海悦名邸精品酒店坐落在温州市中心素有“温州外滩”称号的望江路,是“美国国际精品酒店集团”Epoque Hotels、五星标准建造的温州(首家)顶级精品酒店,酒店希望入住的每一位旅客都能真实地感受到这座城市的氛围和她古老的精神文明。富有想象力的当代设计给人以视觉、触觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉的全新感受,使您一进酒店就得到非凡的五感住宿体验,为商务客人精心打造的S阁,设有贴身管家服务。我们的目标除了提供给您最舒适和愉快的逗留,并将您和温州脉搏相连,我们相信一个城市不仅是旅游观光的目的地,而且是具有鲜明性格和特征的地方,期待着每一位旅客去发现和感受。不管您是为了商务旅游还是休闲娱乐,我们都将会让您在温州留下难忘的经历。
Located on the Wangjiang Road,Integration of modern and ancient point, known as the ‘WenZhou Bund ’ title, WenZhou S’signatureFloor Hotel is built in accordance with the International Management Group Conceptualization of the five-star model construction standards (the first) boutique Hotel. Hotels hope that the guest can truly feel the atmosphere of the city and her oldest spiritual civilization. we design all the rooms with the creative conception of five-visuals,The moments you enter the S’signaturefloor hotel Wenzhou, You will truly fell an experience touching the five senses of sight, sleek, sound, savor, scent .We are always trying our best to offer you the excellent five-visuals feelings .stylish design, layout, furniture and fittings are a perfect blend of contemporary style and natural element by most of the 100 rooms, We can provide you with completely personal environment and first-class hotel service, ensuring that you can receive the comprehensive, warm and personalized hospitality services during your stay in the Executive Floors by our butler service.we have distinctive restaurants and lounges, our target is to provide a comfortable living and connected you to Wenzhou , We believe that the city is not only a tourist destination - and is a distinctive character and characteristics of the place, waiting for every guests discovery and the enjoyment . Whether for business or leisure, we will let you have a unforgettable experience in Wenzhou.