Conduct the monthly maintenance plan: maintain a variety of equipments in guest rooms and public area (decor, furniture, small brick and wood structure, etc.).根据月度保养计划,保养各类设备:包括客房及公共区域装潢、家具、小型砖木结构的保养。 Ensure the quality of work and the progress of maintenance.确保工作质量及保养进度。 Conduct a variety of repair arrangements.根据领班安排完成各类维修。 Conduct different repair works and ensure the repair quality.完成各种报修并保证维修质量。 Manage different emergencies.处理各类突发应急事件。 Stick to the safety regulations and operation rules, carry the Work ID and guarantee the safety precautions.严格遵守安全生产条例和操作规程,携带工作牌、做好安全防护措施。 In compliance with the Ascott Group's Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines and policies, pay attention to energy conservation and the safe operation in daily work.遵守集团的环境健康安全方针政策,日常工作中注意节能和安全操作。 Ensure all the work commitments are met.完成领导交办的其他工作。
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