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1. 熟知当天订餐情况,注意记录宾客的特别活动(如生日庆祝会),应及时向主管汇报。
2. 替宾客存取保管衣物,并询问有无贵重物品,贵重物品提醒宾客自行保管。
3. 迎接宾客,引导宾客到预订台位或宾客满意的台位。
4. 客满时,负责安排好后到的宾客,使宾客乐于等位。
5. 随时注意听取宾客的意见,及时向上级反映。
6. 随时注意在接待工作中的各种问题,及时向上级反映和协助处理。
7. 掌握和运用礼貌语言,负责接听电话,宾客电话订餐应问清楚基本信息。
8. 向客人介绍餐厅各式菜点、各种饮品和特式菜点,吸引宾客来餐厅就餐。
东怡大酒店,位于繁华而尊贵的浦东新区行政中心,和东方艺术中心相连,由法国著名设计师安德鲁设计的一家准五星级标准涉外商务酒店,系东方艺术中心的配套酒店。 酒店内共有客房209间,并配有中餐厅、自助餐厅、烧烤餐厅、多功能宴会厅、SPA、健身房及多个会议厅,满足商务客人的不同需求。 周围四通八达的交通设施,为商务人士的出行提供了便捷。距地铁步行5分钟,浦东机场仅20分钟。 酒店在设计上与东方艺术中心一脉相承,既融入了浓郁的东方气息,也秉承了法国式的经典和浪漫。酒店外形似船头,寓意扬帆远航。在内部装潢上,中国传统的红色被用做主色调,隆重而热烈,喜庆又不失简约。用水晶吊灯装饰的中餐厅,显得分外晶莹剔透,开阔的落地窗还可以让客人在品尝东西方美食的同时,伴着舒缓的音乐,领略浦东醉人的夜色。Located in the Pudong New District, the rising prosperous business and political center of Shanghai, Parkview Hotel is an international Five Star Business Hotel, which is designed by the same French Designer Mr. Andrew, who also designed the Oriental Artistic Center nearby.There are altogether 209 guesthouses in the Hotel. The facilities could satisfy any unique tastes of our distinguished business customers. They are listed as follows: the Chinese Restaurant, Cafeteria, the Barbecue Restaurant, multifunctional banquet hall, spa center, gym as well as several conventioncenters.With the well established traffic facilities around, the Hotel could provide you the fastest traffic,namely,only 5 minutes’ walk from the Subway and 20 minutes’ drive from the Pudong Air port.On the designing style, our Hotel inherited that of the Oriental Artistic Center. The French architect, Mr. Andrew tried to combine the traditional Chinese elements and the western romantic style. The whole complex of our hotel is in ship-shape, meaning prosperousness in Chinese. While in the internal, red colors are frequently used, which shows architect’s respect to Chinese culture. However, in the Chinese Restaurant, crystal chandelier makes it transparent and romantic. As you are enjoying the delicate food, with the accompanying of genteel music, you could also appreciate the beautiful night view of Pudong, Shanghai. 东怡大酒店已于2007年正式开业,现特邀有识之士前来加盟,只要您有志于酒店业,友善、热情、好学,视客人为上帝,我们愿意为您提供良好的工作环境和具有挑战性的职业培训发展机会。 以下职位具备酒店相关工作经验者优先,英语读写流利者优先,主管以上职位具大专以上教育程度者优先。有意者请将您的中英文简历,最后学历证明,身份证复印件及近期一寸照片1张寄至:浦东新区丁香路555号东怡大酒店,或发邮件至parkviewhotel@163.com(请在信封左下角或邮件主题内标明“应聘职位”,谢绝以附件形式发送邮件)酒店将通知合格者参加面试.