发布于 02-14
上海 | 经验不限 | 大专



Job Title:                 GENERAL MANAGER

职称:                        总经理

Department:           Executive Office

部门:                        行政办公室

Immediate Supervisor:     Vice President of Hotel Operations

直接上司:                           中国区酒店运营副总裁







1      Hotel Pre-opening


For opening of the new hotel, General Manager prepares to submit an overall pre-opening budget plan on all expenditure during the pre-opening period and to produce a “Master Chart” of action plans to meet the hotel opening schedules and other work included:


l  Assist in supplying and maintaining all licenses and permit requirements

l  协助提供和维持所有的执照和许可证要求

l  Prepare charts and reports on work progress of constructions exterior and internal décor installations.

l  准备图表和对建筑的外部和内部设施的工作进度报告

l  Prepare the schedules of recruitment’s and staff training plans.

l  准备计划招聘和员工培训计划

l  Produce timelines and action plans on services to be rendered at different stages.

l  提供不同时间段的服务时间表和行动计划表

l  Submit a pre-opening budget for showing the proposed expenditures to be made

l  递交开业前预算显示该支出是由

l  Remuneration package of executives who are under the employment of pro-opening period.

l  拟定开业前的高管薪酬支持体系

l  Compensation for expenses incurred on the staff recruitment and training, sales and marketing promotional programs, the opening of festivities or any other pre-opening requirements.

l  制定员工招聘和培训费用补贴,销售和营销推广方案,或任何其他的庆祝活动开幕前要求开放

l  Prepare a purchasing plan on operating equipment and utensils required initially.

l  初步准备采购计划的操作设备和用具

l  Negotiate and obtain bargain prices for supply of utilities, cleaning, maintenance, vermin extermination, security and other services and goods required in the operation to the hotel.

l  联络供应商,协商合适的清洁,维护费用,保证害虫灭绝,酒店安全和其他商品及服务在酒店运营时的所需

l  Provide standard pre-opening accounting setup and services.

l  提供标准的开业会计设置和服务

l  Prepare and establish a set of operating policies/procedures, operation and training manual.

l  准备建立一套标准的经营政策/程序,操作和培训手册

l  Develop international and national sales and marketing promotional program, including advertisements and public relations and other program to secure business and booking at the hotel.

l  制定国际和国内的销售和市场推广计划,包括广告、公共关系和其他程序的安全业务和酒店预订等

l  Develop an organizational chart, staffing guides and schedules of employment and compensation rates and package.

l  制定的组织图,编制员工手册、工作时间表、补偿机制及薪资

l  Recruit initial staff and implementation training program.

l  实施员工招募及培训计划

l  Negotiate and manage with concessionaire, licenses, tenants, consignees and other intended users of hotel facilities within the premises.

l  洽谈和特许权,许可证管理的处所内,承租人,收货人和其他用户的酒店设施。


2. Hotel Daily Operations



l  Maintaining a harmonious working relationship with hotel owners and continually responding of total commitments to the hotel management companies. Attend regular owners and management meetings in accordance with the guidelines of the management companies. Maintaining positive attitude, be cooperative to the owners and superiors of the management companies and other hotels colleagues.

l  保持与酒店业主和谐的工作关系,以持续地保持业主方对酒店管理公司的承诺的遵循。按照管理会议需要,定期参加业主和管理公司的指导方针会议。保持积极的态度,与管理公司和其他酒店的业主和上级,同事保持良好的沟通。

l  Maintain the smoothly operations of the hotel, which included of administering and implementing the policies and procedures, establishing and monitoring the overall hotel goals and objectives. Made daily physically routines spot checks on hotel outlets and a number of guestrooms in order to keep sight of the fact that the maintenance and standards of services achieved.

l  保持酒店的顺利运作,包括管理和执行的政策和程序,建立和监测酒店的整体目标。每天例行抽查酒店客房,以保证及时的维修和服务达标

l  Plan and supervise targeted goals closely for maximizing profit and minimizing operating costs.  And control the operating service standards to meet the expectations of both guests and owners.  Established operational objectives and action plans with time frame towards achieving goals. 

l  紧密监督酒店计划及设置目标。为追求利润最大化以及最大限度地降低运营成本,控制服务标准流程,满足顾客及业主的期望,并建立业务目标和时间框架来实现酒店的运营目标

l  Supervise and review with the Human Resource Department on all activities of staff, such as staff motivation plan, staff development and training program, etc., for maximizing of high staff productivity, staff morale low staff turnover. And ensure efficiency of services, effectiveness of teamwork and the good staff responsibility of the managerial staff.  Make closely monitoring on departmental performance from time to time.

l  监督和审查的所有人力资源部员工活动,如员工激励计划,员工的发展和培训计划,对员工的工作效率高等优点,最大限度地提高员工的士气,以降低员工流动率。确保服务的效率,有效的团队合作和管理人员的责任。紧密监测部门绩效表现

l  Review bi-weekly on financial achievements with division heads and plan new financial directives in addition to the projected figures in the business plan. Assist sales/marketing to create additional sales objectives to increase revenue in both rooms and food and beverage sales.

l  隔周审查财务部门报表及部门主管表现,根据报表数据改变营销计划及制定新的财务指导。协助销售及营销部门制定的销售目标,增加收入,包括客房及餐饮销售

l  Possess effective marketing and sales skills with considerable experience in establishing hotel positioning, conducting marketing research, marketing strategies and the hotel promotions. Personally handle all complaints as much as possible and answered all hotel correspondences, which related to the administrations within 24 hours.

l  建立饭店定位及经营经验,具有有效的市场营销和销售技巧,进行市场研究,营销策略和酒店促销。尽可能亲自处理所有的投诉都尽可能回答所有酒店的对应关系,并在24小时内进行有效行政答复

l  Produce and send the required monthly reports to the owners and with a copies sent to Management Company:

----Monthly manager’s report

----Month-end financial statements package

----Sales/marketing promotional plans

l  向业主公司及酒店管理公司制作并提供所需的月度报告:






l  Minimum 15 years of experience in high end hotels industry and the independent operation and marketing development experience;


l  Good professional knowledge and good individual work ability;


l  Good responsible attitude, dedication and integrity;


l  Good interpersonal, communication and negotiating skills;


l  Be good at analyzing skills and problem solving skills;


l  Be good at team and quick decision, and be accountable decision-marking;


l  Good managing change ability and professional level;


l  A pleasant personality;


l  Adaptation and accept the frequency business trip;


l  Aim higher.


目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 50-99人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)
Company Introduction 集团介绍上海豪生酒店管理有限公司隶属于大中華酒店(香港)有限公司。Shanghai Howard Johnson Hotel Management Co., Ltd. is part of Greater China Hospitality (H.K.) Company Limited. 大中華酒店(香港)有限公司是一家全方位提供世界一流酒店管理、设计与技术性服务咨询的品牌酒店服务公司,被母公司温德姆酒店集团授权,在大中华地区拓展及管理两大品牌:温德姆至尊豪廷酒店及度假村与豪生酒店及度假村,目前在全国50多余个城市,运营95家酒店,管理客房数达到近三万间。Greater China Hospitality is a full-service branded hospitality services company that provides world-class hotel management, design and technical services consultation. Authorised by parent company - Wyndham hotels & Resorts, GCH currently owns the brand development rights and operates two major brands in the Greater China region: Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Hotels & Resorts and Howard Johnson Hotels & Resorts. The company currently operates 95 hotels in more than 50 cities with nearly 30,000 hotel rooms under management. 豪生介绍历经90年,豪生以提供愉悦及恒定品质保证的酒店体验被数以百万计的全球旅行者所认同。如今有500家豪生品牌酒店遍布全球17个国家。豪生自1999年进入中国市场后历经飞速的发展壮大。我们在中国大陆快速、有序的成长,源于市场条件与机会、知名品牌、优质的酒店设施、全面质量管理体系,以及我们国际水准的服务。豪生为每一位宾客,在每一家品牌酒店,提供独特且难忘的住宿体验。About Howard JohnsonHoward Johnson is an iconic and globally recognized hotel brand that has been providing enjoyable and consistently reliable hotel experiences for millions of travelers worldwide for almost 90 years. Currently, there are 500 Howard Johnson hotels in 17 countries around the globe. Howard Johnson entered the China market in 1999 and has been rapidly expanding ever since. Our sustained growth in mainland China is attributed to a combination of market conditions and opportunities, our well-known brand, the quality of our hotels' facilities, our total quality management systems, and our world-class service standards. Howard Johnson offers unique and memorable hotel stay experiences for each guest at each brand tier in each hotel. 温德姆至尊豪廷介绍温德姆至尊豪廷大酒店为追求奢华享受的宾客提供高端白金五星级别的酒店体验。这个品牌对于奢华的重新诠释使之成为您在高端酒店中的最佳选择。极尽奢华的客房设备与细节的精致处理将使我们的宾客得到前所未有的,舒适、格调、优雅的酒店全新体验。温德姆至尊豪廷大酒店提供世界一流服务,诸如餐厅、酒吧、会议活动场所,对于奢华的重新定义将远超您的预期。About Wyndham Grand Plaza RoyaleWyndham Grand Plaza Royale hotels offer a high-end platinum five-star hotel experience to guests who intend to indulge and fully enjoy their stay in extravagance. The brand is your new destination where luxury is redefined. Guests will notice and appreciate the lavish room accommodations and the little details that make all the difference and transform your hotel stay into an oasis of comfort, style and elegance. Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale hotels also offer world-class service that go beyond your expectations and feature restaurants, bars, meeting and event space that redefine luxury!