北京JW万豪酒店座落于繁华商业中心的,是北京现代化超大型建筑集群华贸中心的一个组成部分。华贸中心拥有三幢顶级写字楼、超过900个国际品牌的大型商场、高端的公寓住宅楼以及北京丽思卡尔顿酒店,是北京东长安街上又一重要地标性建筑集群。酒店地理位置优越,便捷的交通可抵达城市各个旅游景点及购物中心。酒店所有588间客房备有先进的高科技设备,如超大尺寸的液晶平面电视,iPod对接基座,无线高速上网等。酒店的大宴会厅,也是北京最大的宴会厅之一,方便承办各种大小规模的会议。北京JW万豪酒店作为万豪集团在全球的第3000家酒店,自开业以来一直秉持着为客人提供亲切奢华的服务,给客人带来贴心舒适的下榻体验。为了给客人创造持续完善的服务,北京JW万豪酒店致力于员工的培训和发展,迄今为止内部主管及经理职位提升比例高达60%-70%。为了增加内部晋升的机会,酒店针对实习生、基层员工、主管和各级经理打造了一整套完整的培训晋升机制,致力于为对酒店行业有高度热情的酒店人打造属于自己的职业生涯发展机会!JW万豪品牌是为了纪念万豪集团创始人John Willard Marriott先生自1927年集团成立以来的不懈坚持而创立的品牌,也是万豪集团内部数十个品牌中最顶尖的奢华品牌。来北京JW万豪酒店,开启你的职业旅程!JW Marriott Hotel Beijing, Located in the Central Business District of Beijing, is an integral part of China Central Place which is a prestigious landmark of the capital city comprises of three top grade office towers, a large shopping mall offering over 900 international brands and exciting dining options, high end residential apartments and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Beijing. The hotel offers convenient access to the city's major attractions, and is close to all major shopping areas. All 588 rooms feature the latest in-room technology such as large size flat screen TV, iPod docking stations, wireless internet access etc., in a contemporary setting. With one of the largest ballroom in Beijing, the meeting and banquet facilities are ideal for events of all kinds.地 址:北京朝阳区建国路 83 号 83 Jian Guo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100025, China邮政编码:100025电 话:010-59088610