• Welcome and serve any guest that walks into the outlet, adapting the serving style to the guest needs with intuitive but always culturally correct service.
• Organize the service of food and beverage as ordered to guests, both resident and non-resident, using good social skills and selling techniques.
• Use the Art of Service and be responsible for the whole guest journey in and beyond the restaurant and bar experience.
• Follow service sequences to deliver the services as described in the outlet’s concept statement.
• Be knowledgeable on the products, food, drinks and wines, special promotions (location, history, concept story, etc.) that are being served and share this with the guests to create enriching experiences. And the ability to recommend Food & Beverage combinations and up sell alternatives.
• Aware that service standards, guidance and feedback from your managers empower you to make decisions to resolve guest issues quickly and you should learn from these experiences and share with your colleagues to avoid re-occurrence.
• Contribute to the financial success of all F&B Outlets by actively selling and recommending products and slow moving items while delivering attentive service.
• Maintain a thorough knowledge of signature dishes on the menu and their preparation methods, beverage recipes and mixing procedures of traditional cocktails and non-alcoholic cocktails to provide the guests with an accurate recommendation.
• Greet the guest, accompany the guest to the table, bar or other areas of the hotel as requested.
• Know how to courteously answer the phone both internal and external and use the general rules of phone etiquette.
• Recognize regular and loyal guests, spot the special occasions and make them memorable.
• Interpret correctly/intuitively guest’s mood and adapt your service style to take accurate orders, provide information and give suggestions about menu items and daily specials.
• Be responsible for the correct storage of all drinks in the bar according to the correct temperature.
• Be fully informed of the accepted payment methods for the guest to choose from, and encourage guest to use the payment types that are efficient.
• Demonstrate good knowledge of F&B POS System.
• Have a good understanding of technology and the applications used (e.g. IPads) and utilize technology to improve guest services and enable communication.
• Handle guest’s complaints in a guest-oriented manner – involve Management only when necessary, but inform Management always.
以客为主的方式处理客人的投诉 - 仅在必要时让管理层参与,但要让管理层知晓。
• Be responsible for table settings according to hotel standards and the restaurant concept.
• Prepare and check that the bar is fully equipped; make sure the appropriate mise-en-place is prepared according the business levels.
• Check that all F&B equipment is clean, polished and organized.
• Maintain all standards of food and beverage hygiene.
• Check that all waiter stations are fully equipped; make sure that appropriate mise-en-place for all operational needs at all times.
• Prepare coffee station and coffee machine in the beginning of the day; keep it tidy during the day and clean after the shift.
• Participate in cleaning activities all over the outlet.
• Assist in the daily and monthly restaurant stock inventory.
• Check that the amount and quality of all items delivered from the stores are rechecked according to the requisition list.
• Keep restaurant and surrounding areas clean and free of dirty tableware, empty bottles and etc. at all times - discard rubbish to garbage disposal area when necessary.
随时将餐厅和周边地区清洁干净,没有脏餐具、空瓶等 - 必要时将垃圾丢弃到垃圾处理区。
• Handle all OS&E and equipment carefully and responsibly to keep damage and breakage to a minimum.
• Assist colleagues in other areas outside the direct area of responsibility and work as a team to provide the best guest service.
关于酒店由雅辰酒店集团缔造的高端生活方式旗舰酒店 - 上海前滩31雅辰酒店预计于2023年第三季度启幕。 酒店由屡获殊荣的如恩设计师事务所设计,以摩登经典为整体概念,将上海特有的美感和艺术人文气质巧妙地融入酒店设计,带来独特的宾客体验。这间雅辰的旗舰酒店拥有202间宽敞的客房与套房,酒店5楼是一个独特的室内外互动空间,有特色餐厅、摩登酒吧,以及配备精良的宴会和会议场地,是举办各种高端时尚及个性化社交活动的不二之选。上海前滩31雅辰酒店位于前滩31商业文化综合体,包括乐享零售餐饮的休闲目的地 - 前滩31乐荟、甲级商务楼 - 信德中心,和与酒店相连的前滩31文化演艺中心,一个将带来世界级演出和展演新体验的艺术与活动空间,将助力上海真正成为艺术和娱乐之都。关于雅辰雅辰酒店集团成立于2013年,致力缔造新一代荟萃东西文化的精品生活方式品牌,为客人带来独特的文化臻享体验。以 “艺术、文化与情感智慧” 为经营理念。雅辰集团拥有一系列独立开发的酒店品牌,包括雅辰酒店及度假村、雅辰悦居酒店、雅辰缇酒店和雅辰尚酒店。另外,雅辰集团还经营一系列独立品牌,包括澳门鹭环海天度假酒店、卡阿纳帕利海滩酒店及种植园旅店。雅辰集团正逐步向大中华及亚洲的主要门户城市拓展。雅辰为信德集团附属公司,信德集团是一所涉足多元板块的综合企业,自1973年起在香港联合交易所上市,运用多年来在港澳管理营运酒店及旅游目的地的经验,策略性地开创 “雅辰酒店集团” 及其系列品牌酒店,致力推动文化承传和创新,以有效地掌握和捕捉中国以至亚洲旅游市场迅速增长的机遇。 www.artyzen.com加入雅辰成为雅辰人,意味着您将获得一个宝贵的机会,加入一个打破传统,创造变革性住宿体验的创新酒店品牌。我们的员工是品牌一部分,他们直接参与建立这个新的商业模式,并且不断创新和挑战行业规范。透过扁平化的组织架构,我们赋予员工权力,并为他们提供拓展工作范围、学习不同领域和直接与管理层协作的机会。在雅辰工作,创造力和企业家精神备受高度鼓励。我们敏捷、进取并协作!进取我们提倡创新思维和方法,同时,我们也尊重和坚持我们的承诺,构建及经营对环境、社会和文化各方面都可持续发展的酒店。协作我们鼓励每位员工能够突破其工作岗位的限制,不断前进并兑现我们的承诺,为客人提供充满当地文化特色的难忘体验。 敏捷我们敏捷而灵活,迎合不断发展的客户需求和期望。 充满活力、果断且自信。