1、 熟知当天订餐情况,注意记录宾客的特别活动(如生日庆祝会),应及时向主管汇报。
2、 替宾客存取保管衣物,并询问有无贵重物品,贵重物品提醒宾客自行保管。
3、 迎接宾客,引导宾客到预订台位或宾客满意的台位。
4、 客满时,负责安排好后到的宾客,使宾客乐于等位。
5、 随时注意听取宾客的意见,及时向上级反映。
6、 随时注意在接待工作中的各种问题,及时向上级反映和协助处理。
7、 掌握和运用礼貌语言,负责接听电话,宾客电话订餐应问清楚基本信息。
8、 向客人介绍餐厅各式菜点、各种饮品和特式菜点,吸引宾客来餐厅就餐。
杭州富春山居度假村简介:六百多年前元朝画坛四大家之首的黄公望 ,归隐杭州富阳山麓间,开创写意山水画风,以十年绘成旷世锯作《富春山居图》。如今,就在富春山居图原址,建造富春山居度假村,呈现中国一座以现代建筑艺术来阐释中国江南建筑风格的度假村。富春山居占地2200亩,由国际高尔夫球场、度假别墅、精品酒店、SPA所组成,酒店面积大约18000平方米,酒店主体及湖畔别墅及独居踞山巅幽处四合院别墅总共110个房间!包括雅致湖廊居,瑜伽,太极,室内温水泳池,SPA和季节严选中式美食的亚洲餐厅!富春山居以其国际顶级的优质服务,雅致独特的建筑风格让度假者留下完美的度假体验。Brief Introduction of Fuchun ResortRecognized as one of Asia’s leading spa retreats, Fuchun Resort isnestled among picturesque hills and tea terraces in Fuyang in China’s ZhejiangProvince. The small township lies on the outskirts of Hangzhou just two hoursdrive from Shanghai. Fuchun Resort occupies 150 acres on a private Longjing teaplantation and is home to a 70-room luxury Resort Hotel, 17 Private Villas, anaward-winning Spa and an exclusive 18-hole professional Golf Course.A member of Leading Hotels of the World and Leading Spas, Fuchun Resorthas won numerous prestigious awards since opening in 2004. Among theseaccolades are the 2013 World Travel Awards for Asia’s Leading Luxury GolfResort; Asia’s Leading Villa; and China’s Leading Resort. The resort’s beautiful countryside setting was the location depicted inthe famous Chinese painting, The Dwellingin the Fuchun Mountains, by celebrated Yuan Dynasty artist Huang Gongwangin 1347. Today, travelers can enjoy that same misty watercolor scene thanks tothis refined retreat for luxury indulgence and relaxation.