1、负责市场营销部的运作;与管理层共同努力,以实现酒店的市场定位和 收入目标。
2、在与市场营销有关的酒店战略计划和总体经营目标方面,向总经理提供 建议和支持,树立酒店良好的品牌形象。
4、参与开拓和实施酒店和部门的政策规定。制定开拓市场销售战略和促销 计划。
5、督导和协助市场营销计划的进展和实施。管理部门内部的运作,保证部 门设施完备,运行正常。
6、监督和评估当前发起的市场营销活动以及市场动态。进行市场调查。报 告市场营销活动的有效性。为酒店设立价格策略和销售目标。
9、管理部门内部人力资源,包括选择招聘人员,培训部门员工,团队建设, 员工表现评估等。确保部门员工明确所赋予的职责。不断分析,评估,提高 个人表现。
10、在部门或酒店的利益受到危害时,立即采取纠正错误的措施。 11、管理客户关系及服务,包括客户需求、产品服务知识,销售的有效性交 流技巧及客户反馈信息。密切注视客户的活动,必要时予以调整。
12、管理部门开支和预算。准备部门每月相关开支的预测,按照酒店政策控 制部门成本,避免浪费。并在预定日期上交给酒店。
1、具备设立最适合酒店的总体销售 目标及行动方案的能力。
2、具备制订和执行营销预算及经营 计划的能力。
3、具备高效地推广和将品牌定位在 理想的水平的能力。
5、具备协助总经理和管理层达到酒 店总体经营目标的能力。
6、掌握政治,经济和社会方面的知 识及市场趋势。
8、具有领导,指导和发展员工的能 力。
茂名电白华美达酒店是由广东粤祥天源控股有限公司,以国际四星级标准打造的高端商务酒店。酒店坐落于茂名市电白区立德路1号,总建筑面积达2.0万㎡。交通便利,距茂名市电白区人民政府约4.8km,距茂名站18 km,距湛江吴川机场40km。毗邻电白万达广场、市民公园、西湖公园、东湖公园及万亩红树林景区、大型商业中心。酒店主体楼高12层,全面覆盖免费无线高速网络,拥有234间(套)设施齐全、典雅舒适的各类风格客房及套房,房间均配备55寸液晶电视、高档生活用品、迷你吧等服务设施。酒店心谙待客之道,推行"一站式"服务理念,让您在商务旅行中感受"家"一般的温馨与惬意。酒店会议室功能齐全,一楼阶梯式布局的天源多功能厅面积超过900㎡,配有大型高科技LED背景屏、全面覆盖高速无线宽带网络,符合国际化会议标准,令您及宾客倍感便捷。三楼会议中心设有6个大小不一的会议厅,可灵活举办不同的会议形式。无论是商务演出、商务论坛、展会、宴请或是主题派对,我们均有训练有素的会议服务人员为您量身策划,满足您每场会务的不同需求。会议中心楼层设有休息室、茶歇区等休闲区域,工作之余为您卸下满身疲惫。博采众长的顶级粤菜、鲁菜、川菜等菜系,中餐厅完美汇聚各地不同风味的经典菜肴;马德里西餐厅及樱花日式餐厅网罗各地新鲜味美、精选世界美食,搭配世界知名酒品、果汁,每一道菜肴都在为您讲述一个有味道的故事。酒店更辅以出色的活动筹办及餐饮服务,倾力打造令人难忘的活动。此外,酒店还配有先进一流的健身设备及儿童游乐中心等休闲娱乐设施,在这里您可重焕身心活力,体验品味时尚。茂名电白华美达酒店秉承国际四星级品牌精神,凭借非凡的服务,带给各地的商务及旅行客人高质量的入住体验和流连忘返的美好感觉,诚邀您莅临体验。Introduce of Ramada by Wyndham Maoming DianbaiRamada by Wyndham Maoming Dianbai is a high level business hotel managed by Yuexiang Tianyuan management.Located in 1 Lide Road, Dianbai Distric, Maoming City, Hotel has a total land surface of 20,000 m2. The hotel also has convenient transportation, which is 4.8 kilometers away from Maoming Dianbai Distric Government, 18 kilometers away from Railway Station in Maoming, and Wuchuan Airport in Zhanjiang, 40 kilometers away. It borders Wanda Plaza, Citizen Park, West Lake Park, East Lake Park, Shuidong bay mangrove and the shopping mall.The main building of the hotel is 12 floors high, has 234 elegant and warm style guest rooms, all rooms are with 55 inch TV, mini bar, high-grade daily use things and free high-speed wireless Internet access. We do well know how to receive guests and implement the service concept of “one-stop service” , to make you feel welcome throughout your stay.Our hotel boasts its own convention center and states of the art meetings technology. Tianyuan stepped function hall lies at the first floor, with a total square of 900 m2, high-tech led panel and high-speed wireless Internet access, is conform to the standard of international conferences.The conference center on the third floor has 6 conference halls of different sizes, which can flexibly hold different forms of meetings. Whether it is the business performance, the business forum, exhibition, banquet or the theme party, we can provide bridle-wise conference service staffs for you to satisfy the different needs of each conference. In addition, conference center floor complete with lounge and tea area. When you after work, you can come here and unload the exhaustion.Chinese restaurant has classic dishes from different country and draws upon the strengths of top Cantonese, Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine and so on. Madrid Western Restaurant and Sakura Japanese Restaurant collects fresh and delicious food from all over the world, paired with world famous wine and juice, each dish tells a delicious story for you. With excellent event planning and catering services, our hotel strives to create memorable events. Additionally, our hotel was equipped advanced fitness facility and Children Recreation Center. Here, you can rejuvenate body and mind, experience and taste fashion.Ramada by Wyndham Maoming Dianbai adhering to the spirit of four-star international standard. With the extraordinary service, to bring business and travel guests around the high quality of stay in the experience and the beautiful feeling of linger, sincerely invite you to experience.