• 运输及清洁餐具和服务用品,给服务人员提供适当器材,为客人提供美好的用餐体验
• 负责工作区域及所有工具、器具、器皿的清洁卫生、消毒、分类定位整齐放置
• 负责将废弃物回收到垃圾房
• 确保厨具及设备正常运转
• 能够正确使用清洁剂和清洁用化学药剂,尽可能减少浪费
• 服从上级的其他工作安排
• 有洗碗工作经验者优先
• 吃苦耐劳,对待工作认真负责,服从安排
• 卫生意识强,身体健康
• 接受排班轮休
广州紫方实业有限公司GZ Purple Square Co., Ltd.公司成立于2012年,公司旗下涵盖房地产、服装零售连锁、餐饮娱乐等项目。2014年12月,公司餐饮娱乐类的首个项目—— 宋·Song's Club面世。该店自开业起就受到高端消费者的热捧,并引起了华南区甚至是全国同行业的关注。从此,各地类似的项目如雨后春笋般涌现,宋·Song's Club成为名副其实的“行业标杆”,热潮一直延续至今。2018年7月,酝酿多年的 宋·川菜 对外试业,再次在业内引起轰动。并在次年7月,便拿下米其林一星餐厅的荣耀,成为内地首家米其林摘星的川菜餐厅。同年,屡获殊荣的合作伙伴——设计公司RMA正式加盟。更多的全新概念项目即将于全国各地陆续展开...GZPS was established in 2012, focusing on excessive entertaining industry. It contains Real-Estate, Textile and Clothing Retailing, Food and Beverage Entertaining, Bar, etc.Since 2014, GZPS Fully gained the possession, meanwhile operating Song's Club (known as SC), which has had obtained a major attention from GZ entertaining industry, soon later national wisely. SC has created and stimulating to segment a niche market in night entertaining industry ever since, playing as a role model or setting standards as a benchmark.In July 2018, Song Chinese Cuisine had its trial operation after years of planning, unsurprisingly caused a stir within the industry, and got the Michelin star the following year as the first Michelin Sichuan restaurant in mainland of China.Award-winning RMA,the former interior design supplier, officially joined as a partner the same year.More projects with new concept are coming soon…