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· 严格遵守《员工守则》和各项规章制度,服从管理,听从指挥。
· 严格执行各项规章制度,认真操作,确保设备安全运行。
· 保证酒店日常供电、供水、供气、供热、供冷设备正常运转。
· 及时巡视准确的填报设备运行记录及交接班记录。
· 对所管辖的设备、设施进行巡检与维护。
· 节约能源,控制能源消耗。
· 跟进宴会、会议的保障工作,保证酒店宴会、会议设备的正常工作。
· 定期按要求试运行发电机、确保断电时发电送电。
· 执行管理层所分配的其他工作任务。
成都滨江希尔顿逸林酒店位于成都市成华区新兴的商业中心,毗邻东郊记忆,文化创意产业园,沙河城市公园,让您体验传统的工业基地与现代时尚、音乐元素的碰撞。DoubleTree By Hilton Chengdu Riverside is located in the new business center of Chenghua District, adjacent to the eastern suburb memory, cultural and Creative Industrial Park, Shahe City Park, let you experience the collision of traditional industrial base with modern fashion and music elements.酒店距宽窄巷子仅9公里,距大熊猫繁育基地9公里,距太古里商圈仅6公里,自酒店驱车约13分钟可至成都东站,约30分钟可至成都双流国际机场,距离8号线杉板桥地铁站仅约400米,交通便利,经济发达。The hotel is only 9km away from Broad and Narrow Alley, 9km away from Panda Base and 6km away from Taikoo Li. It takes about 13 minutes driving to Chengdu East Station, 30 minutes to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, and only 400m away from shanbanqiao subway station of line 8. The transportation is convenient and economy is developed.酒店坐拥有196间客房,坐拥超1500平米灵动会议空间,包含700平米大宴会厅及多间多功能会议室,是您理想的会议与活动选择,同时酒店设有31层高空无敌视野全日餐厅、大堂吧,出门即是大型购物中心,让您实现一站式吃、喝、玩、乐、行,是您差旅、家庭聚会的首选。With 195 Rooms and more than 1500 square meters of flexible meeting space, including 700 square meters of banquet hall and 15 multi-functional meeting rooms, the hotel is your ideal choice for meetings and events. At the same time, the hotel is equipped with 31 floors of ADD Restaurant with invincible vision and lobby ba. Going out is a large shopping center, which enables you to realize one-stop eating, drinking, playing, enjoying and traveling. It is your first choice for travel and family gathering.