1. 确保酒店最基本的品牌标准都要被贯彻执行。
Ensures that minimum brand standards have been implemented.
2. 对于客户调查结果做出回应并落实相应的改善措施。
Responds to the results of the Consumer Audit and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented.
3. 以支持和灵活的态度与其他餐厅经理紧密合作,着眼于整个酒店的成功和酒店客人的满意度。
Works closely with other Outlet Managers in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
4. 确保西餐厅员工以支持和灵活的态度和“团队协作”的精神与其他部门合作。
Ensures that all day dining restaurant employees work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.
5. 在营运过程中将对于餐饮产品的检验和监督贯穿始终,并在适当的情况下做出反馈。
Tastes and monitors the food and beverage products served throughout the operation, provides feedback where appropriate.
6. 监督餐厅的服务和餐饮标准。在必要的地方,与餐厅副经理、行政副总厨和厨师长一起实施正确的措施。
Monitors service and food and beverage standards in the Outlet. Work with the Assistant Outlet Managers, Executive Sous Chefs and Chef de Cuisines to take corrective actions where necessary.
7. 与行政副总厨共同对餐饮营运进行频繁而全面的检查。
Conducts frequent and thorough inspections together with the Executive Sous Chef, of the Food and Beverage Operation.
8. 经常查证餐饮准备中仅可用新鲜的产品。
Frequently verifies that only fresh products are used in food and beverage preparation.
9. 帮助行政总厨/行政副总厨提出富有创意的建议和想法。
Assists the Executive Chef/Executive Sous Chefs with creative suggestions and ideas.
10. 监督对所有运营设备和营业用品的月度盘点。
Conducts monthly inventory checks on all operating equipment and supplies.
11. 针对每日营运和质量控制与厨房密切沟通。
Liaises with the Kitchen and Beverage Department on daily operations and quality control.
12. 对菜单上的所有菜品和饮料有全面的知识和理解,并能推荐菜品和饮料的搭配及促销。
Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of all food and beverage items in the menu and the ability to recommend Food and Beverage combinations and upsell alternatives.
13. 确保餐厅的前、后场区域的洁净有序。
Ensures that the outlet is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of house.
14. 与客房部配合,确保严格执行既定的清洁计划。Liaises and organizes with Housekeeping Department that the established cleaning schedules are strictly adhered to.
雄安新区是继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后又一具有全国意义的新区。雄安国际酒店位于雄安新区核心地带,总面积达19万平方米,是雄安新区面向全球的礼宾交往入口。酒店整体建筑群以中轴对称形式进行规划布局,主打中式园林风格,单体建筑外观规矩方正,南北礼仪轴线,雄浑沉稳,中间曲水环抱,呈国合之势,凸显迎宾气势,彰显礼仪制式之美。建筑群包含国际酒店、会议中心和接待,是集国际峰会、商务旅居于一体的东方园林式酒店。国际酒店是全开放的商务接待区,建筑面积约6.6万平方米,拥有308间客房,配有宴会、餐饮、会议、康体等配套设施。会议中心建筑面积约4.5万平方米,拥有可容纳1000人的宴会厅、1700人的会议厅和多个中小型会议室,可举办高规格会议会展、论坛发布会等。接待楼共13栋,拥有170余间客房,配有会见、宴会、康体等配套设施,采用高标淮设计,满足国内外政要工作生活需要。 酒店由中国雄安集团城市发展投资有限公司投资,并委托北京首旅集团诺金品牌管理,预计开设481间豪华精致的客房与套房,酒店已于2023年8月底盛大开业。