财务经理 Finance Manager
发布于 08-05
财务经理 Finance Manager
西安 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 招1人

Pre-opening Project: Cordis, Xi'an

Langham Hospitality Group (LHG) is a global hotel company with properties located in major cities and four continents under The Langham Hotels and Resorts, Cordis Hotels and Resorts,Ying'nFlo brands. It is the hospitality arm of Great Eagle Holdings, a property development company in Hong Kong.

This position is concerned with the responsibility to maintain the smooth and effective day to day work routine within the Finance department and the resulting work efficiency, as well as the co-ordination and control of the month-end process.

Key Responsibilities:

• Supervises and manages the daily work of the Finance department.
• 监督和管理财务部日常工作。

• Ensures and is responsible for the accuracy and propriety of all charges and credits to the various accounts and ensure that they are properly recorded in the books on a timely basis.
• 确保和负责所有收费的准确性和合理性,并记入各类帐。确保正确及时地记录在报告中。

• Ensures that all balance sheet transactions are accounted for, documented and properly reconciled.
• 确保所有的资产负债表交易有合理的解释,有文档和调节。

• Is fully conversant with the Langham standard chart of accounts and the correct use thereof.
• 熟悉朗廷科目表并正确使用。

• Ensures that the accounting records comply with local laws and regulations.
• 确保会计分录与当地法律规章一致。

• Ensures the month end closing process is completed and the timely preparation of all required financial reports for review by the Director of Finance.
• 完成月结,及时准备财务总监需要审核的所有财务报表。

• Ensures the accurate and prompt monthly and year-end closing of the books of accounts.
• 确保按时并准确的完成月结和年终财务结算报告。

• Assists in the completion of forecasts and budgets as instructed.
• 按要求协助完成预测和预算。

• Prepares monthly financial reports and schedules as directed, required by management and owners.
• 根据管理层和业主要求,准备每月财务报告和计划表。

• Thoroughly familiar with the duties and procedures of other team members within the Finance department over whom he/she has supervision.
• 熟悉财务部内部人员的职责和程序。

• Assists and coordinates the internal and external audit process.
• 协助和协调内外部审计流程。

• Familiar and kept up to date with, all policies of both the hotel and the langham insofar as finance are involved.
• 熟悉和更新酒店和朗廷集团目前涉及的所有程序和政策。

• Capable of functioning as Controller for short periods of time in the event that the Director of Finance is away from the hotel.
• 财务总监不在酒店时,可以短期履行财务总监的职责。

• Is hands on and takes an active role in daily activities within the department, ensuring that all work is up to date and assists team members where required
• 确保所有的工作更新,有必要时协助团队员工。

• Assists the Director of Finance in providing commercial and financial information to assist in any decision making process.
• 协助财务总监寻找商业和财务信息,以助其做决定。

• Ensures PDR’s are completed on schedule and actively develops team members’ skills and behaviours.
• 确保PDR按计划完成,积极发展员工的技能和习惯。

• Oversees the training of Finance department team members.
• 监督财务部员工的培训。

• Coordinates departmental leave and organizes the coverage of positions during team member absence.
• 协调安排部门假期,在部门员工缺勤时,组织人员顶班。

• Creates a pleasant working environment, ensuring productive and efficient work practices within the Finance team.
• 创造良好的工作环境,确保财务部开展有效的工作。

• Ensures that all internal control procedures are strictly adhered to and communicates any perceived weakness to the Director of Finance.
• 严格坚持所有内部控制程序,向财务总监汇报所发现的问题。

• Maintains an adequate and up to date filing system.
• 建立适当的和时常更新的文档系统。

• Is flexible in relation to working hours, especially at month and year-end.
• 灵活安排工作时间,尤其在月结和年终结算时。

• Handles all requests and inquiries in a timely, efficient and friendly manner.
• 及时、有效和友善的处理所有的要求和疑问。

• Performs any additional tasks assigned to ensure that the hotel functions smoothly.
• 履行安排的其他职责,确保酒店正常运转。

• To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind and being proactive in a timely manner towards their needs and requests of customers.
• 保持高度为顾客服务意识,始终想着顾客,及时满足顾客的需求。

• To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues.
• 本着积极,主动负责的态度去解决顾客和同事间的问题。

• To be motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve your personal performance.
• 积极主动,热心面对所有工作,抓住机会学习新技能和知识,提升自己。

• To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance of any tasks requested of you.
• 对于改变要求,包括任何要求的事情,反应要积极灵活。

• To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support to colleagues in the pursuit of team goals.
• 为实现团队目标,保持高度的团队精神,显示合作和对同事的支持。

• To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel.
• 为增强酒店的运作程序,提供意见和建议。

• To actively promote the services and facilities of the Hotels to guests and suppliers of the Hotel.
• 向酒店客人和供应商提供酒店设施和服务。

• To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace.
• 履行职责,确保你和其他同事在工作地点的安全。

• To contribute positively to Equilibrium and Esprit by providing both guests and fellow team-members with courteous, hassle-free service and by seeking to always maintain a pleasant working environment.
• 向顾客和团队员工提供谦恭,无争论的服务,保持轻松愉快的工作环境。

• Execute the project responsibilities in the hotel project team(s).
• 加入酒店的项目工作组时,认真履行相应职责。

• Ad hoc assignment from the hotel management.
• 完成酒店管理层交代的其他任务。


• College Degree. Major in Finance
• 大专以上学历,主修财务专业

• Solid working experience in hotel accounting & operations with a minimum of 3 years as Chief Accountant
• 丰富的酒店会计和运作经验,担任总会计师至少三年

• Accounting Qualification
• 会计资格

• Knowledge of MS office software
• 能够使用日常的办公软件

• A fair understanding of English language is preferable..
• 具备基本的英文知识

目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
Manager - Human Resources, China
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 1-49 人
  • 外商独资.外企办事处
About Langham Hospitality GroupA wholly-owned subsidiary of Great Eagle Holdings,
Langham Hospitality Group (LHG) comprises a family of distinctive brands, including
The Langham Hotels and Resorts, Cordis Hotels and Ying’nFlo.
With over 40 hotels and residences in operation or development, LHG has a
global footprint that extends across Asia, Europe North America and the Middle
East. The group takes its name from The Langham, London, Europe's
first Grand Hotel. For over 150 years, this flagship property has been the
pinnacle of sophisticated and gracious hospitality, a philosophy that is
reflected group-wide through inspiring design, cutting edge innovation, sincere
service and an unwavering commitment to building great memories. For more
information, visit LanghamHospitalityGroup.com. 朗廷酒店集团简介 

集团的名字源於传奇的伦敦朗廷酒店,该酒店为欧洲首家奢华酒店,逾150年来一直是奢华住宿及卓越服务的典范。集团旗下酒店至今仍秉承伦敦朗廷酒店的传统,设计典雅高贵,挚诚待客,致力推陈出新,务求缔造令人眼前一亮的住宿体验。详情请浏览LanghamHospitalityGroup.com/sc/。About The Langham
Hotels & ResortsCombining modern sophistication and timeless glamour,
The Langham Hotels & Resorts is globally recognised for its exceptional
intuitive service, contemporary art collections, award-winning culinary
expertise and signature pink accents. Drawing on the brand’s distinctive
British heritage from the opening of the flagship hotel in London in 1865, The
Langham continues the legacy by delivering exceptional experiences with a touch
of playfulness in key destinations in the United Kingdom, Europe, Middle East,
United States, Asia Pacific and Greater China. Learn about the brand by
visiting LanghamHotels.com,
and follow The Langham Hotels and Resorts on Instagram (@langhamhotels)
and Facebook (@thelanghamhotels)
and Twitter (@thelanghamhotel).朗廷酒店及度假酒店简介

朗廷酒店及度假酒店完美体现现代脱俗品味与经典华丽风格,以殷勤体贴的服务、现代艺术珍藏、得奖佳肴和专属的粉红色元素见称。自1865年伦敦朗廷酒店开业至今,品牌一直延续独树一帜的英伦文化传统,用心为伦敦、纽约、波士顿、芝加哥、洛杉矶、利雅得、悉尼、墨尔本、黃金海岸、香港、上海、深圳、广州、合肥、海口、宁波、厦门和長沙的宾客缔造饶富趣味的非凡住宿享受。有关品牌详情,请浏览LanghamHotels.com。About Cordis Hotels & Resorts
Cordis is an upper
upscale hotel brand with a service style that is heartfelt and intuitively
generous. Located in the heart of the local communities in the most stimulating
destinations around the world, Cordis hotels deliver experiences that are
authentic and family inclusive in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Ningbo, Xuzhou
and Auckland with more than 10 properties to open within five years. Visit CordisHotels.com for more information, and follow the
collection on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@cordishotels).康得思酒店及度假酒店简介康得思是超高端国际酒店品牌,恪守挚心服务与挚诚慷慨的待客之道。康得思酒店位于香港、上海、北京、宁波、徐州及奥克兰等著名旅游热点的本地社区核心地段,为家庭旅客缔造与众不同的地道体验。康得思酒店及度假酒店计划于未来五年再开设超过10间新酒店,详情请浏览CordisHotels.com。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
  • 联系我们



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