Deng Xiao Pingonce proposed to YK Pao the concept of “Ningbo People, help Ningbo”. Today thedescendants of the early Ningbo immigrants (ranging from textile to shipping)returned to Ningbo in 2011 and built The Bauhinia project.邓小平曾向包玉刚提出“宁波帮,帮宁波”的概念。至今,一班身居香港的甬商,承继先辈的“宁波帮”精神,不单在香港建功立业,于2011年回乡“帮宁波”,建设《紫荆汇》项目。2011, Ningbo investmentcompany, formed by 28 shareholders of Ningbo origin in Hong Kong, built aresidential and office block. In the new Eastern Township in Ningbo, CasaBauhinia in between the two blocks of buildings. The Ningbo investment companyhas built the four stories building to house the Casa Bauhinia as a venue forcongregation for Hong Kong and Ningbo People. In May 2022, the development companybegan to design and build the hardware and software of Casa Bauhinia.2011年,甬商置业的28位香港“宁波帮“集资在宁波东部新城,建立一座办公及居住大楼,称为《紫荆汇》。《紫荆汇》的股东们,为帮宁波的建设,做出贡献,提供四层楼的《紫荆汇馆》,用以汇集所有甬港朋友们。《紫荆汇馆》在2022年由一班爱国爱乡的香港人,高效率地完成设计,并筹备运营,成为甬港交流活动的基地。Joining the“Maritime Silk Road”, developing international business highways. Establishinga platform for the exchanges in areas such as culture, business, finance andeducation by providing a link between Yangtze River & Pearl River Deltas.Gathering the best of talents, creating opportunities, connecting the SouthernSea and the Eastern Sea, and a sharing network. Providing a leisurelyenvironment, for meetings and leisure.《紫荆汇馆》参与“海上丝绸之路“,发展国际商贸之道。为长三角及珠三家的企业、文化、金融、教育合作交流设立一个平台。汇聚人才、扩大能量、创造商机,南海东海、共通航线,联网互通。提供餐饮,创造环境,闲中有忙,忙中有闲。It will offer acoffee shop, wine cellar (Western food) and Bauhinia banquet hall where HongKong style food will be served. In addition, there will be activities includingfood and wine promotions, cultural events and trade conferences.设计完善,一栋大楼设定紫荆花墙、“百家姓”雕塑,及香港大屿山景色,紫荆汇提供香港特色餐饮,为会员提供多元化交流活动及康体设施。Our Restaurant我们的餐厅1F LION ROCKCAFÉ 1楼狮子山咖啡厅It offersinternational food: Quick, light and delicious. It offers digital stations andimported coffees. Lion Rock spirit represents the "can do" hardworking spirit of Hong Kong.提供亚洲简单餐饮、智慧网络、国际品牌咖啡。“狮子山下”的精神,代表努力不懈,勤奋拼搏的精神。2F KOWLOON BAY 2楼酒龙湾It provides anambience of Chinese poetries mixed with modernity. With the LED wall and 80persons capacity, it is ideal for small talks, presentations, jazz concerts andother functions. It also provides Western delicacies.酒龙湾的环境富有诗坛酒韵,既有中国文化,又有洋酒珍藏。酒龙湾亦提供欧洲佳肴。场地内设有大银幕,可用于会议或其他活动。3F BAUHINIA HALL 3楼紫荆厅It offers abanquet venue with a capacity for 200 guests, with a wonderful view of the cityand the Yangmuqi River on the East side. The Hall is ideal for birthday andwedding banquets. The 15 private dining rooms are decorated with murals of thestunning nature of Hong Kong, which make up 75% of Hong Kong.紫荆厅可容纳200人,东面看杨木碶河,景色宜人,是婚宴及寿宴的选地。提供有香港特色的粤菜。另有15间包厢,装置香港优美天然景色,显出香港享有75%绿化。4FBAUHINIA WELLNESS CENTRE 4楼紫荆汇康体中心Sunlit 25m heated indoor pool 25米恒温泳池Gym with a view 河傍健身房Yoga room 瑜伽室