距离的公寓式员工宿舍环境、完善的员工后勤服务体系、多到数都数不过来的各种假期及社会保险、多项员工关怀及福利服务、全国各项目的履职提升机遇与员工福利专享... ....Rich platform and industry growth experience, multi position career development, friendly and motivating internal team atmosphere, safe and comfortable, especially apartment style employee dormitory environment with ultra close working distance, comprehensive employee logistics service system, countless types of holidays and social insurance, multiple employee care and welfare services... ...除直接网站投递外,更多详细了解,可以垂询010-82550067 或62589999转5301、5302、 5309(时间为周一至周五每天09:00-17:30)也可在线详询(申加时请注明申请或咨询岗位信息,否则不予加入,还请谅解),手机同微信:15042946344、13911096299 、13153217187、18515836370(时间为周一至周五每天09:00-17:30)邮箱:blushforward@foxmail.com除可直接导航至“北京辽宁大厦”查询线路外,公交路线可至保福寺桥西、保福寺桥南站,下车后沿北四环南侧向东200米后即可至酒店大堂礼宾、前台问询人力资源部(酒店B2F)位置。地址:北京市海淀区北四环西路甲2号辽宁大厦网址:http://www.liaoninginternationalhotel.com/