The Marketing and Communications Manager is part of an important team that creates and executes property-level communications to our customers. Under the leadership of the Director of Marketing and Communication, this role promotes on-brand messaging to customers through traditional, digital, and social media channels all with the goal of enhancing the image of the hotel.
This role helps build direct marketing plans, targeted campaigns, and activated channels to the end of driving consumer awareness and preference, increasing market share, and building broader portfolio and brand awareness.
This role focuses on showcasing Food and Beverage promotions, both to hotel guests and to local patrons. As part of the Marketing and Communication team, this role is fully connected into resources in their region; Marketing and Communication Managers liaise and build deep partnerships with their regional Marketing teams to verify all local social, and digital marketing efforts are effectively integrate with the selling efforts for the organization.
This role also gets to do a little bit of everything, from balancing tradition and digital marketing and eCommerce activities to contributing to public relations (PR) activities for the hotel. Success is measured by how well they help drive the sales and revenue strategy of the property, social media engagement and by how effectively leveraged the resources around them are to create truly compelling marketing and communications campaigns.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Follow up all collateral printings including brochures, fact sheet etc.
- Follow up Hotel E-advertising & hotel promotional E-brochure, flyer design.
- Constant update on hotel email footer.
- Follow up hotel giveaway designs.
- Participates in the preparation of marketing strategic plans.
- Accesses sales and marketing data.
- Takes ownership by developing, executing and following up on the hotel's public relations and advertising schedules.
Photo taking
- In charge of photo takings for activities, VIP arrivals and simple cuisine photos.
- Follow up on site photo shooting with professional photographer.
- Follow up with any third-party on-site photo or video shooting.
Online marketing
- Keep all the correct information updated on hotel social media platforms including processing copywriting and photo.
- Follow up advertisings and selling with online companies including update hotel information, special offer package and marketing cooperation activities.
- Work with MI to follow up on any search engine related jobs.
Other tasks
- Maintain hotel database (media & combine database from F&B and rooms).
- Maintain hotel media kits and keep photo library organized.
- Minutes for weekly departmental meeting.
- Assist in composing press releases and translations.
- Assist in any PR activities.
- Assist any other tasks directed by direct manager.
4-year bachelor’s degree in marketing, Public Relations Business, or related major; 2 years’ experience in the sales, marketing, digital or related professional area, hospitality marketing or digital advertising agency experience preferred.
Additional Skill required:
- Fluent in both Chinese and English, with excellent written and verbal communication skills in both languages.
- Good interpersonal & communicative skills.
- Ability to work independently and as a team.
您上一次遇到改变您生活的人是什么时候呢?丽思卡尔顿酒店将是您的下一站。我们不仅仅是五星级奢华生活方式品牌。我们重视激情、为个性化喝彩,更鼓励个人发展。我们相信,选择丽思卡尔顿将是您生活转变的开始。 广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店介绍: 广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店是广州首家国际级奢华酒店,拥有350间客房,91套豪华公寓,是珠江边上最璀璨的明珠。酒店地处广州中央商务区珠江新城的核心,临近珠江,毗邻广州新地标广东博物馆和广州大剧院,与广交会新馆和世界最高电视塔-广州塔隔江相望,景致无限;六个餐厅和酒廊主理中西佳肴,获奖无数;位于33楼的行政酒廊尽揽270度珠江美景,被誉为“广州最美的空间”;丽思卡尔顿水疗和24小时健身中心,配有瑜伽房及室外恒温泳池;总面积达1000米并可个性化命名的会议场地和商务中心,成就每个难忘的聚会。 光辉荣誉2023年大众点评必住榜2023年广州.奢华酒店榜2023年广州米其林指南【一星餐厅】称号-丽轩中餐厅2024年《福布斯旅游指南》五星殊荣,连续十年荣膺《旅业报》| 2014中国旅行大奖| 广州最佳奢华酒店时尚先生| 最佳餐厅| 意轩最佳全日制餐厅| FOODS 丽思卡尔顿酒店集团 百年历史1898年,巴黎里兹酒店开业,它以提供顶级最奢华的服务体验而闻名于世。 1910年,丽思卡尔顿管理公司和丽思卡尔顿酒店在美国成立。 1983年,丽思卡尔顿酒店集团成立。 光辉荣誉* 丽思卡尔顿酒店集团公司获得过服务业和权威消费者组织颁发的所有主要大奖。* 我们是第一个并且是唯一一个曾两次获得美国国家质量奖的酒店集团(服务行业的最高质量奖项)并多次获得AAA五星钻石奖。* 我们丽思卡尔顿酒店集团公司被《消费者报告》评为豪华酒店集团之首。* 奢侈品调查机构授予丽思卡尔顿酒店集团公司“最负盛名豪华品牌”奖。* 我们两度获得亚洲最佳雇主的称号,员工满意度高达99%。面试指南:广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店在此承诺为所有应聘者提供公平雇佣的机会,并提倡包容的文化。丽思卡尔顿酒店开始启用新的招聘系统,请各位有意应聘者务必登陆以下网址,并在线完成职位申请和评估,在“招聘指南”一页,有明确的申请指示,可帮助各位完成在线申请和评估。网上申请及测试链接:酒店地址:广州珠江新城兴安路3号(地铁5号线猎德站A出口,广东省博物馆旁)