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What is the job?
As Director of HumanResources, you'll drive HR and initiatives such as hiring, employment,compensation, benefits, employee relations and training programmes, to ensurecompliance for hotel team members. You’ll also promote a positive team culturewhilst ensuring colleagues deliver a guest experience that is unique and bringsthe brand to life. You'll also coach the General Manager and leadership team onall people-related issues.
Your day to day
•Create programmesto foster a positive work environment for all employees. Support and administeran annual team member satisfaction survey
•Educate and trainmanagers on HR disciplines to foster productivity and enhanceperformance
•Welcome and conductnew team member orientation
•Oversee maintenanceof accurate and up-to-date personnel files and records for all employees
•Ensure hiringstandards and applicable laws and regulations are followed
•Build great relationswith outside contacts
•Plan and assignwork of the Human Resources staff. Recommend and/or initiate salary,disciplinary, or other staffing/human resources-related actions in accordancewith hotel or company rules and policies.
•Help create andwork within the HR budget.
•Monitor staffingand labour standards to manage costs
•Mitigate financialrisks associated with employee relations issues
•Identify andanalyse local compensation and benefits practices to ensure financialcompetitiveness
Guest Experience
•Develop creativeways to inspire and motivate team members to provide guests with a uniqueexperience
•Make time tointeract with guests to hear feedback and build relationships to understand howteam members can increase guest satisfaction
•Work withdepartment managers to develop initiatives to reach service standards and drivecontinuous improvement in the guest experience.
•Develop awarenessand reputation of the hotel and the brand in the local community and promoteteam member involvement in local community
•Ensure compliancewith relevant employment laws and hotel or company policies andprocedures
•Research andinvestigate all workplace issues to discover facts, identify potential risks tothe hotel or company, and facilitate resolution through your employee relationsprogrammes
•Collect andmaintain data from exit interviews, turnover statistics, absenteeism reports toidentify trends, training needs, and supervisory issues
•In a unionenvironment, may manage labour relations and represent the hotel in grievances,mediations, arbitrations and contract negotiation
•Other ad-hoc duties– unexpected moments when we have to pull together to get atask done
This is the top HRrole in a large, luxury, resort, or major flagship hotel with extensivefacilities and services, a number of major outlets, and catering andconvention facilities. Typically manages HR colleagues and admin team.
What we need fromyou
•Bachelor's degree /higher education qualification / equivalent
•8 years'related experience in HR
•Some supervisoryexperience also preferred
•Professional HRdesignation preferred
•Ability to maintainconfidentiality to the extent possible in all HR related matters
洲际酒店集团是全球首屈一指的酒店服务集团,成立于1946年,是目前全球最大及网路分布最广的专业酒店管理集团,拥有洲际、皇冠假日、假日酒店等多个国际知名酒店品牌和超过55年国际酒店管理经验。同时洲际酒店集团也是世界上客房拥有量最大(高达540,000间)、跨国经营范围最广,分布将近100个国家,并且在中国接管酒店最多的超级酒店集团。包括中国大陆25个省、区、市。CTIN台湾旅游联盟与世界知名洲际酒店集团合作,提供您北京、上海、重庆、沈阳、厦门、香港等大城市一流酒店住宿体验,其中香港洲际酒店更被票选为亚洲最佳商务酒店,最佳香港景观之一。不论您的出发地点是那里,不论您的需求是什么,洲际酒店集团邀您体验一趟舒适完美的尊荣旅程。 InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) is the world’s most global hotel company and the largest by number of rooms. The Group has over 3,650 owned, leased, managed and franchised hotels and 540,000 guest rooms across nearly 100 countries and territories.