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2、 熟悉餐饮的相关知识及礼仪。
3、 熟练面点制作工艺。
Set in 358 acresof distinct scenery bythe magniticent Jade Lake in Hefei National Economiclaand Technical DevelopmentZone of Anhui Province, this surprisingly tranquilresort is only a stone'sthrow away from the local attractions, city centre andthe capital airport. This mostexclusive deluxe resort,comprises six villa-style building, is equipped withmodern facilities to makeit a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle ofcity life, brings togetherthe magic of the orient and the comforts of thewest. Lakeside HotelHefei delivers tocustomers magnificent facilities, first-rate amenities andoutstanding servicefrom a team of employees dedicated to anticipating aguest's requirements forcomfort and efficiency. At Anhui's capital city, stepinto an entirely differentworld of luxury, warmth and unsurpassed hospitality... at the Lakeside HotelHefei. 合肥翡翠湖迎宾馆隶属于合肥经济技术开发区管委会海恒集团旗下一家国有资产控股的政府接待酒店,坐落于美丽的翡翠湖畔,占地358亩,环境清幽,近有翡翠湖碧湖如镜,远有大蜀山山色风光,紧邻市中心,与合肥机场仅30分钟车程。 迎宾馆由6栋贵宾楼组成,楼群、曲径掩映于绿树花草之间,各栋楼风格迥异,相得益彰。楼内装饰豪华现代,将新空间时尚与传统徽派元素完美融合,是您逃离喧嚣都市,商务休闲的理想之选。 合肥翡翠湖迎宾馆风格细致豪迈,服务精粹超群,迎宾馆内高品质的服务设施,细腻卓越的服务定能满足每位顾客不同需求。 感受贵宾级的热诚服务,不如与众不同的世外桃源--就在合肥翡翠湖迎宾馆。 人力资源部公开面试时间:每周一至周五:10:00-16:00 面试地点:酒店三号楼地下二层 人力资源部办公室 温馨提示:来访时请携带个人简历及1寸照片 经员工通道登记后亲临人力资源部办公室进行面试 乘车路线:606路翡翠湖迎宾馆站下