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长江国际酒店位于马鞍山市当涂太白中路,是一家由安徽长江钢铁股份有限公司投资,集餐饮住宿、商务会议、旅游娱乐于一体的五星级豪华酒店(已授牌)。酒店建筑面积为42000平米,拥有各种高级豪华客房223间套,设有总统、行政、商务、无烟、连通等各种房型,所有客房均设有环保空调、卫星电视、国际国内直拨电话、因特网、音乐频道等系统。酒店设有中餐厅、西餐厅、风味餐厅、酒吧、豪华装饰的宴会厅、VIP豪华包厢,提供精品徽菜和高档粤菜等富有地方特色的美味佳肴出品。酒店设有可容纳900人的会展式多功能大厅,6间组合式中小型会议室,中式和西式豪华会见厅,提供各式先进的会议设备。酒店7000平方米的娱乐辅楼设有SPA水疗、迷宫梦幻式夜总会;裙楼设有室内恒温游泳池、美英式桌球、壁球、网球、棋牌室、健身房,提供科学健身和高尚娱乐。Introduction of Changjiang International HotelOur Mission: Our enterprise gains the largest profit; Our staff gain the biggest space for improvement!Anhui Changjiang International Hotel is invested by AnHui Changgang investment management Limited . As the first five-star hotel in Maanshan city, the hotel is a modern luxurious business hotel including catering, guest rooms, multifunctional banquet room, sports & recreation, swimming pool, volleyball ground, entertainment and shopping. The hotel covers an area of 33760 square meters with the construction area of 41323 ㎡ and a total investment of 320 million yuan.For the sake of common development, Changjiang International hotel is now opening recruitment to the society.地 址:安徽省马鞍山市当涂县太白中路188号