Work Closely with the hotels nominated cleaning supplies and hygiene consultants.
Supervise stewards and kitchen staff and ensures they are following all hygiene standards and practises. Any staff found to be working in an unhygienic manner should be reported to the Executive Chef who will advise action to be taken.
Work closely with other employees in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
Performs regular hygiene inspections in all areas of the Kitchen and food service areas and reports any wrong doings or areas of concern directly to the Executive Chef (It is up to the Executive Chef to take further action on any particular matter which may be of concern)
Ensures the hygiene standard of Food and Beverage production and service within the Hotel.
Works closely with the local Hygiene and Health authorities/ agencies and coordinates with all related matters that involve the Hotel and the authorities.
Coordinates and ensures the implementation of Pest Control programme in the Hotel.
Works closely with the Human Resources to ensure all employees attend the medical check and obtain the necessary Health Card as required by the local authority.
Takes all necessary actions to ensure the Hotel passes the Hygiene inspection and successfully obtains the necessary Hygiene License for the Hotel.
Coordinates and assists the Human Resources in Blood Donation activities when necessary.
To have a complete understanding and strictly adheres to the Hotel Policies & Procedures related to Fire, Hygiene, Health and Safety.
Assists the Training department in all training activities related to Food Safety.
Establishes and enforces sanitation standards for the kitchen.
Works closely with Materials and receiving in the Food receiving area the hotel and also interacts with suppliers about the way they deliver produce to the hotel.(Any areas of concern about suppliers should be reported to the Executive Chef who should in turn act on this with the Materials Manager)
关于凯悦酒店集团凯悦酒店集团总部位于美国芝加哥,是全球著名的酒店集团。截至2020年9月30日,凯悦在全球六大洲超过67个国家和地区共经营管理20个品牌,拥有950余间酒店、全包酒店及度假村和康体度假村。凯悦的信念是“关爱每一个人,让他们尽善尽美显真我”。这一信念是凯悦所有商业决策和发展战略的基础,同时也是吸引行业内的优秀人才、与宾客建立长久的关系、竭尽所能为投资人创造价值的基础。凯悦酒店集团的子公司开发拥有、租赁、运营管理、特许经营、以及提供服务于包括柏悦酒店(Park Hyatt)、Miraval、君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt)、阿丽拉(Alila)、安达仕酒店(Andaz)、凯悦臻选(The Unbound Collection by Hyatt)、Destination、凯悦酒店(Hyatt Regency)、Hyatt、凯悦乐家(Hyatt Ziva)、凯悦奇乐(Hyatt Zilara)、Thompson Hotels、凯悦尚萃酒店(Hyatt Centric)、Caption by Hyatt、Joie de Vivre、凯悦嘉寓酒店(Hyatt House)、凯悦嘉轩酒店(Hyatt Place)、tommie、逸扉(UrCove)以及Hyatt Residence Club 等著名品牌的酒店、度假村、公寓、分时度假项目、健身及SPA场所,更有凯悦天地忠诚顾客计划为会员提供精彩体验与专享礼遇。如需更多信息,请访问 www.hyatt.com。 关于凯悦臻选凯悦臻选系列不仅汇集一系列独具一格的优质独立酒店,更是一个精选策划收集了一段段绝妙轶事的品牌。无论是前卫独立的当代潮流居所、历史悠久的文化瑰宝、还是令人恢复元气的修养之地,每座凯悦臻选酒店都为宾客提供打造唤醒灵感、启迪人生的环境与体验,为他们在旅途过程中提供高水准而随心而动的服务。如需获取完整的酒店清单,请访问unboundcollection.hyatt.com。 关于凯悦嘉轩酒店凯悦嘉轩酒店以其独到的设计风格、独特的创新体验和全天候的便捷服务,为当今需要在各类需求中切换的旅客们打造便捷舒心的现代入住体验。客房经过精心设计,将睡眠、工作和娱乐区相互独立,流畅连通的社交空间让宾客可以完成从工作到休闲的无缝连接,在两种状态间自由切换。凯悦嘉轩酒店分布于全球375多个目的地,提供全天候新鲜美食、高效的服务以及“凯悦天地”会员专属体验。如需更多信息,请访问www.hyattplace.com。 陶溪川旅游景区二期 / 凯悦酒店项目简介陶溪川旅游景区二期酒店项目,引入“美国凯悦HYATT”这一全球顶级的酒店品牌,集专属高品质酒店设计、建设、品牌化运营于一体,满足陶溪川旅游景区二期的规划建设,促进城市建设及老城保护。预计于2020年8月30日完成结构封顶,并2021年4月30日竣工验收投入使用。 本项目总占地约27,582㎡,由顶级英国建筑大师戴卫奇普菲尔德主创设计,及上海建筑设计研究院联合设计。中铁四局集团施工建设,总建筑面积约94,185㎡。其中地上建筑面积约44,262㎡,地下建筑面积约49,923㎡。 本项目包括凯悦臻选酒店,及凯悦嘉轩酒店组成,地上共4栋建筑单体。其中凯悦臻选酒店包括196间客房,及配套的全日制餐厅、包房餐厅、游泳池、SPA、健身房等标准配套功能用房。另有凯悦嘉轩酒店包括152间客房及多功能公共会议区、早餐厅等标准配置功能用房。